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gilrad wrote:
NagiSoi wrote:
With gpm freeze pulser you have to be in melee range to achieve that while with coldsnap you can use it from far far away it doesnt have range so you play way safer plus cold snap has mega huge freeze chance and duration. Id take coldsnap with that ring anyday over freezepulse, the cc alone makes it very powerfull for solo play, in parties on the other hand it doesnt last that long.

I don't believe status effects scale with the HP bonus monsters get from partying. I know it doesn't with stun.

You could probably get some pretty sick damage with a link like
Cold Snap
Cold Pen
Added Cold
Faster Casting
Conc. Effect

On a +3 to gems staff. Probably enough to freeze-lock rares, might even be enough to freeze bosses.

I think you are correct regarding party scaling. To my knowledge the HP bonus isn't used for calculating freeze duration.

Regarding freezing bosses: The 30% inherent freeze duration is awesome, and combined with the 30% from the passive tree, the 10% freeze duration from Cold Snap's quality, and Temporal Chains' 50% slower expiration, I think it might just be possible. If Temporal Chains' effective doubling of debuff duration is used in determining the length of the freeze, then you would only need to deal damage equaling ~0.88% of a monster's health in order to reach the 300 ms threshold.

You would, granted you deal enough damage, be able to freeze for about 11 seconds with one cast. Probably wouldn't happen on rare mobs though.

I honestly have no idea about how much health map bosses have, so I would be thrilled if someone could enlighten me on that subject.
Last edited by Khargan#0624 on Jan 10, 2014, 12:40:57 PM
TC reduces the expiration rate (it takes 2 seconds for the duration to go down by 1); it does not double the duration. Won't help with applying the initial Freeze. :)
No one truly knows the falloff formula for FPs proximity damage, but in my experience, it is VERY steep. Even if the mob is barely further from pointblank range, the damage feels like it is significantly hampered..

And most times, FP'rs will shoot from half of screen away to hit targets, cuz of laziness/etc. So really, is it really better? I doubt it. Another thing to also remember, is that while CS may have a high base Freeze chance, so does FP. FP has a hidden Freeze chance, that is higher the closer the target is, similar to the damage.
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
CoC Cold Snap+Fp Domination Witch here, if someone want check how it works - pm me
Khargan wrote:

I think you are correct regarding party scaling. To my knowledge the HP bonus isn't used for calculating freeze duration.

Regarding freezing bosses: The 30% inherent freeze duration is awesome, and combined with the 30% from the passive tree, the 10% freeze duration from Cold Snap's quality, and Temporal Chains' 50% slower expiration, I think it might just be possible. If Temporal Chains' effective doubling of debuff duration is used in determining the length of the freeze, then you would only need to deal damage equaling ~0.88% of a monster's health in order to reach the 300 ms threshold.

You would, granted you deal enough damage, be able to freeze for about 11 seconds with one cast. Probably wouldn't happen on rare mobs though.

I honestly have no idea about how much health map bosses have, so I would be thrilled if someone could enlighten me on that subject.

I dont think you will have much luck freezing map bosses, did the math and it does alot less freeze dmg compared to freeze mine. Not sure if you could even freeze map bosses with the old freeze mine without useing minions and ele pro.

lvl 20 gem + lvl 20 added cold (did include the freeze duration from skill)

Cold snap: 625 dmg
New Freeze mine: 1550 dmg
Old freeze mine did about 3000 dmg

So freeze mine is alot better for that and also got 100% chance to freeze.

Cold snap ofcause does more real so you can kill with it but dont think it will freeze bosses but maybe rares.
IGN: eLdiLdoRadO
Last edited by takeme#3386 on Jan 10, 2014, 7:07:42 PM
To be fair, I don't think people have been 6-linking Freeze Mine on +3 to cold gem items.

That's one advantage Cold Snap being a main skill has over freeze mine being a utility/CC only skill: you can dedicate more resources to making it stronger.
IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo
Everyone's arguing about Cold Snap vs. Frrezing Pulse and I'm just here theorycrafting Moonsorrow wanders.

Too bad this ring's gonna be out of my price range til I drop a Soul Taker or a Shav's or something.
BreakingHearts/RhoaHood/BackAndVeryLate (Standard) | HushtailSweep/HushtailWeeps (Ancestor)
Kullevi wrote:
Tried to solo jungle valley boss on Nemesis. Almost ripped.

Then tried again with these:

Fight went from suicide to easy =D

gz tip: items get chaos res too
Not only does Freezing Pulse do Significantly reduced damage (and freeze) at any range that isn't point blank, but it's not like LMP or GMP increases the damage 2-fold to all targets. It may increase the damage 2-fold to a few targets, but not all the targets. Many targets may only take 50%-140% damage.

The key for Cold Snap would be to take a load of increased AoE passives in order to ensure concentrated effect is effective while still benefiting from a good AoE. Nothing wrong with using an IAoE gem either — be it in addition or instead of the passives. (IAoE is almost certainly better than a level 3 empower since that would only offer 15% more damage, vs a very-useful 43% IAoE.)

The build wouldn't really require Resolute Technique since Cold Snap's CSC is only 4% and with 3 power charges that's still only 10% chance, so after the many casts it would take to get someone to get to zero Power Charges, it's likely the Cold Snap would not be on cool down (depending on cast speeds). It could happen occasionally particularly with a high enough cast speed, but it's almost certainly not worth "wasting" many points just to get RT.

Taryn's shiver would be better than a +3 staff because the 20% more cold damage to frozen targets is just excellent, and the targets will be frozen for the majority of all casts. Not to mention it's probably nearly impossible to get stats (total damage and cast speed) around the level of a Taryn's on a +3 rare staff.
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Last edited by Xapti#6455 on Jan 12, 2014, 2:08:23 PM
SilentOppressor wrote:
Everyone's arguing about Cold Snap vs. Frrezing Pulse and I'm just here theorycrafting Moonsorrow wanders.


My favorite wand. <3

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