Legacy of Phrecia Endgame Specialisation System

I absolutely disagree with the people saying the atlas tree is good. I've been wanting it gone for years. Having to respec your tree is just quitting time. That and the fact we have to use the tree i. The first place means we're missing out in the first place.

We never needed the tree before we had it.

My issue is that we're just beta testers for poe 2 now
Bynn#5191 wrote:
you know how some leagues are hit or miss? this is a miss, replacing the atlas tree with this is a whole miss. it would be cool if these added unique twists and cool more broken ideas based on what the atlas offers instead of outright replacing it, itemizing the things we are used to and making them harder to access (considering trading is gonna be as annoying as during necropolis if not worse) outweights any cool ideas you have for alt ascendancies

You guys slowly want poe to die :(

nailed it, if POE1 looks like shit, POE2 won't look that bad

They know this event will be many poe 2 players first time in poe 1 and want them to hate the game so they don't stay there.

Tbeyre already panicking poe 2 didnt break 1 mil on launch.
Consider the following:

Not everything has to have a downside!

RNG instead of a versatile Atlas tree is such a bad idea, imo. Hopefully this remains just an event. Please don't actually get rid of the Atlas tree(s) in poe1!
Initially skeptical that this will be fun... I really like the atlas passive tree as it is! I like that I know I can juice up my Incursions without having to trade for anything or hope it drops.

I'm worried idols with good rolls will be very expensive and hard to drop, and my endgame specialization will be gated behind drops/trade.

I get that people don't like respeccing on the tree, but that's why we are given a few trees to swap between. That feels great as it is. I saw someone suggesting adding jewel sockets to the atlas passive tree. That sounds like a cool twist. It doesn't need to be scrapped like this!
lack of release date? not that people will flock to this unless its an actual new league.
If you were to restore the Atlas tree and reduce the amount of idols we can have, could we meet in the middle here? Maybe just enough to let us stack with a few notables on the tree.
Even after sleeping, I still don't understand what you guys are thinking with this. The atlas passive tree is one of the best things you have ever added to the game. Completely removing it in favour of an rng-fest is one of the most hare-brained things you guys have come up with.

We already have less than 2 days (real time, not 'play time') to try out each ascendancy if we wanted to try them all, now you're adding an extra layer of bs to slow down progression even more, which will only really benefit those who are able to make insane currency very early to buy all the best relics before their price rises to their true value.

And I actually like Sanctum and relics. I like the idea of Sanctified Relics. But this? Nah. This ain't it.

To everyone whining about this one-month design experiment league, I have some words:


What do you think PoE1 has been for the past several years? Ideas flow freely between the two games. PoE2 started life as Poe1 v4.0. A lot of the QoL and balance work of the last few leagues were directly influenced, if not lifted in some cases, from PoE2.

The atlas tree did not exist for nearly a decade. The atlas system has changed radically several times over the years. It's normal for them to experiment with it, and over the lifespan of the game it's normal to see things completely go away. Get over it.

Settlers is the longest league on record. No, "Necro-Settlers" is not a new league, it does not count. The only reason we're getting this event AT ALL is because people are fed up with GGG putting PoE1 on life support to focus on PoE2. Saying "lol just don't play it then" completely misses the point of why this event is even happening in the first place.

And people are rightfully calling this out as an objective downgrade in player agency.

arpgaddict#1346 wrote:
I absolutely disagree with the people saying the atlas tree is good. I've been wanting it gone for years. Having to respec your tree is just quitting time. That and the fact we have to use the tree i. The first place means we're missing out in the first place.

We never needed the tree before we had it.

We absolutely did need it. The layers upon layers of RNG in order to actually do the content you wanted to focus on before the atlas tree is what caused me to quit the game in the past, because it felt like the game didn't respect your time at all.

We have too many league mechanics competing for limited slots in our maps. GGG cannot and will not increase the spawn rate of mechanics to a state where it's viable to target farm a mechanic of your choice without having something like the atlas passive tree to tip the odds in favour of those mechanics spawning, because maps literally are not large enough to fit everything.

Also, "having to respec your tree is just quitting time":
We literally get two free complete respecs. It's called Tree 2 and Tree 3.
Last edited by TrueChaoSxTcS#0873 on Feb 10, 2025, 6:16:23 PM
DO NOT MAKE THIS PERMANENT IN POE1 - the Atlas passive tree is one of the BEST features!!!

Thank you
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Jesus take the wheel"
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