{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]

RXXQ wrote:
Has anyone considered/tried something like running 5 Sentinels (Node, Bones of Ullr, Vis Mortis and Midnight Bargain) and just watch them wreck the world from afar and use Zombies just as a wall?

been done before, looked awful. es based and no leech is terrible survivability

the streamer who ran that setup has ragequit the game since. ragequitted so hard, that he deleted his guide with him when he left
Hi, and thanks for your build :)

Quick question : what is your favorite, 6L zombies/5L spectres or 6L spectres/5L zombies ? (I have all your snapshot stuff)

Thanks !

Edit : nvm, found my answer in QA part ^^
Last edited by Ninjared#4266 on Apr 11, 2014, 9:53:30 AM

Yeah Considering something like this, with either Lorica and 2 Midnight Bargains or 1 Midnight and Vis Mortis.

Also I start as a Shadow because I wanted a male summoner :P I'm gonna try with just 3 sentinels right now and see how it goes.

Pulling a shadow low life/melee summoner with dominating blow would be very hard without a soultaker (you lose 2 midnights)

Ironic and i am ashamed to write this :) so i will hide it inside the spoiler The Vertex
Oh well :)

minion stats: http://goo.gl/gQxs0w
Modifiers: http://goo.gl/jGIr8b
Zombie dps calculator: http://goo.gl/XIStJV
Last edited by Galax201#1110 on Apr 11, 2014, 7:42:54 AM
Well, shit.

I guess Zombies with Mon'Tregul and Chober Chaber with 2 Evangelists are about the best choice we have, huh?
RXXQ wrote:
Well, shit.

I guess Zombies with Mon'Tregul and Chober Chaber with 2 Evangelists are about the best choice we have, huh?

Sadly so. As min maxing goes, nothing is better. Just like before nothing was better than BMs. But there is always the personal preference - even when BMs ruled wraeclast some didn't use them, so no one is stopping you from using sentinels or arc mages (all are viable enough).

It is a shame though that melee spectres are crap.
Allnamestaken wrote:
RXXQ wrote:
Well, shit.

I guess Zombies with Mon'Tregul and Chober Chaber with 2 Evangelists are about the best choice we have, huh?

Sadly so. As min maxing goes, nothing is better. Just like before nothing was better than BMs. But there is always the personal preference - even when BMs ruled wraeclast some didn't use them, so no one is stopping you from using sentinels or arc mages (all are viable enough).

It is a shame though that melee spectres are crap.

I don't know about that. Haven't tried them yet but the huge vaal colossus fallen that i saw last time in maze lvl 74 map..

Looks like they would do great damage with the right support gems.

Also the alchemists with their fire bombs. Anyone know where to get them the easiest?
Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Apr 11, 2014, 11:01:00 AM
RXXQ wrote:
Well, shit.

I guess Zombies with Mon'Tregul and Chober Chaber with 2 Evangelists are about the best choice we have, huh?

depending on the situation the flame sentinels work pretty darn well. i'm using a +2 helm, so only 4L, and I give them faster casting and curse with elemental weakness and the mobs melt.

for farming Dom evangelist all the way, mostly because my friend runs RF with EE and the sentinels would bork that :-)
i am hoping the new skill is more than just a "call" but remains being a teleport. A call of any kind will sustain the current pathing problems. I am worried it will be some kind of pathing "call" on a large cooldown, which would suck .
poppawheelie wrote:
i am hoping the new skill is more than just a "call" but remains being a teleport. A call of any kind will sustain the current pathing problems. I am worried it will be some kind of pathing "call" on a large cooldown, which would suck .

inb4 it's a 96 soul vaal gem
You don't have to limit your self to evangelist.

- Flame sentinels,
- Titty-bitches,
- high map level arc mages are all viable.
- Even chaos/fire alchemist(squishy but do a lot of dmg).
- Those giant squids that shoot tidal waves out + GMP is pretty good too.
- Fire dogs with gmp
- prob a few others am forgetting

The reason I stick to evangelist is because its not a projectile, Damage comes from under the mobs which counters wall blocking. Its also a physical spell so that means it has 100% accuracy with a damage type that mobs are weak to (at most mobs have 930 armor according to wiki). Oh yeah and the bubble =).
Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940
Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon

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