Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

+1 for the poster.

At the moment level 1-5 feels like T1-5 in PoE 1 without a build and somewhat of equipment.

What I enjoyed about PoE 1 campaign was that you could "class cannon" it and still finish it.

Here you cant even stand still 0.2 sec at same pixel else you die at start....ö
i mean everyone who wants the game to stay hard because they want to yell "get good" at everyone..

games have to cater to the casual crowd to some degree, specially a free game.. they need a ton of users so they can sell mtxs

if they dont figure out how to balance easy and hard content.. they will drive off the casual crowd and they will lose a ton of potential money

they have the data on their end.. they will see how many people cant even make it thru act 1 or give up after x amount of time..

they will in fact have to change the game.. its inevitable
I'm done.
The game is just a chore and simply not fun to play.

At a certain point you find yourself running past mobs, because there's the same overtuned tanky mobs every 5 steps that take endless casts to kill and barely give xp or drop shit.

What a letdown of a game.
My issue is that the character I am playing is no longer defeating the monsters with sheer power. Instead, she is extremely lucky to dodge every time.

First PoE was power fantasy, this one (beginning of the act 2) feels like damsel-in-distress misery.
+1 OP
This is tedious not fun. No longer powerfull this time every boss is maven on bad gear.
I have been playing MMOs since 1999, ARPGs since D1, POE on and off since open beta.

I find the over-tuned bosses, over powered trash mobs, mindbogglingly sluggish movement, the nonsensical "dodge" mechanic (no, dodge/dodge/dodge/use skill, repeat for 5 minutes is not "skill"), very very odd coming from GGG. Did noone in closed Beta give any feedback? or was closed beta full of people who somehow were all gluttons for punishment?

I am sorry, only level 12 but this feels like an Alpha to me - untuned boss, trash mobs. Meaningless drops (how many flasks does one character need, especially when forced down to one life and one mana flask only?) . I do hope GGG pivots and makes the game play enjoyable and away from this sluggish mess.

I will of course play more - but POE2 seems intent on chasing players AWAY, and not grasping their attention and keeping them like POE1 did - even though it too had challenging bosses in tidal island, trash mobs - voiddogs in docks anyone? - but POE1 was fulfilling. Here, you just move on to the next white mob which will move you around and kill you or a boss who will non-stop telegraph for you to dodge ad-nauseum. Sure this is a challenge which some feel they have overcome, for many this is just tedium.

P.S: For those who have achieved their ultimate bliss now in PoE2 - congrats. Many of us find this gameplay aggravating. The "Action" part of the ARPG seems to be just mashing dodge... And no this is not "getting good" in many of our books either.

I truly don't want to insult anyone, but hard agree on "(no, dodge/dodge/dodge/use skill, repeat for 5 minutes is not "skill")". I don't see how anyone could find this skillful in any way. For how much people want to talk about Souls-like being about skill, its mostly about pattern recognition and perseverance. The difference between those games and PoE 2 is that in a 3rd person Souls-like, you are not swarmed by 20 mobs who surround and end you without having a chance to do anything. You are free to pick your fights 1-on-1, and the progress slow but meaningful. In the time you take one character to maps, lets say around 20-25 hours, you can reasonably finish the entirety of Dark Souls. That's where PoE 2 tedium appears, in the fact that for 20-25 hours you are subjected to the most boring and uninteresting gameplay, just kite and don't hug the wall, so you don't get surround.

Old ones playing PoE 1 remember the early days when the game was difficult, but it was fun, slow as it was, but the game got popular when it became a bit faster, with more options for the players, for how they want to engage with the game. They recently found a good balance for PoE 1 where any archetype build could complete the campaign, and that gave even new players the baseline they needed to be able to understand the fundamentals.

I know that PoE 2 is has only been out for 24h to the public, but I don't see how more time would fix the loot being absent, bosses being a snooze fest and melee still feeling absolutely shit.

That's where PoE 2 tedium appears, in the fact that for 20-25 hours you are subjected to the most boring and uninteresting gameplay, just kite and don't hug the wall, so you don't get surround.

Old ones playing PoE 1 remember the early days when the game was difficult, but it was fun, slow as it was, but the game got popular when it became a bit faster, with more options for the players, for how they want to engage with the game. They recently found a good balance for PoE 1 where any archetype build could complete the campaign, and that gave even new players the baseline they needed to be able to understand the fundamentals.

I know that PoE 2 is has only been out for 24h to the public, but I don't see how more time would fix the loot being absent, bosses being a snooze fest and melee still feeling absolutely shit.

THIS!!!!! ^^^^^
Nah, game gud. Git gud.
what i hate the most, that i basically paid ggg the last 10 years to make a game for souls fan and not for poe customer. fuck that shit
Vvulf#5611 wrote:
+1 OP

Good Lord there are so many sanctimonious priggs in the comment section.

OP already stated he wasn't even at an elite gamer, so those with the "git gud" comments aren't worth paying a jot of attention to.

The bottom line is that if GGG doesn't make the game attractive TO A WIDER AUDIENCE than the Dark Souls Andys, then it's going to go from 1,000,000+ users at EA launch to 100,000 in two weeks.

In it's current state, it's got a lot going for it - the visuals, voice acting, monster variety, boss design, telegraphing of most (not all) abilities etc., but the gameplay is too punishing and the drops too low for anyone but hardcore players.

PoE 1 started out with a similar group of smug elitists (80% of the streamers) who called anyone that didn't play Hardcore "Scrubcore" players.

But guess what? PoE 1 didn't become popular until GGG adjusted the difficulty for people who don't no-life video games.

I was there in closed beta, and GGG will adjust this game too.
Hopefully sooner rather than later.

Any game that is inaccessible to anyone that doesn't "git gud" is a bad game... Dark Souls games are hailed as the "pinnacle of gaming" but in reality they're games for mentally ill gamers that want to waste hours and days and weeks of their lives raging to beat a game only to prove they can even though they didn't have fun beating it... they want to prove they're not "plebs" and that they can flex about being "hardcore gamers"...

I've been gaming since I was 5... I'll be 35 in May and I've even been a semi-pro player in a video game in the past (back in 2013 I was a top 0.1% player in the world at FIFA)... but I never played to flex, I played for fun... at some games I was great at others I was just decent... but any game that tells you that being decent isn't good enough for us is a BAD GAME, period!!!

Any game that doesn't have difficulty settings to be able to attract and keep happy all the kinds of player bases is a BAD GAME!!!

Dark Souls design is a bad design... Dark Souls games are TEDIOUS and not fun... I played Elden Ring and never finished it cause it was dragging on and on and on and the progress was painfully slow... yes, it had beautiful graphics and good design but the game was wasting my time massively and dying to a boss 150 times until I eventually looked up a guide online was just dumb...

Any game you need to follow a guide to even play it and can't play without it is NOT A GOOD GAME!!!

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