0.9.12 Information and Incomplete Patch Notes (Updated)

Any info on when the patch will be deployed? Can't wait for it :D
sir_k wrote:
Any info on when the patch will be deployed? Can't wait for it :D

Chris wrote:

We do not think it will be ready before the weekend. This pushes the deployment date to early Tuesday, NZ time (so that we have time on Monday to fix any problems that are found on the weekend of testing).

Axebane wrote:
About 2 days ago I was playing PoE and I thought "Man, I really wish it didn't always display all the sockets when I have it toggled to always show item names on the ground"

So many awesome things coming in the patch, but it's really cool to see this socket display change too.

As for people freaking out about the socket display change... you do know that it only affects you if you were someone who had the game toggled to always display item names on the ground, right? I see someone mentioned it would be bad for new players but the default is NOT to always display item names on the ground, so most new players wont even know the difference.

What are you talking about? This is only going to be for inventory.

And I would not want it to be for ground items with item names always on. I turn on items names so I can see items all the time and I can pick up quality ones or 3 color linked ones. I don't want to hold another key all the time to inspect items.

Where did he posted that message? I can't find it in his latest posts :(
Axebane wrote:

As for people freaking out about the socket display change... you do know that it only affects you if you were someone who had the game toggled to always display item names on the ground, right? I see someone mentioned it would be bad for new players but the default is NOT to always display item names on the ground, so most new players wont even know the difference.

They should simply make it optional. That way everybody gets what they like best.

Some people play more to "powergame" (choosing a possibly unpopular term here). They do not care too much about aesthetics, but more about toying around with mechanics, making builds and such. For their understanding of fun usability and saving time are integral factors. Why make the UI worse for this kind of gamer?

GetsugaDante wrote:
So... from what ive understood R.I.P Necro Witch:/

I do not see why you come to this conclusion. Most summoners I play with look forward to this patch. It seems it makes more specialization and a better plan necessary for a summoner. As someone else pointed out, right now you simply make some Int based caster and pop skellies on top of it all the time.

For the first time now spectres might be actually worth something when I can recruit them in a certain area and bring them with me. Vaal constructs or similar ideas ftw ;)

The "nerf" of armies being a little smaller is just necessary to make summons less overpowered, because right now they let you play the game in no brain mode while it should be a challenge even when you have a small army to protect you. In exchange for the size you get more reliable minions to crush your foes ;)
Last edited by Burgingham#3085 on Sep 7, 2012, 10:53:59 AM
Axebane wrote:
GetsugaDante wrote:
So... from what ive understood R.I.P Necro Witch:/ oh well time to find another build, its rly sad bcoz this is the first game where i really felt powerful as a summoner hero with that little army around me, teleporting them with you is not enough to make up for such nerf... i see that some ppl say that there will be fewer but stronger minions where did you read that coz other then more hp to skeletons and faster spectres(O_O all two of them :O) i see only nerfs and if there wont be any rly good and big bonuses for them is skill tree this build will be a fail...

What the heck are you talking about?? Chris said that minions are now "devastating" and that he watched a player kill merciless Vaal Oversoul very quickly without taking a single hit by using minions.

Maybe you should wait till the patch actually comes out and then do some beta testing of it before you decide that minions are useless?

I can say that ive seen Yetis playing basketball in my backyard, you will believe that too right? but i said that from what ive read and here i see only nerfes and thats what bugs me.

As for what Burgingaham sayd, i don't see that overpowerness in game but if the point of this patch is to prevent random classes from effectively using minions why wont they simply put part of their base power that you get from leveling them into skill tree? then characters that want to use them will have to put point in it not just grab gem and use that meat shield whinout investing anything in it.

Oh and that "little smaler" means like 14 minions less....
Last edited by GetsugaDante#3111 on Sep 7, 2012, 11:08:12 AM
There were other problems with the big armies which make them undesirable. Totem skeleton spam being one factor. The size of armies pissing off all your party members possibly another one since it is very confusing to say the least.

I mean I am pretty sure you will still be able to make a powerful and rewarding summoner build with this. As I said you get a lot more reliability in your army and stuff like spectres only now fully bloom.

Takes a bit more strategic thinking than the mindless spam before, but I guess that is a good thing too, isn't it?

Edit: And trust me, this overpowered behavior was there. You can see on some other comments that many players are familiar with every Int char relying on skellies way too much.
Last edited by Burgingham#3085 on Sep 7, 2012, 11:07:52 AM
Torin wrote:
Axebane wrote:
About 2 days ago I was playing PoE and I thought "Man, I really wish it didn't always display all the sockets when I have it toggled to always show item names on the ground"

So many awesome things coming in the patch, but it's really cool to see this socket display change too.

As for people freaking out about the socket display change... you do know that it only affects you if you were someone who had the game toggled to always display item names on the ground, right? I see someone mentioned it would be bad for new players but the default is NOT to always display item names on the ground, so most new players wont even know the difference.

What are you talking about? This is only going to be for inventory.

And I would not want it to be for ground items with item names always on. I turn on items names so I can see items all the time and I can pick up quality ones or 3 color linked ones. I don't want to hold another key all the time to inspect items.

Re-read the patch notes. The way the game currently works: If you have the game toggled to always display item names on the ground, then the game will also always display sockets in inventory.

The patch will change it so that if you have the game set to always display item names on the ground, then sockets in the inventory wont show unless you press a key, instead of always showing sockets in the inventory.
Minion are way too strong actually, that's obvious.

Now what i'm scare of is that how shadow melee will be viable without them. Cause of course totem skellys was gimmicky and OP but i don't see how you'll bring a shadow to the end game without it ( i'm talking about a melee shadow, non caster...Well it's not only minion i guess, desync issue making WB and FS useless is also a problem, and LS is not a solution imo, a cleave like skill for dagger is needed or a fix to desync... ). We'll see, there still a lot to do and i trust GGG on this.

As for summonner, i just hope we can still make some mix build. I hate pure summoner build i find it very boring to play, but i love using them as tank and spaming DPS spells. We'll see how everything goes, i just can't wait for that patch ! At least let us see that new skill tree ! :D
GetsugaDante wrote:
i see only nerfes

This seems like a selective vision issue.
There are doctors out there for that, you know.

Chris wrote:

- Minions now always teleport to you when you get too far away from them.
- Improved minion AI. They'll now attack monsters in a radius around the player, or around the player's current action location if applicable. Minions that do not follow players (such as skeletons) find targets around themselves rather than around their parent.

PoE minions have always been like d3 charger zombies. You summon them and they make a beeline away from you as quickly as possible.

So now they receive the most substantial buff imaginable. To compensate for this it's now more difficult to keep a massive summon count. Describe this a "only nerfs".

Does not follow. The nerf doesn't even halfway compensate for the buff.

Chris wrote:
Please do not complain about specific nerfs until you've had a chance to test them for yourself.

Only makes pointless drama from speculation.
I don't have alpha access, that was a LONG time ago.
Last edited by Zakaluka#1191 on Sep 7, 2012, 11:46:35 AM

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