Please add an auction house.
If you price fix, then you need to suffer and lose your item for that price.
what do you think who will suffer more on automated auction house? price fixers and bots who literaly do nothing else than buying and selling and exaclty know what items are worth. or the casual new players that dont know how to properly price their items?
every single underpriced item would be instantly bought by livesearching people or bots. every item misspriced by unexperienced players would be gone instead of the wakeup calling 50 whispers right now that give them room to fix and learn about pricing. they would be literally scammed by the auction house instantly. whats left for normal players would be overpriced stuff. do you rly think bots and pricefixers would magically stop their business with an auction house? how foolish
Why would players underprice items in an AH?
They underprice them today because they do a price check and see a ton of items for a low price, and price theirs based on that.
They don't realize that the listings they are looking at are fake.
You know better so I'm confused why you keep playing this angle.
Posted byMordgier#6997on Jan 17, 2025, 4:30:28 PM
Please add an auction house.
If you price fix, then you need to suffer and lose your item for that price.
what do you think who will suffer more on automated auction house? price fixers and bots who literaly do nothing else than buying and selling and exaclty know what items are worth. or the casual new players that dont know how to properly price their items?
every single underpriced item would be instantly bought by livesearching people or bots. every item misspriced by unexperienced players would be gone instead of the wakeup calling 50 whispers right now that give them room to fix and learn about pricing. they would be literally scammed by the auction house instantly. whats left for normal players would be overpriced stuff. do you rly think bots and pricefixers would magically stop their business with an auction house? how foolish
Why would players underprice items in an AH?
They underprice them today because they do a price check and see a ton of items for a low price, and price theirs based on that.
They don't realize that the listings they are looking at are fake.
You know better so I'm confused why you keep playing this angle.
because they dont know the price and dont know how to find out. most of new players dont do proper research, they throw that thing into the 5exalt tab and take it out if they get whispers. throw it into 10 exalt and take it out if there are whispers again etc. what do you think why are so many people complaining about people not answering trades? because half of the new players isnt able to price right now and some idiots told them to start cheap and price up instead of the other way around.
i tell you, every single player experienced it. pricing an item and getting 50 whispers instantly. every single player. all this stuff would be gone with automatism.
Last edited by Pl4t1numX#4325 on Jan 17, 2025, 4:37:46 PM
Posted byPl4t1numX#4325on Jan 17, 2025, 4:36:01 PM
Many who protect the addition of an auction house somehow use it to make money on the outside, if it is prohibited, they have to change the system in poe 2.
Posted bysoulvyper#3378on Jan 17, 2025, 4:39:04 PM
i tell you, every single player experienced it. pricing an item and getting 50 whispers instantly. every single player. all this stuff would be gone with automatism.
You make that sound like a bad thing.
Right now there is zero way for a player to actually get a real price check because the trade site is rigged with fake listings.
The AH would make doing real price checks easy.
This would make under pricing items unfortunate but easily avoidable.
I'll take AH sniping over fake listings any day.
Posted byMordgier#6997on Jan 17, 2025, 4:40:20 PM
Please GGG, don't listen to the tourists demanding an in-game auction house. PoE's trade system is unique from all other games and is far more enjoyable than all those games with auction houses. These new players just have to adapt to and learn trading in a style they haven't experienced before.
I already saw Jonathan caving in to auction house demands in the recent Q&A stream, he might as well have confirmed it after being asked about it because he said something like "we'll look into it".
PoE trade has all kinds of benefits and traits to it that do not exist in auction house systems. For example if you underpriced an item, you can change your mind about selling it for too little after getting spammed by countless whispers - in an auction house you would lose the item immediately.
Another is being able to set up live alerts and snipe great deals.
And whatever happened to your own decade long belief that trade has to exist this way so that people see other players hideouts, otherwise there's no point in hideout customization?
Don't add auction house, it will completely ruin the trading!
Imagine calling people tourists when it's a brand new game and you're new to it too.
Posted bySandcubicle#5745on Jan 17, 2025, 4:46:02 PM
i tell you, every single player experienced it. pricing an item and getting 50 whispers instantly. every single player. all this stuff would be gone with automatism.
You make that sound like a bad thing.
Right now there is zero way for a player to actually get a real price check because the trade site is rigged with fake listings.
The AH would make doing real price checks easy.
This would make under pricing items unfortunate but easily avoidable.
I'll take AH sniping over fake listings any day.
yes, it is a bad thing if a new players prices something worth 10 divine for 10exalts cause he dont know what its worth and loses the item. on top he would not even notice the mistake and would never have the chance to learn something about.
auction house would make doing price checks easy? how? by average price of sold items? how hard for bots to manipulate by selling an item a hundret times between 2 accounts.
like i said, bots, price fixing idiots and scammers wouldnt disappear, automatism would give them only more powerful tools to take advantage
Posted byPl4t1numX#4325on Jan 17, 2025, 4:46:42 PM
people advocating for this system are the people in control of the market. sorry to say this is a tell on your part dude.
^this right here^
current system is really bad, and far more harmful to new players than something with instant buyout.
Posted byYoakar#8952on Jan 17, 2025, 4:50:28 PM
auction house would make doing price checks easy? how? by average price of sold items? how hard for bots to manipulate by selling an item a hundret times between 2 accounts.
like i said, bots, price fixing idiots and scammers wouldnt disappear, automatism would give them only more powerful tools to take advantage
thats impossible, if you sell items with no modifiers, like you do in the in game trade right now, you don't chose who you buy from. The bot would just lose money and the trade system wouldn't notice since it would only be one transaction. Also its easy to track down bots in this way, banks do that all the time with money. If you do considerably more transactions that average user they will check you for money laundring.
Posted byLilianda#8332on Jan 17, 2025, 5:14:38 PM
auction house would make doing price checks easy? how? by average price of sold items? how hard for bots to manipulate by selling an item a hundret times between 2 accounts.
like i said, bots, price fixing idiots and scammers wouldnt disappear, automatism would give them only more powerful tools to take advantage
thats impossible, if you sell items with no modifiers, like you do in the in game trade right now, you don't chose who you buy from. The bot would just lose money and the trade system wouldn't notice since it would only be one transaction. Also its easy to track down bots in this way, banks do that all the time with money. If you do considerably more transactions that average user they will check you for money laundring.
currency exchange is already manipulated but i think thats what we have to deal with for the convenience.
it works for items without modifiers only, so its not a solution for trading other stuff. hope they are adding basic waystones at least at some time.
Posted byPl4t1numX#4325on Jan 17, 2025, 5:18:51 PM
Anyone arguing to keep the system as it is just to protect new players is 100% lying. They only have the worst intentions to keep manipulating the current system as it is.
Let new players under price items. I'd rather under price every single item I sold but have a better experience doing so with an auction house than ever deal with the current trading system. The currency exchange is wonderful. Lets keep going in that direction and add a better in game system for everything else. Make it cost a lot of gold to use it. That should help ensure people have to actually play the game to interact with an AH.
Posted byBootyTwerk#7842on Jan 17, 2025, 5:27:23 PM