Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.
I don't want to play Ruthless or Dark Soul. It's just stupid to go to another act you need to craft and level up again and again in the same locations for some skill points to somehow survive/deal damage. There is nothing fun in such gameplay.
I think I should delete POE2 client, maybe someday the game will be OK, I hope in a few years the work on errors will be done. For now - NO, thanks. Last edited by Murmuüre#0276 on Dec 7, 2024, 11:38:00 PM
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This is miserable. I have thousands of hours in POE 1 and its easily in my top 10 games of all time. This is just miserably hard. In POE 1 I could at least bash my head against a boss when my build was bad or my skill was lacking etc. With everything resetting on death I'm basically stuck half way through act 2 with no real way to progress. I even went back to a map that is 3 levels lower than my character and I am just mindlessly grinding to to try and level up my character and get drops. If I wanted to play darksouls I would play... darksouls.
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" LOL. That's a great summary Last edited by diego_garber#0088 on Dec 7, 2024, 11:48:07 PM
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Ok, so played to start of act 2 so far.
I have to agree with the ‘dissatisfaction’ feeling this thread generally has. SUGGESTIONS 1) most of the bosses are fine, the end of act 1 boss is a little too hard and the first act 2 mini boss (razor-something with all the spikes from unkillable mobs on ledges) just stupid. 2) trash mobs are way way too tanky, some are ok but playing mercenary I have spent more time (20-40 times) more time walking backwards than forwards. This is bad design, nerf their hp or defences. Otherwise based on act 1 the game is fairly good, newborn issues aside I’d say even excellent. NOTE I get that you at GGG want campaign to last longer but, for years now people have been moaning about having to redo poe1 campaign and this campaign is 10 times longer minimum. People just won’t play more than one character which means longer retention but less play through runs and that’s definitely less revenue. I will (wildly) guess that you’ve already lost 25-50% of day one players, and good luck winning back a quitter than keeping an elite player. (ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division) Last edited by Timbo Zero#8289 on Dec 7, 2024, 11:55:19 PM
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I think the difficulty is way overblown, maybe trash mobs are too tanky when magic/rare. Maybe the final act 1 boss is hard and requires you to have some DPS and cold resist. Maybe early game, minions are bad. These are rational complaints.
Saying "I can't roll and do something else at the same time, it takes too much brain function". "I've died 3 times in act 1 and given up" well, that doesn't sound like a valid complaint. It sounds like you just wanted to be handheld through an experience rather than learn a new game. PoE has never been the type of game that you can breeze through without learning something. PoE1 is optimized, and made easy, because you are fed optimal choices by guides, but it is actually complex, and if you took it on yourself without the wealth of information and resources you have now, it too would be "too difficult" if you gave up after dying a bit. PoE2 is an evolution on that where even the mechanics themselves are something to learn and master, and right now, there are no proper guides to help you. You are going to have to learn the mechanics, if you want to beat the game without help. If you want help and it to be easy, you are going to have to wait a bit and seek the advice of people who are better than you. Edit: Maybe another option for those struggling is to look for a group in global or a discord. Last edited by AverBeg7#1689 on Dec 8, 2024, 12:11:40 AM
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" That about sums it up for boss fights and overtuned rares. |
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I have 2 chars, a minion witch at 25 and a monk at 17. Ive hit a wall with my witch, and considered swapping to my monk. But i remember when i was stuck on Graenor, i simply went to town and used some of my currency, upgraded my gear, and gained 1 level... I then beat the boss after 2 tries. Same with monk, i did not win the first time, had to go back to the drawing board.
Its EA, there will be tweaking, but to give up because you're too stubborn to go level and upgrade gear is just silly. |
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I'm curious, when you say it's hard, what control scheme are you using? I was using M&K originally, and it was difficult. I switched to controller and it's not nearly as difficult.
I wonder if it was tuned for controller/ASWD, rather than point and click. Just my thought. |
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I hate to say this because I love PoE 1, I have thousands of hours played and I wanted this to be great so badly, but it has to be said, "POE 2, Bad."
I don't mind it being hard, I actually prefer it to be challenging. Here are the list of issues I have so far after about 12 hours this weekend. 1) Dodge/roll is is infinitely inferior to flame dash. The game is so proud of it that it has become the centerpiece of every fight, even against trash mobs. 2) Loot drops are horrendous. GGG was originally created the spiritual successor to D2 in POE1, but D2 was all about the loot and POE2 hardly has any loot. In POE1 I had to put my loot filter on in Act 1. I'll never need a loot filter in POE2. 3) The charm of hack and slash ARPG is the build diversity. Want to make a super fast striking ranged build that never gets hit or a uber face tank melee build? You can do that even early on. Want to do that in POE2? Sorry. 4) Health is the single most important stat. This sort of goes with #2. Since you took health off the tree, you have to stack it on gear. Only there isn't any gear. 5) Boss fights take waaaaaaaay too long. Punishing but avoidable mechanics, awesome. Punishing but avoidable mechanics that I have to do over and over and over because I can only get 2 attacks off per dodge/roll, pitiful. 6) Game is grindy in the bad way. I have no problem with needing to clear loads of mobs and many maps to level up, but making each pack feel like a chore is tedious and off-putting. I've seen a lot of people on here saying that those complaining should get good, but what you are missing is that if the game is bad from the start then no one will take the time to "get gud". The game is completely monetized by people paying for cosmetics and you know who buys cosmetics, casual players with disposable income. If they don't stick around then neither will the game. Since the game is just in Early Access, I have hope that a lot of these problems will be addressed. But as I said at the start until that happens, "POE 2, bad." And that makes me sadder then you know. Last edited by Leapgrip#4529 on Dec 8, 2024, 12:31:28 AM
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