Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

+1 op

Difficulty seems over the top, and became unfun.

Even after buying the $100 supporter pack I probably won't go past act1. :(

Last edited by fkNb0ss#6868 on Dec 7, 2024, 10:38:29 PM
KuroSF#6521 wrote:
A bit of perspective for folks who think that the game being mechanically harder than POE1 is a bad thing for user-retention....

On steam alone.... POE2 peaked at 459k players, and has held over 300k since launch. POE1 all-time peak was 228k on steam. POE2 is *more* popular already. It's going to be a smash hit financial blow out.

Dark Souls sold 27 million copies. Elden Ring sold 25 million copies. Harder games are *more* popular then POE1, not less.

My biggest gripe with POE1 is a game with builds where you can walk up to a boss and face tank him is not a game to me. (especially when that build is copied from someone else because of punishing respec costs and inability to evolve a character)

POE2 fixes all of this and more...

For sure, it's a different game, and it was brilliant for GGG to separate them and keep POE1 alive, for the obviously excellent dedicated fans who like that experience.

I predict POE2 will have stably 2-5x the playerbase of POE1 before EA is even done.

And also, GGG has already seen that the players who have the *most* trouble with POE2 are POE1 players, because there is enough similarity that players assume they know how to play POE2. I felt it was very hard for the first two hours, but I've already got over much of the learning curve, found the timings and gooves, and it's nowhere near as hard as I expected it to be. Once there are build guides and mechanics guides helping players who don't want to learn through death and experience, people will see it's not as hard as it seems.

Are you that incapable of actually analyzing the situation???

The game had 550k players and by the end of the day it fell to 300k players... so 200-250k players QUIT ON DAY ONE!!!

You will see that this game will go downwards massively after a week or two because this is an ARPG... in Dark Souls you beat the game once and you're done... in this you have to play this absolutely tedious campaign over and over and over and over every season...

People are struggling in act 1 and act 2... they won't even care about what endgame looks like... they'll just quit and go play something else...

PoE1 peaked at 280k concurrent players after 11 years of existence... that's INSANE POPULARITY!!! That alone should have been a clue for GGG that they need to follow on what made PoE great when it comes to PoE 2... not go and make a bad copy of a Dark Souls wannabe ARPG...

PoE2 will crash and burn badly if they don't change their focus A LOT!!!

+1 to everything.
You know what's the worst thing? People will tell you that you didn't grind enough to make it work, or that you should try different things until they work. The problem is that probably you spent 9-10 hours already, and there's really not many options. There are very few skill gems available, uncut gems and support gems drop very rarely, loot is garbage, so you would need to brute force it for another 5-10 hours in the hopes that IT MAY get better. This is just not acceptable, in a game with so few options up until end of act 2.

Precisely this. Despite appearances there seem to be even less options to deal with early game bad luck than PoE1 and this seems to be what gets people completely stuck. The difference between a lucky run of the campaign and an unlucky one is already hours of grinding and farming to get over specific hurdles if you are unlucky with items.
KuroSF#6521 wrote:
A bit of perspective for folks who think that the game being mechanically harder than POE1 is a bad thing for user-retention....

On steam alone.... POE2 peaked at 459k players, and has held over 300k since launch. POE1 all-time peak was 228k on steam. POE2 is *more* popular already. It's going to be a smash hit financial blow out.

Dark Souls sold 27 million copies. Elden Ring sold 25 million copies. Harder games are *more* popular then POE1, not less.

My biggest gripe with POE1 is a game with builds where you can walk up to a boss and face tank him is not a game to me. (especially when that build is copied from someone else because of punishing respec costs and inability to evolve a character)

POE2 fixes all of this and more...

For sure, it's a different game, and it was brilliant for GGG to separate them and keep POE1 alive, for the obviously excellent dedicated fans who like that experience.

I predict POE2 will have stably 2-5x the playerbase of POE1 before EA is even done.

And also, GGG has already seen that the players who have the *most* trouble with POE2 are POE1 players, because there is enough similarity that players assume they know how to play POE2. I felt it was very hard for the first two hours, but I've already got over much of the learning curve, found the timings and gooves, and it's nowhere near as hard as I expected it to be. Once there are build guides and mechanics guides helping players who don't want to learn through death and experience, people will see it's not as hard as it seems.

Are you that incapable of actually analyzing the situation???

The game had 550k players and by the end of the day it fell to 300k players... so 200-250k players QUIT ON DAY ONE!!!

You will see that this game will go downwards massively after a week or two because this is an ARPG... in Dark Souls you beat the game once and you're done... in this you have to play this absolutely tedious campaign over and over and over and over every season...

People are struggling in act 1 and act 2... they won't even care about what endgame looks like... they'll just quit and go play something else...

PoE1 peaked at 280k concurrent players after 11 years of existence... that's INSANE POPULARITY!!! That alone should have been a clue for GGG that they need to follow on what made PoE great when it comes to PoE 2... not go and make a bad copy of a Dark Souls wannabe ARPG...

PoE2 will crash and burn badly if they don't change their focus A LOT!!!

I kind of agree, 200k players is so many players , people over-estimate how many people use US based steam to play games, 200k is like more than 99% of games out there, they took a huge market share and instantly flopped it.

Touted as a "easier access" so they can do less work with gems and introduce a gem menu rather than a ARPG style grind for your gems.

Introduced runewords forrrrrrrrr, nothing, cant combo and make special items just get a weak +25 life, etc.
I really wish people would stop insulting Dark Souls.... by comparing it to this game. This is Dark Souls if you were doing a over encumbered, fat rolling challenge playthrough.
Dodge, run in circles, run more in circles, autoattack, dodge, run in circles, run more in circles around the boss, autoattack.
Last edited by Banneddd#5088 on Dec 11, 2024, 12:41:31 AM
+1 OP

The issue here isn't only that its hard and teddius, the issue is that I need to do this slog of a leveling process with "souls like bosses" every season. Things will get min max to make it faster, however, there are multiple things that take away my optimist:
-Area reset on death when the map is massive.
-Your gear is dismal throughout the whole leveling process.
-Missing stats while leveling, when Im already getting crushed.
-I dont mind the dodge mechanic, but boss HP is way too high.
-Fighting a boss can take like 30 minutes or more if you die a lot.
-Getting 1/2 shot by white mobs when I am 1 level higher, in act 3

And the most important thing as I said before, I might do this once, but I will never EVER do this every league. Doing a slog of a 25 hours campaign every league is something that I have no interest in. Which is sad because I abssolutly loved PoE1.
Last edited by AlphaEvolved#6206 on Dec 7, 2024, 11:23:14 PM
Not sure my reply will be seen after 47 pages, but I freaking loved PoE1. I've been playing since they added the Vaal side areas.

This, though? I get that things aren't quite balanced yet, but it's just not "it." I'm playing a miniony witch, and on the druid my pets die way too easily, and I just roll around while I wait for them to resummon, only for them to cross into the poison area. (I'm too busy rolling to actually direct them anywhere.) And then they die.

The loot is not helpful, currency doesn't drop enough, and I think I've only gotten one support gem so far.

It feels like they're catering to a very specific type of player. I'm OK with not reaching the very end of the maps in PoE1, but PoE2 as it is now isn't overly rewarding.

I see where they're going, and it's nice to have variety with boss fights and such, but this feels more like a souls-like game than an ARPG.
i think developers forgot 2 things, pls fix :

1) -% exp when you die
2) deleveling when u die at 0%

after this fix game will be x2 fun
I personally try to stay away from "it's wrong" or "it's right".

I think EVERYBODY agrees that PoE2 is vastly harder than PoE1, right? Does anybody REALLY disagree with that?

Now, obviously there are people who enjoy harder games. But my point is that it's a different player-base. I'm not there. There's no problem with liking it, but don't tell me I have to like it as well.

"Yet another Souls-like game" is NOT a problem. I just wouldn't play it.
The ONLY problem is that the title is PoE2. And that the company is GGG.
It removes resources from the PoE i DO like. AND, it kills the "actual" sequel of the game. That's it. Nobody is working on the "new" PoE. That's what's sad to me.

Summarizing: if this game is intended as another souls-like (this is my guess) I'd even change the name. "Souls of Exile". You can have that name for free ;) And maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe some day we'd get PoE2, an actual game for the same player-base.

OR, if it was a "mistake" and you hired all Zizaran and Ben testers (that i really doubt it), GGG please tune it down.

In any case you'll have people that will like it and people that won't.

No matter what they do, I still love GGG for giving me PoE1. My favorite game of all times.

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