[2.1 Ghazzy - Summoner Guides] Low Budget Builds
![]() ALL BUILDS UPDATED FOR THE AWAKENING! About myself: I'm a livestreamer who plays 99% summoners ever since i started playing Path of Exile. Mostly known for my unending dedication towards the summoner community of PoE! In my guides you will see a large variety of summoner builds ranging from extremely resilient tanky hardcore mapping builds, all the way to the highest DPS'ing summoner build in the game, capable of ending the reign of Uber Atziri in the Alluring Abyss! My inspiration towards summoners originates from from our beloved game "Diablo 2" where my main character was a Necromancer, with that love and nostalgic feeling i entered Path of Exile with one goal. To clear end game content as a summoner. This started roughly 1.5 years ago, and GGG has continued to feed my needs and kept me going. If you wish to know more about me, what I've done or is doing, feel free to pop in to my livestream: www.twitch.tv/Ghazzy! Useful links: Leveling Guide for Witch & Scion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qpbwKn-DPs For High Budget summoner builds (ADVANCED USERS ONLY) check out the second guide thread: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1085923 If you are looking to minmax your summoner gear this is the place for you: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/983676 To enjoy metal/rock music or simply have questions about summoners or anything else, check out: www.twitch.tv/Ghazzy Stay up to date with news from me via my facebook page: wwww.facebook.com/GhazzyTV =============================================================================== Welcome to the first summoner build guide compendium, in here i hope you guys will find an enjoyable build to play throughout Wraeclast! Listed below is a variety of different builds, simply navigate through the spoilers to see which build would fit you the best. =============================================================================== ![]()
Pure SRS Hybrid - Atziri Viable
Is this build for you? * Are you a summoner lover who is looking for a fast map clearing build with the possibility to down Atziri in the later stages? Then yes! * If you're looking for a low budget stable SRS build. * The build is suitable for both hardcore as well as softcore. * If you don't want to be limited with the build in terms of what you can do. Introduction: This build will allow you to do an absurd ammount of damage despite the low budget required to play it! On top of this, the build has gained a lot of defensive buffs on the 2.0 patch, making it a LOT safer to play. With the use of Zombies, Chaos Golem as well as spectres you have a vast army of decoys to provide you with the comfortable free casting time to get your raging spirits out. This makes the build very comfortable to play. The effective HP you'd be using in this build consist of focusing around Energy Shield while having your actual HP pool reserved with a small ammount. This requires you to have a positive Chaos Resistance of at least 40%+ however, you do not need any life rolls on your gear in the endgame stage, thus dropping the currency required to achieve required stats. While relying on Energy Shield as our effective HP we are reserving most of our mana pool with: Clarity, Haste and also the Generosity buffed Hatred aura. In the end game stage we are also going to reserve our life pool with the use of Blood Magic combined with Discipline. This provides an insane ammount of damage done by our raging spirits! Last but not least; We are applying the keystone Elemental Equilibrium with the use of "Spell Totem + Arc" when facing end game content such as Atziri. To provide ourselves with even better survival we don't need this extra damage bonus during mapping nor leveling. Instead we change the Arc for Summon Skeletons to provide even more decoy targets for the enemies to hit! __________________________________________________________________________ Skill-Gems & Setups: The minion related gems are displayed in order of efficiency Summon Raging Spirits: Summon Raging Spirit + Echo + Minion Damage + Melee Splash + Melee Physical + Empower (Change Melee Splash for Multistrike single target) If you decide to use a Pledge of Hands then change Echo gem for Multistrike. This makes you change the Melee Splash for Melee Physical for single target damage. * Also; Empower can in many cases be rather expensive, to keep the budget down, you can change that gem for Multistrike instead! Meat Shields: Raise Zombie + Minion Life + Fortify + Minion & Totem Resist These links goes best in a +2 to Minion Gems helmet. For Advanced Users; You can change Minion & Totem Resist for an Animate Guardian (Aura Stick with Dying Breath and Leer Cast) which i'd only suggest if you feel comfortable and the gem is in high lvls (18+) and you know what you're doing. Summon Chaos Golem This golem provides you with direct damage mitigation and is extremely resilient as it is, hence why we can put this socket anywhere in the gear. Keep in mind that if you feel that you're running low on sockets this gem is only a bonus addition to our defensive stats and can easily be removed to make room for more mandatory sockets. Auras: Haste + Discipline These auras can go in any free socket you have in your gear. Generosity + Hatred These 2 linked provides an augmentated version of Hatred, but it will no longer be applied to you as a player. We do this as we are not suppose to do any damage ourselves anyways. Blood Magic + Clarity Using Blood Magic makes the aura being reserved on our HP pool instead, I strongly recommend using Clarity on your mana pool together with Hatred til we recieve more aura reservation nodes. And never reserve anything on your HP pool till you've reached a comfortable positive Chaos Resistance (40%+) This is a rough example of how it will look when you've reached the end game aura stage: https://poe.mikelat.com/#vCY865/g-Sozb/iGhAh Spectres: Raise Spectre This gem can go in any free socket, no need to link it with anything. The spectres we're going to use exists in Act 2 Crypt level 2! (Area is located on the eastern side of town where you get the golden hand quest. Downside to this is that you have to take the waypoint to Crypt LvL 1 and run to LvL 2 to be able to summon them. They can also be found in a large variety of maps. Spectre name: "Defiler" Spells: Cursing with "Elemental Weakness" They have a tendacy of keeping distance making them survive fairly well while your zombies, skeletons and chaos golem will soak the incoming damage. Please note that for Atziri fights these spectres will die super easily and not worth resummoning for that map alone. Elemental Equilibrium: Spell Totem + Arc If you are looking for increased safety which is more comfortable during mapping as we don't really need the extra damage vs trash. You can change Arc for Summon Skeletons. Remember to make sure you dont have any other spells linked with Spell Totem as they'll be forced on a spell totem. I'd suggest making gloves or boots 2L2L and place Spell Totem and Arc/Skeletons in a 2L in there! Utility: Desecrate + Flesh Offering + Vaal Summon Skeletons + Vaal Haste + Rallying Cry This gems can all be socketed anywhere in the tree, it can be very comfortable to link Vaal Haste with Increased Duration if you have the possibility to do so. Rallying Cry is required if you have problems sustaining the mana cost of your raging spirits. Desecrate and Flesh Offering are used to create corpses on demand to then consume them for an atk/cast speed increasing buff for our armies! For Advanced Users; Vaal Summon Skeleton is mandatory to handle the trio-boss in Atziri more safely. Vaal Haste is also mandatory to clean the clone phases vs Atziri herself, you need 3 of them filled up and ready to be used as she has 3 clone phases. __________________________________________________________________________ Passive Skill-Tree: Witch Style: Leveling skill-tree, 18 points: Leveling skill-tree, 51 points: Leveling skill-tree, 88 points:
As you can see we've crossed over the Energy Shield wheel above Scion and connected between Deep Wisdom and Melding to allow us to respec out of the extra +10 intelligence nodes north of the starting area as well as the life nodes. Only do this transition if you have decent chaos resistance and feel comfortable removing those life nodes. Finished Build, Witch:
Scion Style: Leveling skill-tree, 25 points:
Leveling skill-tree, 52 points:
Leveling skill-tree, 84 points:
As you can see we've crossed over the Energy Shield wheel above Scion and connected between Deep Wisdom and Melding to allow us to respec out of the extra +10 intelligence nodes north of the starting area as well as the life nodes. Only do this transition if you have decent chaos resistance and feel comfortable removing those life nodes. Finished Build, Scion:
Here we are applying the last aura reservation nodes and helping out with more mana regen if we need it. After you've reached this stage you need to focus 100% on getting as many jewel slots as possible for optimal gearing! __________________________________________________________________________ Bandit Quest Rewards: - Normal: Kill them all (+1 Skill Point) - Cruel: Kill them all (+1 Skill Point) - Merciless: Kill them all (+1 Skill Point) Gearing and stat priorities: Make sure that you reach resistance cap on all elemental resistances (75%), and also at least 40%+ positive chaos resistance! After you've reached that it is time to look in to effective HP, in this case it will be focused around Life roll on gear till you reach the stage of mapping. Once there the prio list looks like this: 1. Energy Shield 2. 153 Dexterity (minimum) 3. 109 Strength (minimum) 4. Cast Speed Jewels: The very last thing to do with your build is to implement jewels, this list gives you a rough idea of what stats you want the most on the jewels: 1. Minion Damage 2. Reduced spell cost 3. Any type of cast speed (Staves, fire skill, cast/atk speed hybrid etc) 5. Resistances and/or Energy Shield __________________________________________________________________________ Great uniques to use for leveling and/or end-game stage: ![]() ![]() ![]() The Pledge of Hands is the Best in Slot (BiS) Staff for this build, the other items are helpful leveling items. The biggest assistance when leveling is the Minion Instability keystone allowing your Spell Totem + Skeletons to blow up which is a HUGE help vs bosses! A tip to reach the requirement of 153 dexterity is to buy yourself a VERY HIGH dexterity amulet (You can easily and cheaply find one with 50+ Dexterity!) __________________________________________________________________________ I hope this build guide will serve you well if you decide to play it! Keep in mind that I ALWAYS promote people to see any build guide they read more as a rough guideline. Path of Exile is a game, make sure you play something you enjoy playing, in a way that you enjoy playing it. What ever you chose to do, does not have to be minmaxed or the fastest, nor the safest. Also, most importantly, if you want to be a REAL summoner you must name all your permanent minions! It is crucial for minmaxed enjoyment of the class! ;) For live assistance for any build or any other questions, pop in to my stream! __________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== ![]()
X-Keystone Summoner
Is this build for you? * If you're looking for the an extremely resilient summoner build! Specially designed for hardcore plays. * You simply want to brag about the insane ammount of keystones you're using effectively. * You want a build that has a lot of options in how to play it as well as an easy way of upgrading it. * "Because" * "Swag" Introduction: This build is specially designed for survivability in hardcore leagues. As well as providing the player with a lot of different options in how to evolve the playstyle to your liking. Outside it's vast varieties it has a very high clear speed no matter what type of X-Keystone Summoner style you chose! You will be relying on spectres to do most of your DMG and chose to either have 2 curses or the addition of raging spirits to increase your damage output and clear speed. The effective HP in this build consists of Life + the keystone: Mind Over Matter together with the keystone: Eldritch Battery to take incoming damage on your Energy Shield that is covering your 100% reserved mana pool! To make sure you always have energy shield to spend for casting spells as well as taking damage we are using the keystone: Zealot's Oath! As mentioned above, we will be reserving 100% of our mana pool at the end stage of this build, the auras being used will be: Generosity + Wrath, then Haste as well as Arctic Armour with a total of 20% reduced aura reservation, this will reserve 100% of your mana pool. For the defensiveness in this build, outside your personal defence we are using Zombies, Chaos Golem and Spectres to act as meatshields! Before moving on in this guide you have to chose the amount of Keystones, below I've listed the differences: 3 Keystone Zoomancer This build will be using a staff where we implement Summon Raging Spirit, and we will be using the Spectres called: "Flame Sentinels" from the Eternal Laboratory in Act 3. They are shooting 3x Augmentated Fire Balls which we will be scaling with carefully chosen support gems. The build has a few options for the advanced summoner player to implement as well, where you can turn it in to a 4 Keystone Zoomancer! 6 Keystone Summoner This build is focusing around the use of "Stygian Revenants" as our choice of Spectres, they can be found in Act 4 Harvest area. Instead of a staff, we will be using Duo-Cursing and a 1 handed weapon + Shield, which gives us even better personal defensive stats. The Revenants are casting a very cool looking 100% lightning damage based spell that we will be minmaxing in this build. Just like the Zoomancer build, this also has a few options to implement for the more advanced users. This build also allows you to turn it in to a 6 Keystone Summoner when the budget allows it! __________________________________________________________________________ Skill-Gems & Setups: The minion related gems are displayed in order of efficiency ![]() 3 Keystone Zoomancer: Summoner Raging Spirits: Summon Raging Spirits: Summon Raging Spirit + Echo + Minion Damage + Melee Splash + Melee Physical + Empower (Change Melee Splash for Multistrike single target) If you decide to use a Pledge of Hands then change Echo gem for Multistrike. This makes you change the Melee Splash for Melee Physical for single target damage. * Also; Empower can in many cases be rather expensive, to keep the budget down, you can change that gem for Multistrike instead! Spectres: Raise Spectre + Spell Echo + Minion Damage + Greater Multiple Projectiles + Controlled Destruction + Fire Penetration You can change Greater Multiple Projectiles for Culling Strike or if you feel that their original 3x Fireballs is good enough you could use Concentrated Effect instead to increase their damage insanely, but reduce their spreading a bit. Meat Shields: Raise Zombie + Minion Life + Fortify + Minion & Totem Resist These links goes best in a +2 to Minion Gems helmet. For Advanced Users; You can change Minion & Totem Resist for an Animate Guardian (Aura Stick with Dying Breath and Leer Cast) which i'd only suggest if you feel comfortable and the gem is in high lvls (18+) and you know what you're doing. Summon Chaos Golem This golem provides you with direct damage mitigation and is extremely resilient as it is, hence why we can put this socket anywhere in the gear. Keep in mind that if you feel that you're running low on sockets this gem is only a bonus addition to our defensive stats and can easily be removed to make room for more mandatory sockets. Auras: Generosity + Anger This is used to increase the damage of both our raging spirits but mainly our Spectres. Haste + Arctic Armour Again, to increase our damage but also provide us with movement speed and cast speed. The Arctic Armour is obviously there for increased safety! Utility: Flesh Offering + Desecrate + Vaal Haste + Convocation + Vaal Summon Skeletons Put these in where ever you find room, Unset Rings can provide you with more sockets in case you are using 2 6L items (Chest and Staff) to provide you with more options. I would value Flesh Offering, Desecrate and Convocation as mandatory for this build and then have Vaal Haste over Vaal Summon Skeletons. If you can get all of them in, that would be optimal of course! __________________________________________________________________________ 3 Keystone Zoomancer Passive Skill-Tree: Scion Style: Leveling skill-tree, 21 points:
Leveling skill-tree, 49 points:
Leveling skill-tree, 84 points:
Finished Build, Scion:
Witch Style: Leveling skill-tree, 18 points: Leveling skill-tree, 52 points: Leveling skill-tree, 87 points:
Here we have connected the tree on the eastern side, allowing us to remove 2x +10 intelligence nodes north from the starting area. Finished Build, Witch:
=============================================================================== ![]() 6 Keystone Summoner: Spectres: Raise Spectre + Spell Echo + Minion Damage + Chain + Controlled Destruction + Lightning Penetration You can change Chain for Culling Strike to optimize single target damage vs bosses. These bad boys does an insane ammount of damage! Curse on Hit: Glacial Cascade + Curse on Hit + Enfeeble + Elemental Weakness When it comes to chosing what curses to use there are a large ammount of choices, I'd recommend using Elemental Weakness and Conductivity for pure damage increasing curses. Problem is that bosses can not be shocked, so I decided to use Enfeeble to keep my minions as well as myself much safer, specially with the new act 4 bosses doing as much damage as they are. I'd personally recommend using Ball Lightning instead of Glacial Cascade for applying the curses, the only problem with that is we will be forced to use another keystone called: Avatar of Fire this is to avoid apply our keystone Elemental Equilibrium with lightning damage (it would increase the enemies resistance towards lightning damage. With the use of AoF we're instead applying that with fire, that non of our minions will be doing! Meat Shields: Raise Zombie + Minion Life + Fortify + Minion & Totem Resist These links goes best in a +2 to Minion Gems helmet. For Advanced Users; You can change Minion & Totem Resist for an Animate Guardian (Aura Stick with Dying Breath and Leer Cast) which i'd only suggest if you feel comfortable and the gem is in high lvls (18+) and you know what you're doing. Summon Chaos Golem This golem provides you with direct damage mitigation and is extremely resilient as it is, hence why we can put this socket anywhere in the gear. Keep in mind that if you feel that you're running low on sockets this gem is only a bonus addition to our defensive stats and can easily be removed to make room for more mandatory sockets. Auras: Generosity + Wrath This is used to increase the damage of our Spectres insanely! Haste + Arctic Armour Again, to increase our damage but also provide us with movement speed and cast speed. The Arctic Armour is obviously there for increased safety! Utility: Flesh Offering + Desecrate + Vaal Haste + Convocation + Vaal Summon Skeletons Put these in where ever you find room, Unset Rings can provide you with more sockets in case you are using 2 6L items (Chest and Staff) to provide you with more options. I would value Flesh Offering, Desecrate and Convocation as mandatory for this build and then have Vaal Haste over Vaal Summon Skeletons. If you can get all of them in, that would be optimal of course! __________________________________________________________________________ 6 Keystone Summoner Passive Skill-Tree: Scion Style: Leveling skill-tree, 25 points: Leveling skill-tree, 51 points: Leveling skill-tree, 86 points: Finished Build, Scion:
Please note; The Keystone: Avatar of Fire is only to be used if you want the comfortability of using a lightning based spell to apply Elemental Equilibrium & Curse on Hit, instead of a cold spell. The Keystone: Necromantic Aegis, is only to be applied if you equip yourself with a Rathpith Globe this is the so called "ultimate high budget" version of this build. Which still is absurdly cheap! Witch Style: Leveling skill-tree, 18 points: Leveling skill-tree, 50 points: Leveling skill-tree, 87 points:
Note that we have now connected the tree on the eastern side, allowing us to remove 2x +10 Intelligence nodes north of the starting area! Finished Build, Witch:
Please note; The Keystone: Avatar of Fire is only to be used if you want the comfortability of using a lightning based spell to apply Elemental Equilibrium & Curse on Hit, instead of a cold spell. The Keystone: Necromantic Aegis, is only to be applied if you equip yourself with a Rathpith Globe this is the so called "ultimate high budget" version of this build. Which still is absurdly cheap! __________________________________________________________________________ Bandit Quest Rewards: - Normal: Help Oak (+40 Base life) - Cruel: Kill them all (+1 Skill Point) - Merciless: Kill them all (+1 Skill Point) Gearing & stat priorities: Make sure you reach 75% resistance in all your elemental resistances. After that you'd want to prio the stats in this order: 1) Life 2) Energy Shield 3) 153 Dexterity 4) 109 Strength 5) Chaos Resistance __________________________________________________________________________ Great uniques to use for end game and/or leveling: ![]() ![]() ![]() The biggest assistance when leveling is the Minion Instability keystone allowing your Spell Totem + Skeletons to blow up which is a HUGE help vs bosses! A tip to reach the requirement of 153 dexterity is to buy yourself a VERY HIGH dexterity amulet (You can easily and cheaply find one with 50+ Dexterity!) Please note; Bones of Ullr and Aurumvorax are both end game items for the 6 Keystone Summoner making it the absolute cheapest of the 2. __________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== I hope this build guide will serve you well if you decide to play it! Keep in mind that I ALWAYS promote people to see any build guide they read more as a rough guideline. Path of Exile is a game, make sure you play something you enjoy playing, in a way that you enjoy playing it. What ever you chose to do, does not have to be minmaxed or the fastest, nor the safest. Also, most importantly, if you want to be a REAL summoner you must name all your permanent minions! It is crucial for minmaxed enjoyment of the class! ;) For live assistance for any build or any other questions, pop in to my stream! Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv Last edited by Ghazzy#0404 on Jan 4, 2016, 4:38:11 PM Last bumped on Mar 1, 2017, 1:51:13 AM
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https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1085923/ Leveling Guide for beginners playing Scion or Witch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qpbwKn-DPs Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv Last edited by Ghazzy#0404 on Aug 16, 2015, 5:20:55 AM
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Didn't snapshot get removed?
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" It will be removed when the patch 1.2 hits us. When that happens, I will make a new Uber Atziri killable build for summoners. Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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spell echo work with minions? realy?
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" With spectres that cast spells, yes. It will also cast the raise spectre spell twice when you select them, so be careful with what corpses may be nearby, heh. |
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Nice video.
Have you considered carrying quality frost wall - inc dur in your inv for the feeding phase? You could swap it for your cast when stunned - IC. All my builds /view-thread/1430399
T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 |
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" Actually I havn't but that is an excellent suggestion, though i honestly don't feel the need to as I'm currently swapping Bone Offering for Flesh during this phase, as long as I havn't lost to much (which i shouldn't) that is enough. Really good suggestion though, I'll keep it in mind. Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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" Hence why I'm using detonate dead during this process :) Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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