1.0.0 Balance Changes

Not sure if this was asked;

Boss Runs: We're roughly doubling the rate of item drops from important bosses in Merciless difficulty. We want Vaal, Piety and Dominus runs to be a great way to stock up on rares and Unique items.

Is it only Vaal, Piety and Dominus? What about Merveil?
"I accept Nujabes as my Savior."
charmolipi wrote:
CookieVortex wrote:
Just make 2 versions of every aura. One with lower mana reservation, but with 1 radius, so it would only work on you. And second version for party playing with huge aoe and higher reservation, so some organized clan parties will be happy too.

Just GGG please don't screw solo players, it's much harder to play solo than in party already.

this. self-buffs with minimal cost would work on an individual and help solo players, while auras should have greater cost but help the whole party.


As a solo player 90% of the time I don't like the announced changes to auras

But I like the buff of 2H weapons
I spend 40 fusings 4-linking gloves yesterday, and got 3l at the end of my orbs xD
Love all the changes. Not sure how I feel about the "make the quest rewards better" part of it. I guess I don't understand what is meant by that.

Are you saying that you're going to "buff" them, so that they can roll better?

Because right now, the gambling you undergo to get items is killing my enjoyment of the game. more than anything else.

Nothing like spending a ton of time / currency to get the sockets
and a ton of time / currency to get the links
and a ton of time /currency to get it chromed
to roll it, and get

Block and Stun Recovery
Light Radius

Yes. That's why I just invested an Exalt + worth of currency on this item. Because I wanted to see those three mods on my piece of gear. Nothing makes me log and quit my game session more than that.
Will my 2H sword duelist finally be end game viable because of 2H weapon buff :D
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
*Applause* *Applause* *Applause* *Applause* *Applause* *Applause*

Nicely done.
Path of casual has began
The 4-Link chance improvement is most welcome because it was the single most frustrating part of the game.

Also agree with the below...

sidtherat wrote:

Chris - all your new passives are fun et al but unless you somehow remove the 'path of life' aspect, where life-based builds HAVE to use like 70-80 points just to achieve mediocre survivability noone will use these new passives because survivability always comes first and fluffy stuff second. for a 75-80lv char this leaves like 15-20 points for all: dmg, auras, buffs, resists, armor, ms and now aura passives... entire 'fun' and 'diversity' of POE is reduced to these 15-20 nodes. could you just please fix life builds before 'fixing' something that wasnt perfect but was at least liveable with (auras)

roetetoet wrote:
Path of casual has began

Yes, it had begun a long time ago actually. But specifically, these 2 changes have made it super easy.

It's approximately 233% easier to obtain four linked sockets.
It's approximately 25% easier to obtain five linked sockets.

Getting a 4 link was already so easy, I do not approve of this change. Dumbing down the game for the casual crybabies man, they said they would not do this, so many times. I guess they need more players? This game was designed for the hardcore gamer and they've done nothing but cater towards casuals since OB began.

But with that said... every other change is fucking awesome. I can't wait for the 23rd, I love 2 hand swords so I'm all about this patch. Can't wait to play again.

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