PoE 2 - I hate trial of the sekhemeas so much
I think the devs are trying to tell us something about the skills required for endgame enjoyment.
While I loathe the idea of Sanctum being part of my end-game play toolset I doubt the Devs would choose Sanctum & Ultimatum as core gatekeeper mechanics of character progression if they weren't important. Hopefully I'm wrong and they'll let you choose from 4 or 5 different types of trials for ascension but I'm concerned there is a purpose behind the choices. Please let me be wrong!! |
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I hate it as well. I just failed it at level 62 (57 trial area) for the 2nd time i got to the boss room with 100% honor they just do insane aoe and do spells one after another its not dogable at all some spells hit you from off the screen and you can't tell it zooms out the camera then when the fight starts it zooms it back in... why ?
Im not upset that i failed. i am upset because i have to go back get a new token that might not even drop that takes so much time why can't i just re try it just like ultimatum ? me and my friend failed ultimatum like 20 times took us 3 hours but since you can just restart it wasn't an issue... |
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I'm also stuck trying to get 3 point.2 days into the void and it looks like I'm never going to get through it on my build, another problem is that there are a lot of bugs.For example just today I'll get a oneshot on resolve for 5000. Another "funny" bug is that when I take the passive for immunity to chaos, I get oneshot by any chaos damage inside the trial. WTF GGG remove this shit from ascension
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Losing lab for trials is the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals ever.
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The second Trial of Sekhemas is borderline impossible on a melee character, please get rid of this garbage honour system.
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I miss the lab already, the very first trial shouldnt be hard.
Basically so far PoE2 is endgame difficulty for the whole game when this kind of difficulty should be limited to actual endgame, not the campaign. Tech guy Last edited by Warrax#2850 on Dec 10, 2024, 1:01:15 PM
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"Access the trial at a low level. Since the Trial of Sekhemas is at a set point in the story, the level that characters will ascend at varies. However, the Trial of Sekhemas scales to whatever level you are, meaning it will be harder at higher levels."
This is absolute garbage and I am not playing this game anymore while this is like this. I can't give up the 24 hours I just played to re-do my build for the trials only to start over and not know if my character is going to be able to do it. This is an exercise in futility that makes me hate this game. I don't want to play sanctum-like anything, it doesn't suit my build style or my play ability. This game just lost me as a player until this is completely gone. I just uninstalled POE2. Last edited by Primal#3935 on Dec 10, 2024, 6:28:21 PM
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And this is why I am exiting the early access. I'm also one of those players that hated Sanctum in POE, with a passion.
After an hour trying to make it through, I quit. Sorry GGG guys, the rest of the game is tight, but not tight enough to warrant this amount of frustration. |
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Forcing me to actually play Sanctum league won't make me like Sanctum League.
Even if I was able to clear it without much too much trouble I still HATE it. Its why I don't like games like Hades. You don't lose because you lost a tough fight. You lost because you slowly died over the course of a run. The only option is to play perfect. It is death by 1,000 cuts. That is not fun. That is the core concept that I despise. Even if Honor fully recharged after each room I still would not like it. But I wouldn't HATE it. The thing that really sucks about new Sanctum? It'd actually be REALLY fun without the Honor system. |
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Be nice to see them at least address if this is being looked at or will remain unchanged.
I have already posted on this, but this forced honor gimmick mechanic is the opposite of the game they are making. |
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