Legacy of Phrecia Endgame Specialisation System

no og player like this fr
Just keep the atlas tree and add these whatever idols on top.

You will get much more successful event and make players happier for sure.
New mute system is terrible - no trade...
Bad idea.
No problem having the idols but removing the atlas tree sucks.
It's one more thing in the game becoming less "strateggy-based" and more "currency-based" and that will only favour the 1% top players.
this will be similar to sanctum i think

you will be able to purchase strategy-optimized "sets" of relics on TFT at a premium, just like you can for sanctum. High prices, expect 100+ DIV for an optimal set of relics (close to optimal, perfect won't be obtainable with this much variance on affixes).

i'm starting heist as this is pretty tree-agnostic.
Wild to see people don't like this experimental league.

It's the biggest shakeup in years and I'm all for it.

The only con I see here is that's it is 5 weeks long instead of 3-4 months.
Last edited by dizz#2756 on Feb 18, 2025, 7:48:38 PM
So what happen to the favorit maps or map drops in general now with this new system?
Given that this is an opportunity for us to let you play with more developmental concepts you can rest assured you'll find a bunch of broken outcomes in true Path of Exile fashion.

Are they already considering it a merit that almost in every league someone finds a fkng Div's dupe and the economy collapses?
Why are people keep spamming "Cat is a Rue" ? What is the meaning?
I dont like that the Atlas tree is gone. You did already a great job in allowing three different specs in the last league. That was a great addition. I think this idol thing is really useless and just cluncky and messy. I dont know why you trying to change things that everyone loves and dont need any big changes. Just change the content of the tree every league but thats it.
Can we please get an opt out option? this has ruined the entire phrecia event for me as a SSF player.

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