{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]

trying out blackguard arcmages

Raise Spectre - Faster Casting - Quality Added Lightning - Quality Ele Prolif - Increased Duration for the Lightning thorns
merp merp
Last edited by Navac#7643 on Apr 7, 2014, 4:02:13 PM
I'm more gutted that this makes summoners passive and boring again. planning ahead with smoke mines and repositioning minions to manipulate their retarded ai felt cerebral and tactical. now we're back to the dark ages of cast curse/buff then afk while minions do whatever and just come back every 10 seconds to rebuff

I was really enjoying my summoner this league, a lot more than my previous much more op BM ones...which basically needed as many hotkeys as the automated discharger. a lot of that came down to smoke mine, to dodge, disable, reposition, chase, bodyblock, etc. I would've rather have had more severe quantitative nerfs than completely removing the majority of their gameplay, and reducing them to yet another gear/level check class requiring little to no player input or skill
Navac wrote:
trying out blackguard arcmages

Raise Spectre - Faster Casting - Quality Added Lightning - Quality Ele Prolif - Increased Duration for the Lightning thorns

I just got done testing Arc mages. Fairly powerful if u grab a map version one. The level 64 version from barracks is too low leveled for mapping purposes.

Arc mage + Faster Casting + Remote mine + Light Pen + Ele Pro + either a added dmg like added chaos or blind for more utility.
Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940
Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon
mattc3303 wrote:
Navac wrote:
trying out blackguard arcmages

Raise Spectre - Faster Casting - Quality Added Lightning - Quality Ele Prolif - Increased Duration for the Lightning thorns

I just got done testing Arc mages. Fairly powerful if u grab a map version one. The level 64 version from barracks is too low leveled for mapping purposes.

Arc mage + Faster Casting + Remote mine + Light Pen + Ele Pro + either a added dmg like added chaos or blind for more utility.

I used the ones from Cells, they also tend to stay far back out of melee range which is nice
merp merp
Last edited by Navac#7643 on Apr 7, 2014, 4:33:56 PM
grepman wrote:
guys, guys. sky isnt falling. Matt wrote this guide way before smoke mine and evangelists happened.
we'll get through it

on a bright side, arc just went from decent complementary skill to pretty powerful. I get 1k dps from it with just fast casting and barely any spell damage from gear and none from tree.

fast cast+ prolif + arc + blind (defensive) or light pen/add light damage (shock chance is great on quality added light damage+ if you have spell damage % mods, light pen for other cases)
grab static blows for moar shock

personally blind is a great option to protect minions and yourself, coupled with some evasion from grace = underrated as hell

arc was fantastic when i was leveling. keeping shock stacks on things really accelerated the minion kill speed. of course it became worthless for damage, but it makes a good "targeting" spell. I liked it so much i got this :

glad I kept it :-)

arc/LW/lightning pen should work nicely. now where am i going to put enfeeble ?

not enough sockets...

GoatEatingToilet wrote:
I'm probably one of the few summoner fans who absolutely hates that snapshotting exists. I keep hoping that it will be fixed someday and minions will be buffed in a way that benefits every summoner build without gear swapping mechanics to compensate. And, sadly, I agree with you that, as it is now, without snapshotting the summoner build just pales in comparison to most out there and is not truly capable of handling end game material unless you want to die constantly while trying.

There are a few out there who claim the have insane summoner builds that do not reply on snapshotting, but by the same standards they keep those builds to themselves (as I imagine they fear crippling nerfs if they become popular).

I'm in complete agreement with you there. I also hate snapshotting because it too takes away from the summoner experience, as losing minions and resummoning should be a part of the experience. But, like we both wrote, with the existing situation the summoner is not viable without snapshotting, and even with it our minions aren't invincible by any stretch, meaning that snapshotting isn't a cookie-cutting solution as if we can just change our underwear, summon and kill everything at any level. That in itself shows just how as a summoner I HAVE TO resort to these gamey tactics if I ever want to play this class at an end-game level. I don't want to shoot Arc or other hitting spells to beat bosses, bur rather throw buffs/debuffs etc; and I want my minions to do the job tank-damage-wise, hence the class Summoner.
IGN: Bootfish, Bootcharge, Krux ☆ PoE YouTube Channel: http://tinyurl.com/bootfish
2.0 Uber Atziri Video guide for "Mjolner Armor Life MoM/EB": http://tinyurl.com/malmomeb
2.0 Videos: 82 Core ☆ Uber Atziri: http://tinyurl.com/bootfish
Build guide thread: http://tinyurl.com/liferainbownuke
Last edited by Krux#5388 on Apr 7, 2014, 4:51:18 PM
GoatEatingToilet wrote:

There are a few out there who claim the have insane summoner builds that do not reply on snapshotting, but by the same standards they keep those builds to themselves (as I imagine they fear crippling nerfs if they become popular).

I don't. you can have my build designed to fight with or without snapshotting (minion snapshotting...anwyays). no minion repositioning means I'm never rolling another summoner again. cuz fuck their (lack of) pathfinding. rathik's guide should already give you an idea on what to do with zombies and spectres. the last piece of the puzzle is dps skels, and hot swappable gem setups

+2 BBRR minion hat, skel - melee damage - multi strike - faster casting. when snapshotted zombies inevitably wipe, swap fast cast for zombie. will still need to resnapshot afterwards, but zombies shouldn't wipe with or without smoke mine except on hard bosses, where single target damage is all you need. then just dump skels on top of the boss. if for some reason your zombies wipe before the boss, mine - melee/multi - splash - zombie

tree is reoptimized from donaldf's, dual perm curse. designed for fighting through extreme circumstances, like atziri and modded rip bosses like temple piety, dom, vaal, shock and horror. carry 2 doedres for perm quad curse if needed. priority order is enf, vuln, chains, warlord. maintaining skels is #1 priority, zombies/spectres are only there to speed clear until said rip boss. basically just chuck dps bodies at them like dirt


standard snapshot setup for map clear. has never done atziri cuz fragments are bullshit, but has solo'ed 6 man hp resi dom with level 17 gems at the time after some retard overwrote my curses with flammability after which he more or less immediately wiped the whole party and 5 zombies instantly. the other 3 didn't last much longer

current gear

you can stop snapshotting once you get a 6l chest (5l isn't worth using over +2 hat). standard gems. spectres sucked ever since BM nerf anyways, drop them entirely if you have to. evas were nice utility, but their dps and clear speed was never up to snuff, and without repositioning, their utility is only usable for yourself...and I personally don't even use it for that. this build is so stupidly tanky I just run up and facetank for my zombies and chill everything with AA and blind everything with smoke mine anyways. sentinels require too much -res babysitting to do real damage. just FO the zombies and let them eat everything. you're not gonna have time for any EE nonsense

other things to note...put curses on weapon/shield for more hotkey slots (I haven't yet, that +2 minion hat is fresh bought and hasn't seen combat yet)

conversion trap on weapon switch to abuse conversion trap snapshotting (converted creatures persist even after gem is no longer active, even though the trap will disappear). use it to jack haste totems, CB rares, phys reflect in phys reflect maps, and whatever else your minions are scared of. jack all those bullshit storm herald and regen and haste rares in weaver, and turn one of the hardest boss fights in the game into a complete faceroll

you can "snapshot" hotkeys. it's a bit finicky and I can't really explain it that well, but with my setup, for example. I have FO bound to W, then I remove it, put BO in its place, and set that to W. replace BO with FO, and place BO somewhere else (my weapon, in this case). now, when I need to switch BO into the inc dur link for something like a phys reflect map...I just pick up BO and replace FO with it, and the hotkeys are automatically set correctly. useful if you ever need an emergency swap to BO from FO and can't afford the hotkey. will need to mind the order you reequip your regular gear after minion snapshotting for hotkeys to fall correctly back into place, otherwise snapshotted skills like BO will replace the first available hotkey slot rather than the one you snapshotted it to, and bump over all your other hotkeys and it's a huge headache

raging skulls. they're worthless, don't use them

body block bosses yourself, both to apply AA chill and to keep them from escaping your zombie multistrikes. zombies don't have +melee range, so bosses that like to run away can render much of their dps ineffective if you don't

travel with teleport in half/no regen. bring sanc mana flask for no regen

this build has room for 1 more 40% aura. add purity of x to counter whatever boss you're fighting. snapshot your reduced mana. a RW/WW link anywhere makes this very easy and convenient
Ok dont want to start a fight... but ghe trend look like playing summoner nowadays is more and more like playing raging spirit spam.
Diversity is dying.
With this nerf i should be happy i just fixed some gems headach:
I have now 5 free slots: 1 green..1 red (animate guardian) 3 blues (minion life and dmg)

Why promote diversity?
Animated guardian. .almost all build were castrated (conc effect etc..)
Each time you get a creative non orthodox build to be viable or semi viable it got destroyed.

At first (cause i jumped in the train at the domination stop) i really enjoyed the diversity and the way that item got "legacyfied"
But the trend and policies look like "lets make everything the same, railroading the player is a priority"

You should be free to enjoy diversity and creativity (using various spectres or skill or minions play style) instead you get slqmed in the face and maybe every 4 month some things would be upped a bit.

Im very very fed i really really liked BM (not the uber cod) where you could play the summoner glass cannon. Then the only decent replacement was eva and their lovely atfield.. but nerfing that i can support... but still in the longway im getting annoyed and frustrated by such a boredom:

Why theocraft or share build idea everything that synergize well or is of the railroad would be soon obliterated. Instead everytime i find something fun, i dont rejoyce or share i just fear it would be broken soon:

Animate guardian:
Ai has been retuned now without smoke mine... juste use the biggest 3 res life acc atk item you get and thats all..no more creativity line Zahndets or lightbane....and the list could go on.

Why sports many aura if the minions are meant to be resummoned? Why snapshot with different gear or support in order to have a multicultural army?

You shouldn't move away from the railroad..in a few nexts patch, minions nodes will be increased but gameplay and diversity will be close to boredom.

[My little wall of rants]

Anyway fellows summoner my poe experience was fun i supported a bit the game (150 now useless tabs) and im moving to gemcraft :o

Will see in a few patch if railroading is getting harder or if they change trend.but for me the nerf policies are too much..seing people not enjoying new finds but instead whynning and asking for nerf is getting me sick. After all we were all exiled fighting against the same harsh environnement. ..instead of rejoycing to have a powerful allies people cry and trow diversity in the dump bin.
You ARE my Bitch of burden!
"Stay Alive exile! Or you'll be the next zombie someone raises off the beach." - Altnaharra
" Be Excellent To Each Other" -MikeP_GGG
"If you die to yourself are you still the victor? " - BEX_GGG
IGN: Bootfish, Bootcharge, Krux ☆ PoE YouTube Channel: http://tinyurl.com/bootfish
2.0 Uber Atziri Video guide for "Mjolner Armor Life MoM/EB": http://tinyurl.com/malmomeb
2.0 Videos: 82 Core ☆ Uber Atziri: http://tinyurl.com/bootfish
Build guide thread: http://tinyurl.com/liferainbownuke
i'm getting the impression that there are people who have actually made animated guardian work ??!!

Really ? made it more effective than zombies, skellies, or the spectres you would have to give up to have a properly supported guardian.

I tried- _anything_ else was stronger - including skellies.

Disappointing too- I really wanted to throw uniques at it and have some fun. But they die way too easily.

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