End game combat feels too fast

I like fast.
Gizmodio#6723 wrote:
Now that i'm midway into maps its just 1 shot or get 1 shot.. it feels like POE1 combat again and thats not what I was personally hoping for =/

100% agree.

For me, running and just 1 shot everything in POE 1 is boring. Unfortunately, maps in POE 2 looks same.

Wish whole game would look like Acts 1-3. Would be perfect for me.
I would like to add that I do think Endgame is rly fast even on "normal" not busted builds. Even though I do agree that making the Endgame purely slow can kinda kill the "flow" of part of the game's community, I hope the devs can find a system where both types of experiences can be obtained when accessing the Endgame.
There is a power curve problems, the fact that people already reaching millions of dps in such early stage of the game...

I haven't reach that curve yet, since I plays in SSF. Mapping is pretty dang slow for me "unfortunately", or "fortunately" depends on how you see it. If I went to trade league yes I'd blast through stuff 50x faster for sure.
toxiitea#5772 wrote:
.... they rushed end game.

I don't disagree.

how and when were they "very clear" during marketing that this would be a 1 button mash screen clear?

First of all, they never talked about endgame even being close to finished in marketing. They've always said they were still working on it. It was only once they came close to EA that they started talking about it. Jonathan even stated in the last interview that they only recently decided to add some sort of endgame rather than finishing the acts, but I guess people really do have a selective memory when it comes to this game's announcements. Endgame is only a recent thing. All the marketing was for act 1-3.

Second, they've never said it wouldn't be possible to not use 1 skill to clear, just that it would be more effective to use combos. It is more effective to use combos, but people seem to prefer not to do it. Why would you be surprised that people who prefer a 1 button play style in PoE1 wouldn't try and find a way to scale their damage enough to just be able to clear with one skill in PoE2? You can still use your combos by the way and you will do much more damage. However, most people seem to prefer to play skills that clear with one button as evidenced by what's popular to play. It is what it is.

That being said, nothing that Jonathan or Mark have said has been contradicted by the game we've gotten. They've been very open and honest in every interview about what they were working on and what information they were able to provide for us. I think we've gotten exactly what was promised to us, but some people seem to think otherwise.

If you can provide clips of where you think they were unclear about how endgame would function, I would love to see those clips. No one seems to want to provide me with this evidence on this forum, so maybe you could be the first one!
At the atlas we have breach, delirium and ritual. All this league mechanics demand you to have great clear speed, not smashing 20-30 different buttons for 10 minutes to kill white mob. As I could see, fast mapping was intentional. But even now PoE2 is way too slower than PoE1.
toxiitea#5772 wrote:
.... they rushed end game.

I don't disagree.

how and when were they "very clear" during marketing that this would be a 1 button mash screen clear?

First of all, they never talked about endgame even being close to finished in marketing. They've always said they were still working on it. It was only once they came close to EA that they started talking about it. Jonathan even stated in the last interview that they only recently decided to add some sort of endgame rather than finishing the acts, but I guess people really do have a selective memory when it comes to this game's announcements. Endgame is only a recent thing. All the marketing was for act 1-3.

Second, they've never said it wouldn't be possible to not use 1 skill to clear, just that it would be more effective to use combos. It is more effective to use combos, but people seem to prefer not to do it. Why would you be surprised that people who prefer a 1 button play style in PoE1 wouldn't try and find a way to scale their damage enough to just be able to clear with one skill in PoE2? You can still use your combos by the way and you will do much more damage. However, most people seem to prefer to play skills that clear with one button as evidenced by what's popular to play. It is what it is.

That being said, nothing that Jonathan or Mark have said has been contradicted by the game we've gotten. They've been very open and honest in every interview about what they were working on and what information they were able to provide for us. I think we've gotten exactly what was promised to us, but some people seem to think otherwise.

If you can provide clips of where you think they were unclear about how endgame would function, I would love to see those clips. No one seems to want to provide me with this evidence on this forum, so maybe you could be the first one!

you're way to dishonest to have a genuine conversation about the process that we've all been apart of. You can find the devs themselves saying they rushed the end game, they took resources from poe(which they said they wouldn't) so that's already proof of them not staying true to their word.

toxiitea#5772 wrote:
you're way to dishonest to have a genuine conversation about the process that we've all been apart of. You can find the devs themselves saying they rushed the end game, they took resources from poe(which they said they wouldn't) so that's already proof of them not staying true to their word.


Hahaha, are you sure I'm the one that's being dishonest?

toxiitea#5772 wrote:
.... they rushed end game.

I don't disagree.

I agreed with you on that point.

I've never, ever said anything about taking resources from PoE. What are you even on about?

Thanks for showing me that you're one of those people who refuse to read what people are typing. It makes it very clear to me that you never listened to what the devs actually said, but that you put your fingers in your ears and just invented what you wanted them to say instead.

toxiitea#5772 wrote:
you're way to dishonest to have a genuine conversation about the process that we've all been apart of. You can find the devs themselves saying they rushed the end game, they took resources from poe(which they said they wouldn't) so that's already proof of them not staying true to their word.


Hahaha, are you sure I'm the one that's being dishonest?

toxiitea#5772 wrote:
.... they rushed end game.

I don't disagree.

I agreed with you on that point.

I've never, ever said anything about taking resources from PoE. What are you even on about?

Thanks for showing me that you're one of those people who refuse to read what people are typing. It makes it very clear to me that you never listened to what the devs actually said, but that you put your fingers in your ears and just invented what you wanted them to say instead.

just because you say you don't disagree while still defending the problems means we can't have a conversation..... lol

I don't have a clip of what you're asking for so I gave you info relvant to being dishones. because what you're asking for doesn't exist but what does exist is them marketing a game one way and delivering something else.

"they didn't say the end game would be this way show me a clip."

no but there's many clips marketed as a different experience as poe1
Last edited by toxiitea#5772 on Jan 17, 2025, 2:50:17 PM
toxiitea#5772 wrote:
just because you say you don't disagree while still defending the problems means we can't have a conversation..... lol

What does this even mean?

I don't have a clip of what you're asking for so I gave you info relvant to being dishones. because what you're asking for doesn't exist but what does exist is them marketing a game one way and delivering something else.

Okay, so I'm being dishonest, while you can't provide me with any evidence whatsoever proving the points you are making. You can't make this up.

Can you please give me a clear example of what I'm being dishonest about, because you haven't actually made a point, to be clear.

"they didn't say the end game would be this way show me a clip."

no but there's many clips marketed as a different experience as poe1

Ok. Show me those clips.
Last edited by MichaelKnightro#5797 on Jan 17, 2025, 3:00:24 PM

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