Controversial AF. Crafting negatively impacts this game.
These posts are so stupid I can't even let them pass without commenting.
Without the endgame economy it's literally just a campaign. The point is that it's a freaking MMO. There is a SSF mode for people who just want to see how far they can go without trading. Play it if you're antisocial or something. It's that simple. The crafting in this game is so dumbed down that it's basically just ground loot with extra steps. If you can't handle the complexity then you're just slow. Crafting in this game feel pointless because it is. The answer is making it meaningful instead of strait up braindead RNG slams, not deleting crafting and making it even worse. What is with all these clueless people who want an ARPG that they can play for 30 hours and beat and never thing about again? Why are they all playing online games? Just go play one of the million ARPGs that aren't meant to be multiplayer. | |
" Thanks for stopping by. I hope you'll have a good time. " You know, I played diablo 2 for like 4000 hours without ever getting into a multiplayer game. Why can't people just play the end-game for the good loot that drops? " Why does it have to be an MMO? Why can't it just be a really good single player and coop game? The only MMO thing I get from this game is the chat. I like the chat. Everything else is just forced. " SSF is a challenge game mode. And the issue, as I stated in my original post. Which you would know, if you had read it. Is that the loot in the game is bad. Playing SSF does nothing to fix the bad loot. So why do you think this is a solution? I don't want to 'see how far I can go without trading'. I want the game to be fun and enjoyable without trading. For everyone. " Good. Lets get rid of it. I'd rather play more of the game. You know, killing enemies and bosses and exploring new zones. I like that stuff. Lots of players do. Why do you think I'm slow? Do you think I have troubles understanding the system? Or do you think because I don't 'like' the system, that it proves I'm stupid to you? I'd love to hear how you came to the conclusion that I'm slow, hear your perspective. " Hey. You might disagree here, but I know what people like in ARPG's. And that's good fat loot drops off of dope bosses. Crafting should definitely be removed or reworked, so that people can get these big fat loot drops off dope bosses, and play the game with them. Do you remember when you had a big fat loot drop last that made you go 'OH FUCK YEAH, IM SO HARD RN!!' ?? They're the best, aren't they? " I played diablo 2 so much that I failed all my morning classes in school. It didn't have an economy in it, or a complex crafting system. Do you think, having a good core gameplay loot of killing stuff for dope ass loot is flawed or boring? Because it's what well.. Almost every single ARPG is based around. You know this right? " And the question arises again. Why does PoE need to be an online game? What value do we get from having it be online? Feels like we get worse loot. And an economy system that makes most builds useless. Most players, play solo. Not co-op, and definitely not in open parties. When was the last time you grouped for a map? Do you remember? And you say it should be an online game? |
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No it doesn't. I am currently solo self found and i have slapped exalts and tried my luck on crafting for my own needs.
It seems to help me alot. Rampage IGN : Cool_Hamster
Standard IGN : Hamsterbaby Standard IGN : HamsterMfer Please do not hesitate to contact me in game if you have posted or offered on my items. Regards |
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" Ya know what I think is equal parts sad and ironic? The loot system being so "MMO economy" based in PoE1+2 makes me play with my friends less. I have on average 2 friends that I play PoE with per league. We will occasionally just map together, but if you combine content farming design with trading our party tends to just split up and we do our own things instead. In most other online games this NEVER happens. Last edited by LVSviral#3689 on Jan 2, 2025, 10:47:07 PM
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" be fair, it had both. An extensive economy based around runewords, runes, and sojs. There were even price-listing guides based on the time that you were playing, with what each rune was worth in relation to other runes. And crafting GG orange items in the cube was the very top end of the game. Perhaps you just missed all that? Your post is coming after the wrong thing. I believe crafting is fine BUT ultra high-end crafting is a problem. Luckily that doesn't REALLY exist right now in PoE 2. Starting anew....with PoE 2 Last edited by cowmoo275#3095 on Jan 2, 2025, 10:53:26 PM
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" Missed what? I didn't have internet and I still found incredible fun in playing the game solo and never needing to trade or craft anything to play. The PC I played on was a hunk of garbage, but it ran Diablo 2 just fine. You talk of an extensive economy. Do you mean. one with other players? Because you don't need that for a game to last. Last edited by Akedomo#3573 on Jan 2, 2025, 10:54:42 PM
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" Lets be honest here, when d2 and lod first released there wasn't a culture of going online and trading like there is now. Nobody went to third party sites like they do today. People played games in a bubble, by themselves - and I bet most d2 players never went online. Most trading was done in the battlenet trading channels. Last edited by Karishin#7986 on Jan 2, 2025, 10:54:13 PM
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" Wildly, wildly, inacurrate. The vast majority of D2 players played on And pretty regularly traded or pvp'd. Yes, they didn't go to 3rd party sites because they could do it in-game via chat. The population was smaller. And then when ubers came out, players would regularly team up and make parties to farm them. Don't forget about literal endless scores of partied baal/mephisto/diablo/cow runs. No one was ever doing that by themselves... Starting anew....with PoE 2 Last edited by cowmoo275#3095 on Jan 2, 2025, 10:56:14 PM
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" When I got internet. I certainly played online on But because I could group with players and play with them. Not so I could trade. I'm sure some people traded. But that was never the draw to the game, now was it? I played the game for probably around 4000 hours, solo, without internet, and had a blast the entire time. Why do you feel the game needs an 'economy'? Plenty of games don't need economies, yet they can hook player for 10's of thousands of hours. Take minecraft. No economy. Solo game. My cousin and I have probably played more minecraft together, than we've spent outside in 2 decades. Does, League of Legends need an economy? Feels like the game is just good, so people play it because the game is good. What value is the economy bringing in PoE? " Playing with others in this game, is unfortunately, just a bad experience. Once you hit end-game, the entire game is about zooming. Because the only thing that matters is 'grinding currency' or maps. So that you can buy shit. It's what happens when the entire game is based on an economy. People chase the money. Not the fun. I sure wish GGG would scrap the whole economy idea, and just focus on making this a great multiplayer game. You know, with dope loot, and awesome experiences to share with friends. And not stuff like, endless mapping, and map spam, and more mapping. I think improving the combat too would be a big bonus over running your 54th map for the day. Or having to sit in town, looking at a trade website, whispering people who ignore you, for items you don't even want to buy, because you'd rather they drop off of bosses. Last edited by Akedomo#3573 on Jan 2, 2025, 11:05:07 PM
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" You had your own experience with the game, thats great. I'm not even attacking you about that, I too preferred fully single player games most of my life. But you specifically said "D2 didn't have an economy or crafting". are just....wrong. And the MAJORITY of diablo 2 players would take offense to that statement, as I did. Again....there is SSF. It's just like playing single player in D2. In fact, its even balanced BETTER than D2 single player ever was. Good luck finding high end runes by yourself to make multiple runewords. The same time it probably took you to do that, you'd have a piece of mirror-tier gear or two in PoE SSF. Odds of dropping a Zod rune in single player was about 1 in 2 million on average across all monsters that had the potential to drop a zod rune. Bosses were a BIT better, but you are still looking at hundreds of thousands of runs. For 1 rune. And remember, total drop numbers were wayyyyy less than PoE 1 or even PoE 2 drops. There is ZERO DEBATE on whether the game "needs an economy". That's an impossible debate to have. It exists because trade exists. That is almost the same as debating "why do we need bows in the game" or "why do we need x amount of acts in the campaign?". Because that is what the game IS. We would sooner have all the servers close on PoE 1 and PoE 2, then for trade to be removed. It's a non-starter argument. Starting anew....with PoE 2 Last edited by cowmoo275#3095 on Jan 2, 2025, 11:20:29 PM
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