[2.1 Ghazzy - Summoner Guides] Low Budget Builds
Thank's for the build, I'm using it on rampage, I was started from shadow and I know that it's not the best choise however this is my final build, I need to do some corrections?
Thank's in advance, cheers |
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I'm in rampage atm with very limited budget and there aren't so much stuff to sale either. There are no 6 links staff besides a corrupted one. There are no +3 staves. There are some 5 links, with different kind of prices. So i'm not sure it's a right idea, but i was wondering about craft costs (might be for later, but getting the right values can't really be detrimental). Why did you choose a serpentine staff over other staves, the block chance is nice but isn't the dps increase with hatred worth getting an imperial staff or something alike? All i could find are the chances to get 5l and 6l on a 6 slots (maybe around 4ex and 30ex cost). Do you have numbers on the chances to hit +1, +2 fire? Or a link with all values? Are the chances identical on rare and magic items? I'm not sure what's best between chaosing rares or transmuting blues. Chaosing might also prevent getting the last mod from masters. When there will be 6l for sale, is it better to chaos/transmute one or try to 6l an already +X staff. Thx for any help, been playing for around a month and i'm a bit lost on the crafting part of that game. |
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" Hey! Thanks man, appreciate it. Glad you're finding my stream entertaining as well! Seeing as Senteza did a perfect explanation of your question that is far from stupid i believe we got that covered, thank you Senteza. You wouldn't believe the ammount of people still finding Minion Damage or Minion Speed actually useful. (Extremely few builds have use of those 2 gems). " Switch the Minion HP node at Lord of the Dead for the +10 intelligence above that minicircle instead. Like that, however as you stated yourself you do lose quiet a lot by starting as a shadow. On the other hand shadow is 3rd best for this build seeing as you actually get some cast speed moving in to the actual route you'd want to take. Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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" I've been here for soon to be 6 months. The confusion crafting brings is nothing in comparison to the confusion of the economy of a new league. I've recently started playing the HC temp-league Beyond with this build. My suggestion is to alch orb ilvl 55+ staffs til you hit +1/+2 and pray to god you can benchcraft + cast speed or mana regen on it. Then you 6socket and only go 5L with fusings on it til your economy is more stable. Empower gem is only worth using once it's lvld which will take some time to do, so a 5L is more than enough til you want to spam 78 maps then i would recommend higher output on the build. Regarding the choice i made with a serpentine staff is because Serpentine as well as Maelström staff both has 18% block chance which is the only stat you'd want to be looking at to optimize your weapon of choice. The actual dmg means nothing to this build, same goes with +fire or +spell dmg neither of these statistics actually benefit or event affect this build at all. Due to many reasons staffs with those statistics specially the linked ones will always have a hilariously high price tag on them. Hence why alch orbing white staffs til you hit or find one then socket and 5l that will be much more friendly to your wallet. Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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" Thank you! |
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What do you think of using the Pledge of Hands Staff spec out of CI grab EB/MOM for extra surviveability until atleast you have the currency to buy/craft a +3 staff. When dieng is not an option.
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Ok, alching seems like a good idea.
I don't get the damage part though, you are using hatred, which is supposed to scale on physical damage, isn't weapon included there? If it's not, don't you get more damage with wrath + cold spell totem? |
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" Hatred is used to boost the minion dps, not your own. You will never attack with the weapon yourself. That's why the damage on it doesn't matter In addition: I started beyond league with this build as well. All I can say till now: The beyond bosses are not made for this build. Although I have almost all minion life and resistance nodes the drop like flies. Couldn't get a +minion helm yet. Maybe this solves this problem Last edited by RammboNr5#2451 on Aug 27, 2014, 1:38:22 PM
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Use the Chober Chaba Mace to boost ur zombies HP until you get a +2 minion helmet. I managed to tank beyond demons until my SRS took them out with the Chober Chaba. If you want I will sell you one for 1chaos PM me ur ign.
Last edited by vip08#7910 on Aug 27, 2014, 1:43:00 PM
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At a present-> nothing, as usual. Beforе 1.2 patch -> farming Atziri with snapshotting with 1000EX gear. OK. But now is impossible. Your community build staff doesn't works.
I'm so curious. SRS or BoR+WoE was abble to kill Atziri at approx lvl 82. I have witch character, lvl 86. Would you be so kind to tell me (post a build, without legacy items) how to pass this map? |
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