{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]

Galax201 wrote:
This is how i perceive cwdt + enduring cry + q20 immortal call + increased duration.
Please correct me if i'm wrong.

There is a lot of text so i will put it inside a spoiler
Increased duration: l20q20 74% id.
Immortal call q20: Additional +0.2 seconds Base Duration per Endurance Charge

A low level IM (with the above links ) will give you around 0.74s / charge + base duration 0.25.
0 charge 0.435 sec
1 charge 1.7s sec
2 charges 2.94 sec
3 charges 4.199 sec

Each gem have their own cooldown:
-Enduring cry 4sec
-Immortal call 0.25 sec

Cast time:
-Immortal call 0.85 sec
-Enduring cry 0.5 sec

You can trigger immortal call with 0 charges for 0,43 sec
while you are waiting for enduring cry.

So it should work like this:

Damage -> enduring cry cast time 0.5 sec -> x charges -> cooldown 4 sec -> new cycle
Damage -> immortal call cast time 0.85 sec -> invulnerable from 0.435s up to 4.2 sec ->
new damage will trigger it with 0 charges (0.85 sec vulnerable to damage -> invulnerable for 0.435 sec) -> repeat until you get charges.

The physical invulnerability is longer of the cooldown.So i ignored it.

Basically 1 charge scenario (cast + cooldown on EC) under heavy fire :)

0.85 sec vulnerability -> 1.7 sec 100% phy reduction (cooldown expire) -> 0.85s vulnerable -> 0.43 sec 100% phy reduction -> cast time 0.85s when EC charges should kick in

2.13 sec immune inside a 4.68 sec interval.

If you can generate 2 charges with EC:

0.85 sec vulnerability -> 2.94 sec 100% phy reduction -> 0.85s vulnerable while casting and the new EC charge should be in place before IM finish casting

2.94 sec immunity in 4.63 sec cycle

You can trigger this scenario with 1 mob + unique flask (Doedre's Elixir if remember correctly).

The next step to improve this would be:
-add faster casting
-use 2 links (cwdt + enduring cry, cwdt + immortal call + faster casting/enduring cry) and tweak the numbers

Speculation : cast immortal call + faster casting + increased duration manually if you can make it last longer then the cast time ? :)

1 charge 2.13 sec immune inside a 4.68 sec interval (43% up)
2 charge 2.94 sec immunity in 4.63 sec cycle (64% up)

This is based on my knowledge i'm not sure it it 100% accurate.
Feel free to correct me or :) post an improved version.

Best regards.

all cwdt procs actually have 0 cast time. so theoretical 2 charge uptime is actually closer to 74%

uptime just isn't the same thing as mitigation. 74% uptime is only 74% mitigation if you're facetanking everything all the time and getting hit constantly...which summoners generally aren't doing. we've got zombies to do that for us (unless you're playing one of my idiotic facetank summoner builds)

RicardoMaceil wrote:
lk_77lk wrote:
About chieftains: not better to get them in tropical island (lv 66 to 67 chieftains) ?
Sorry too tired but BM (if not minions. .if not bloodmagic...what support is it ?

About immortal call, why not coupling with lets say
Discharge + life leeche?
You use doedre elixir one of the cheapest unique flask:
You get one charge of each type per use.
You could also spam the 5 of them and get all full charges so maybe a 5 sec of Im+ a free Emergency LL and at minus 12% more armor

life flask woud provide better regen than the Dish + LL imo.

this...especially after the ll nerf. unsupported 3 charge discharge just doesn't hit that hard. it would've been an ok option before, but seethings are still more reliable and faster. with the witch flask nodes a single seething is a 1.5k+ hp instant burst heal
Animate Guardian is fun, I am NA...and I like to use rathpith most times these days. If I give my animate guardian a rathpith does he get both bonuses? I wonder...makes my head hurt.
lk_77lk wrote:
About chieftains: not better to get them in tropical island (lv 66 to 67 chieftains) ?
Sorry too tired but BM (if not minions. .if not bloodmagic...what support is it ?

they spawn in Tropical Islands? havent done 66s in forever lol

BM is blood magic. It used to make them spam the Frenzy spell, not sure if it's needed anymore though.
Now my look will finally be complete (once I get a 6L Cloak of Defiance, that is) :


Tested it with the Halloween decapitation helm MXT and it looks awesome.
GoatEatingToilet wrote:
Now my look will finally be complete (once I get a 6L Cloak of Defiance, that is) :


Tested it with the Halloween decapitation helm MXT and it looks awesome.

a screen to show how it look :) ?

---> yeah better support for low life, for life build i think its better to take a life flask :) Unless you have 5 Frenzy charge capacity and wear blooddance ;)(am building a dualist as a guardian build, i think it will near 1.5 to 2.5 k hp regen ;)
You ARE my Bitch of burden!
"Stay Alive exile! Or you'll be the next zombie someone raises off the beach." - Altnaharra
" Be Excellent To Each Other" -MikeP_GGG
"If you die to yourself are you still the victor? " - BEX_GGG
I'm glad I decided to play with AG and AW...I was looking for some cool boots to mess around with them in.

Then I realized...ohhhhh why not just boot snap me some 25's.
lk_77lk wrote:
a screen to show how it look :) ?

I shall grab one tonight when I get home. Things used to be so much better at work before they blocked my ability to connect to PoE from here :p
During Sacrifice of Vaal you should sacrifice work ;)
You ARE my Bitch of burden!
"Stay Alive exile! Or you'll be the next zombie someone raises off the beach." - Altnaharra
" Be Excellent To Each Other" -MikeP_GGG
"If you die to yourself are you still the victor? " - BEX_GGG
Have any of you seen this before?
If you look at the picture, one of my zombies (bottom right) has a funny fire arm!

jtylee wrote:
Have any of you seen this before?
If you look at the picture, one of my zombies (bottom right) has a funny fire arm!

all the time. explosive arrows stuck to zombies don't disappear for a really long time

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