" I posted, as well. If it stays in as the only way to ascend, I'll be skipping this game entirely. I have turned other games off at some point if some aspect of unavoidable gameplay was tedious and unfun. No reason to play something that isn't enjoyable - it is entertainment. |
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I won't be sticking around if they don't change sanctum and ultimatum from being requirements for ascending..
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I would rather have the trials itself be harder than turning the game in to a dodge simulator. It's not impossible to beat sanctum, but losing honor because you get hit by some random ranged attack when your minions and random visual clutter are blocking your view just feels bad.
Dodging 1 shots is more fun than having to dodge every last tiny attack. |
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+1 to this, Sanctum is atrocious. I'm willing to give Sanctum a shot, but only if it's massively reworked.
The honour system is awful and makes it so only certain builds can get through, most of them struggle a ton, or a handful of builds that are basically completely nonviable thanks to the honour system. STR melee builds might as well skip right past. If you're not a minion build or have super high evasion, you're going to have a terrible time. The fact you lock our ascendancy behind it is just salt in the wound. A lot of the issues raised with Sanctum are the same exact problems people had with Sanctum in PoE 1. It's mindblowing that not only were those raised issues essentially ignored, but that you made this so core to the experience and so early on too. One suggestion I've seen that seems decent is to completely remove the honour bar during a boss fight which I think is a good idea too. Especially considering the entire arena starts to completely fill up with those mini volcanoes that aren't actually dangerous enough to kill you but will drain you honour in the blink of an eye. |
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Nah learn to dodge and position correctly. Pretty much the core gameplay POE2 is centered around teaching you this so ...
Learn to position just a bit correctly and succeed. |
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Everyone that says Sanctum is easy should also share their build here.
How much you want to bet almost everyone saying it's easy is running minions so they never ever have to worry about being touched since the game is basically doing all the attacking and defending for them. |
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" Nice rage bait |
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" Ah yes dodge the famous CENTER mecanic of ARPGs. In other words tell me you never played any actual ARPG other than diablo 4 at an actual end game state without telling me. It's literally impossible as a Ice Strike monk to not get hit by an insane shit in 3rd floor. You're simply not playing an actual 100% melee. And no playing a warrior that charge play slam or aoe that explode seconds after isn't playing melee. |
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Please GGG, find another way for us to ascend!!
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" Rolling slam single target and EQ clear so yes its melee. And Armour break too :D Sorry you want to believe things that ... make no sense as cope for why you cant complete sekhemas trial. Keep at it though, you just have to roll a couple times. Dont really need to dodge too much. I let the boss even hit me a few times cause I couldnt be bothered to move. Not even half honour at the end. |
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