Why POE2 is dying

Spark light weaver since day 1, done with all content, currently making my sanguinist work

You even failed to remember the name of the ascendancies, and you expect us to believe it?

Do better

Just popping in to say you're one of my favorite people on these sorts of posts. Clear, concise, no BS.

Keep it up!
Last edited by chanzwg#4708 on Dec 26, 2024, 3:49:21 AM
According to steam charts there was a bit of a drop around the Christmas holidays, but to say that the game is dying is blatant over-dramatization and click/ragebait.

I think your feedback would have been taken more serious if you hadn't wrapped it in this nonsense of a statement.

The game is not dying, it was just born. People are slowly completing everything there is to do in the current content, give feedback and do something else with their lifes, untill new content drops and some of the feedback gets incorporated.
Than the cycle will continue, such is the usual process of an early access developement (e.g. BG3, Subnautica and so on and so forth).

I think it would be helpfull, if the feedback forum is used for feedback, instead of clickbait and discussion about if the game "is dying" or not, we have reddit for that ;)

Kind Regards,
SerialF#4835 wrote:
jojo1225#3785 wrote:

Ane there will be official launch in Feb.

do you have a link for that ?

My bad there's some new information i didn't update, the EA phase will be six months or more, but there will be several phase of EA it's for sure.
Me and many other people already told you that the game is currently in Beta.....Google what "BETA" in games means.

If you want a perfect polished game wait 5-6 months till 1.0 release but stop flooding the forums with your "mimimi, game is dying becasue it's not 100% how I want it to be" threads. ;)
CroDanZ#1818 wrote:
Me and many other people already told you that the game is currently in Beta.....Google what "BETA" in games means.

If you want a perfect polished game wait 5-6 months till 1.0 release but stop flooding the forums with your "mimimi, game is dying becasue it's not 100% how I want it to be" threads. ;)

I think you might want to take your own advice... A Beta test is not Early Access.
Why does the Tiktok generation thinks everything has to be alarmist?

"It doesn't suit me perfectly therefore I'm going to try cancel it".

Feedback is fine, some will agree, others won't.. it doesn't mean you're right or wrong. settled down a little, touch some grass, walk amongst trees that are older than your grandparents, and get some perspective..

chanzwg#4708 wrote:

I think you might want to take your own advice... A Beta test is not Early Access.

Early Access = Beta.

The only difference to "closed or open Beta" f.e. is that in an EA case you officialy pay a certain fee to participate the Beta Test. ;)
CroDanZ#1818 wrote:
chanzwg#4708 wrote:

I think you might want to take your own advice... A Beta test is not Early Access.

Early Access = Beta.

The only difference to "closed or open Beta" f.e. is that in an EA case you officialy pay a certain fee to participate the Beta Test. ;)

Key Differences

Stage of Development:

Beta: Nearly finished product with a focus on polish and testing.
Early Access: Work-in-progress with ongoing development.

Access Model:

Beta: Free or tied to specific programs; limited duration.
Early Access: Paid; indefinite access.

Feedback Focus:

Beta: Primarily bug fixing and final tweaks.
Early Access: Broader feedback influencing ongoing development.


Beta: Not a revenue model; part of the development process.
Early Access: Generates revenue for development.

User Expectations:

Beta: Expect unfinished but polished content near release quality.
Early Access: Understand a rougher, evolving experience.

You don't want to be calling it a Beta by any means. It'll set the wrong expectations and give people even more ammunition to attack the current state of the game today - a state that is pretty bad for EA, but would be completely unacceptable for a Beta.
Last edited by chanzwg#4708 on Dec 26, 2024, 4:07:40 AM
chanzwg#4708 wrote:
CroDanZ#1818 wrote:
chanzwg#4708 wrote:

I think you might want to take your own advice... A Beta test is not Early Access.

Early Access = Beta.

The only difference to "closed or open Beta" f.e. is that in an EA case you officialy pay a certain fee to participate the Beta Test. ;)

Key Differences

Stage of Development:

Beta: Nearly finished product with a focus on polish and testing.
Early Access: Work-in-progress with ongoing development.

Access Model:

Beta: Free or tied to specific programs; limited duration.
Early Access: Paid; indefinite access.

Feedback Focus:

Beta: Primarily bug fixing and final tweaks.
Early Access: Broader feedback influencing ongoing development.


Beta: Not a revenue model; part of the development process.
Early Access: Generates revenue for development.

User Expectations:

Beta: Expect unfinished but polished content near release quality.
Early Access: Understand a rougher, evolving experience.

You don't want to be calling it a Beta by any means. It'll set the wrong expectations and give people even more ammunition to attack the current state of the game today - a state that is pretty bad for EA, but would be completely unacceptable for a Beta.

Thanks for summing it up, totaly fine with those descriptions. :)

But the main point of my initial comment is that it's OK in the EA or Beta state that the game has flaws....Because the TE floods the forums with "mimimi" threads becasue it's not 100% perfect and call the devs in another thread "disrespectful" because how dare they to take 1-2 weeks off during christmas time instead of recreating the game 100% to his imagination.
Last edited by CroDanZ#1818 on Dec 26, 2024, 4:17:04 AM
eldheim#2436 wrote:
Yes. It is dying. Can it come back? Sure!

#1 Reason the game is 'dying' currently: Merry Christmas!

eldheim#2436 wrote:
Release ascendancy points throughout the campaign for now. Incentivize most players possible to engage with and try the content for EA purposes, and work towards a FAIR and non-RNG based trial with the full release.

Giving someone easier access to someone 'for EA purposes' defeats half the purpose of the EA.

As is, I think getting your three campaign ascension points for what would be an introduction to some end game farming content (Sanctum, Ultimatum, and whatever the third one is) is a good way to get players to try them and get at least moderately experienced in them. I never really got into Sanctum in PoE1, putting it in front of my ascension encouraged me to actually engage with the mechanic until I've gotten to the point I'm pretty good at it. Yes, some things could use tweaking (4th floor Sekhema seems a bit overtuned in some manners, and Ultimatum could use some fine tuning), but I think they work pretty well as is. I've had two monks and one warrior all go through them, with the warrior struggling a bit in Sekhema but my monks taking a few attempts to get through Chaos.

eldheim#2436 wrote:
Make exalted orbs the most common currency. It will still make crafting pure chance, but until the whole system is reworked, at least people will have a chance of trying to craft items. It is dead as of now.

I don't think exalts need to be the most common, I had a pretty good supply of them during my campaign playthrough, and I'm swimming in them in end game. I think the best change would be to have certain affixes give you exalted shards when you disenchant them, like some affixes would give you alchemy shards in PoE1. Things like +skill levels, or other 'high value' affixes.

eldheim#2436 wrote:
Armor scaling have to flatly mitigate damage -but cap the total max mitigation. At least until you can fine-tune the balance. As of now armor builds are dead.

So... Make armor worse? You may not mitigate the same percentage of a bigger hit than a smaller hit, but you DO mitigate more flat damage against the bigger hit than you do from the smaller hit. Its just not as high of a percentage as it was against the smaller hit.

eldheim#2436 wrote:
Increase animation time and attack speed of most warrior skills by a lot. At least until armor and life builds are fixed to become ACTUALLY tanky.

I think Mace skills could use a bit of tweaking, but I'll have to see once some bugs are finished with them. E.G., Rolling Slam Aftershocks don't do any damage. There could be something done about the combination between flat attack time and slower attack speeds though.

eldheim#2436 wrote:
The passive tree have about 50 energy shield nodes and 3 life nodes. Considering life builds are the common melee characters, this is literally opposite of what would seem normal. I'm not even sure there is an easy fix here.

And you have something like 50 armor or evasion nodes. Half or more of the energy shield nodes also don't increase Maximum Energy Shield, they increase recovery rate or recharge delay.

Life builds aren't able, and will never be able to, reach the same maximum value as energy shields. But they are A) Easier to build (you only need life affixes, ES needs both a flat and % prefix, and with the extra affixes added in game good luck on that), B) Have better recovery (regeneration, leech, health pots), C) Armor gives mitigation which reduces physical damage taken (and thus less honour lost per hit). Life might need to be somehow scaled a bit higher, but at least in an early to mid end game view, the values seem well tuned at least for warrior (less so for rangers, I imagine). My Warrior has over 3k life, my monk has 2k ES. The biggest problem might be things that allow you to overcharge ES (Grim Feast and Meditate), but that could be fixed by giving more mitigation options to life to help with spike damage.

In short, don't look at 100 divine geared streamer builds with eye watering energy shield and assume that's 'how the game HAS to be played'. 99.9% of people won't have the time and currency investment to overgear to the point the game is laughably easy.

eldheim#2436 wrote:
Remove XP penalty on death. This is a no brainer. Getting to 100 is hard enough as is. At least until all content is balanced. Stop the 1 death map bricking too. It makes no sense for a normal game mode.

XP penalty on death is fine. Again, you can't change something 'just for EA' because that defeats the purpose of testing content. If they did that, player behavior would change. People would glass canon to murder content because if they died they just yolo back in for the maximum clear speed, completely forgoing defenses and survivability because death has no cost.

I think the current systems, both of them, are mostly fine. The only exception I might say is that the Pinnacle Bosses should have the six portal system so that you have some time to learn and practice fights that you only see every so often. Normal maps being one life I think makes sense and stops encouraging death to reset nodes after you've nearly farmed the entirety of the map.

eldheim#2436 wrote:
Make teleportation map markers in maps too, until you can scale them better.

I'm fine with this, would help me not need to trudge back through an entire corridor map towards the expedition I saved for after completing.

eldheim#2436 wrote:
All maps should have a boss -bosses are among the best features of POE2, don't remove them from players.

I don't think every map needs a boss, but I do think they should be higher. They're meant to be 1/4th of maps but it feels lower than that currently. Bosses appear too easy early, but they seem far better after I've juiced them up by one difficulty perk.

eldheim#2436 wrote:
Remove all magic find on gear, and boost MF with 50% as base.

Magic find is fine, you're investing power into farming. A casual player doesn't need MF gear, they should get enough currency to do some crafting and find some upgrades. Sure, MF would make that faster and better, but then you'd be making your gearing even harder by needing magic finding when you could be focusing on gearing for what you need.

At best some tweaks to make it not affect currency like it is in PoE1, but I don't much mind if some one else makes a god tier magic finding gear and makes a bunch of currency that way, just like I don't mind people that manage to do god tier builds with 100 divines worth to make the game laughably easy. It doesn't effect my playthrough and enjoyment, and more people would probably be better off and happier if they didn't try to compare their playthrough to the top 1% and pro streamers.

eldheim#2436 wrote:
Reward players for doing T1-T10 maps much better. Increase drop rates, increase waystones. Make it much easier to get 4 and 5 linked skills, at least in EA where you would think GGG want to playtest as much as possible.

I've had no issue with waystone sustain doing t1-t10 maps, and only had a bit of issue with t12/t13 (but now I'm getting a bunch of t15s, so).

Again, you can't change something 'JUST FOR EA', because then that changes how players play and invalidates the wider testing! If everyone runs around with 5/6 link gems across every skill because they're easier to grab, that'll affect the feed back on limited support uses, the stats which are required to support those support gem allotments, etc.

Greater Jeweler's Orbs should likely be a bit more common, though. I'm fine with Perfect Jeweler's Orbs being very rare, it is what we're replacing the god tier 6 links with, but I've not seen a Greater despite reaching tier 14/15 maps now.

eldheim#2436 wrote:
YES, I know there are some elite get good gamers that don't wont anyone but them to enjoy the game, but give them ruthless mode, and we can stop having to argue with them all the time.

I'm not the type to say 'get gud', I'm the type to offer suggestions to HELP people 'get gud'. But if you want to destroy the challenge for more immediate gratification THEN I'm going to have a problem.

How about once the EA finishes and you can make private leagues you make your 'easy mode' with 10x drop rates and the rest of us enjoy the game which is meant to have a challenge and tested satisfaction loop over immediate dopamine hits?

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