" +1 for this!! |
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Please, give us LAB back, we promise we will NEVER-EVER complain about it again.
We <3 Izaro. |
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+1 Honor is awful. Not even remotely close to dying but I lose. Sucks being melee. Sucked in POE 1 when they added it and its even worse somehow here.
Also the 3rd boss being guaranteed chaos damage is some sort of sick joke. So my life pool and life regen don't matter but my chaos res does? Not cool. Don't get me started on how awful it is to farm djinn Baya. You have to farm them low level if you have any hope of getting a clear-able one. Which means you just halt ALL progress in the game til you get one. Horrid design with melee not taken in mind at all. So much for melee finally being good and fixed. I love lab. I miss lab. Lab was MUCH MUCH easier to get right back into since it was set levels. Sanctum has never been good unless you were a turbo ranged glass cannon character. |
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+1 This is not a mechanic core progression should be tied to.
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Based on recent patch, If everyone says they enjoy sanctum maybe they will nerf it.
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I lost 3 floor sanctum again at the final on my 7th (?) attempt to kill it. It is just completely unfun to play as melee, all you can do is cheese the mechanic completely.
Some challenges are jokingly easy like the Rituals but other are just plain stupid like Hourglass. You can not play the hourglass as melee, all you can do is run around in circles, there is no point in ever attacking, even if you onehit most mobs. If you attack once you slow down and the three sand worms jumping around hit you or the skeleton archers or the volcanos or the random rare mob flame thrower or what ever else is spawning offscreen. You can not slow down, you can not attack, all you can do is run around hoping you dont get some rare that slows you or bodyblocks you. There is no challenge or skill required here, it doesnt even matter what your character looks like, what skill he uses or whatever because your character power is disabled. Maybe if you have giga damage or freeze the whole screen its worth attacking past floor two but at this point you are most likely afflicted with some random bullshit effects you had to pick up in order to avoid the Hourglass challenge. The mob types are extremely unfair for melee builds. The snakes throws these red exploding orbs which become invisible once thrown under the mob itself or the other mobs around it. It happens so often that I attack a rare and 3-4 of these orbs explode under me because I had no chance of seeing them (even in my recordings). Temporal Bubble with the exploding aoe around rares is also gg, dodge roll does nothing here. It doesnt matter in normal mapping but with the honor system its really, really unfair. Maybe I am supposed to completely build my character around completing sanctums but that shouldnt be required, even more so as IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE DONE IN ACTS. I am level 75 and I cant complete a three floor sanctum because I always die at the last boss and then have to farm another key again. I have no chance of improving here, even when I record my gameplay and look at what I could have done better I dont see a lot of room to improve. Most of the honor loss comes from one or two single "mistakes" (invisible grenades, getting stuck in urns) which result in losses of 30-40%. It just doesnt feel good or rewarding to play because your character doesnt matter. All that matters is getting lucky with boons, afflictions and the room types. Also the final boss doesnt make sense at all, even though I had six chances to fight him, I never had more than half my honor left and it just jumped on me which resulted in a oneshot. Its again a challenge that is only realistically beatable with either complete luck (full honor, good afflicitions, no bullshit 50% increased max life etc.) or disabling all game mechanics playing OP characters. Even though Ultimatum is worse balance wise (didnt check after the patch), the mechanic itself is still way less frustrating because at least you use your character to win and not a dice roll. My suggestions: - give a quest item key for the third trial. I know its probably supposed to be like this when the third trial type is out but for now please give use quest sanctum or ultimatum keys. farming/buying them is horrible, feels like losing a8 sirus every time knowing it takes hours for another dice roll - Replace mob skills or at least remove the trillion projectile and ground effect skills - Remove certain rare mods like temporal bubble - nerf some of the afflictions (50% more monster life affecting bosses is a meme, no evasion/es etc. is just dumb. there is no choice to be made here given how bad hybrid builds are anyway) - reduce the time for the hourglass room and remove the jumping worms, volcanos and so on, all the skills that make attacking impossible as melee without getting 50% honor loss in half a second - stop mobs from going into the final rooms, they sometimes walk up to me when I use the fountain and then hit me - remove urns (the small containers) from blocking traps, its impossible to judge if they have collision and sometimes they are placed under flamethrower traps making you stuck Last edited by _shinnen#2791 on Dec 12, 2024, 12:57:19 AM
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This whole thing is such a poorly thought out design because the RNG plus the Honor system make it just awful.
I build a tanky warrior and found that I was immediately punished for it upon trying to ascend. There's not alot of life increases so beyond str nodes thats not going to make the honor pool larger. I invested heavily into armor but there's a ton of fire in there so it doesn't take much to chunk that honor quickly. Even moreso being built around life regen in there is a trap because that isn't going to help with the honor pool at all. Blocking can avoid the damage but molten shield doesn't really deal enough damage, and 90% of the time its better to dodge-roll out of the way because sitting still to actually block a hit is risky due to ground-effects, fallings rocks, or just the possibility they're doing an attack that can't be blocked. So i had built in a way where survival wasn't an issue, and small hits didn't matter; but the problem was suddenly those small hits added up and now despite being at no danger the fight dragging on AT ALL meant i was screwed. Which meant suddenly all that defense didn't matter because the amount of damage reduction and reduction to the loss of honor in the end didn't matter because I didn't deal enough damage to offset that enough. Making me realize the only viable option was glass-cannon builds. Because the sooner you end the fight the easier it became to deal with the later phase mechanics and avoid taking damage. And this is just the problems with the honor system. The rest of the trial is also insane. Boons seem to just not exist outside of near the end of the line where it gives me things like "enemies drop more water" right before the boss fight. One map where literally every room was a key or a room to gain water, but 0 to spend on; only for the last room to give me a detriment that causes me to lose all of my water anyways. But having regained 0 honor the entire run meant the boss fight ended once i got to the last phase with the screen being spammed. Or hey, lets talk about the fairness of enemies with the modifier of "always poisons" meaning even blocking the hit was going to waste honor, so now i'm just dodging in circles around the enemy going back to basic mace hits because anything with an animation commitment is too risky. Even the detriments that it forces you to pick up in droves become insane. "no armor", "no energy shield", "enemies deal 30% more damage", "enemies attack faster"; like i swear the place was tailor-made to be a middle finger to shield warriors. I attempted to swap to dual-wielding maces, but that was a waste because my passives weren't damage oriented enough so without a full ground-up respec the character was screwed; and i wasn't about to pay the gold cost to respect them fully when it was going to be more efficient to just throw the character in the bin and play anything else. The problem is i didn't question my damage because average gameplay was one basic attack, then spamming boneshatter and watching that clear rooms. Even worse the bosses didn't feel that far off because I could be alot more aggressively in their face because I was at much lower risk to dying. But the boss at the end of the sanctum is far tankier, harder to keep pressure on, and very minor chip damage from the various terrain hazards that eventually fill the arena add up quickly. Alternatively just about all the ranged characters felt far better in there; and honestly i just assume the monk will be better because evasion might save them from a stray hit. Like i thought the mechanic was stupid on other classes; but after playing as a melee i'm convinced they never tried it with a warrior; or bare minimum if they did they only tested it with 2h mace builds and never tested how it played as anything else. Because I went from thinking this was playing pretty alright, to questioning why shields are even in the game if they're going to be such a detriment to damage output. |
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+1. Losing because of the honor mechanic is just not fun. Failed twice on the last room before boss, one of the attempts was "no visible rewards" and "cant see rooms ahead" so it was literally flying completely blind almost from the start. "Minor" afflictions randomly generated. To top it off I walked into an unavoidable room which had "-25 movement speed" as a warrior who gets by basic attacking and boneshattering the insta-primed packs.
This was with 4k honor and starting the second trial with full everything. I could have spammed sunder if I wasn't locked in place and constantly poked by ranged mobs or kamikazes. NEEDS FIXED. |
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Sadly GGG and shown us what looks like a POE game but its really a Diablo+Souls game with all the bad parts of POE
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I agree, it is extremely bad. It needs a huge change, or should be removed completely. You can keep this system as an optional mechanic like it was in POE 1, but not make it mandatory (and Ultimatum is almost just as bad).
Last edited by Vulmio#5050 on Dec 12, 2024, 2:01:02 AM
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