Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

I have a couple of thoughts on why its bad.

Its not sustainable, people are enjoying it cause the content is new so the challenge is reasonable to get to the next new thing and discovering what comes next. But be hoenst with yourself, how eager are you to do this challenge for the 20th time? When its not new and you just want to get to the next thing as fast as possible.

Dodge is pointless, in that it only dodges some attacks and it doesnt move any faster than just walking. I have no escape from danger with my dodge and I dont have something like frost blink to help so getting cornered is a death sentence. There is the idea in a game you are allowed to make X number of mistakes befor eyou die, thats why escape mechanics have cooldowns. But Dodge is just movement with another button, if it could phase attacks, or even allowed to interrupt my actions that would be useful. Example I had started an attack, the telegraph and attack of the boss happened during my animation, I just died and had no way out of it. Thats bad design. Dodge could be removed from the game and I think most people would not really notice a difference in the game.

They didnt learn from PoE1 or any other ARPG. Every single time an ARPG comes out with the "WE ARE GOING TO BE HARD TO PLAY!" idea they reverse course. Cause its not fun, people play games for enjoyment, adding a "dark souls" element of challenge to an ARPG is not fun, It works in dark souls cause beating the boss IS the challenge. ARPG is about powering up, feeling strong, finding fun combinations to work with, right now it feels like all ability combinations just suck, it's not fun, I dont want to use a basic attack as a melee, im spending gems on special attacks to just look at them, thats not fun. Sadly GGG knows this, they did this early with PoE1, and they reversed course cause no one wants to play that. I think they are hoping that PoE1 will still run and people will play that, BUT as a fan of PoE2 that should bother you cause where are the resources going to go? PoE1 cause thats were players are and thats where money is. If you want to gatekeep endgame content cause bosses are punishing, thats great, Im for it, gatekeeping early acts as you are still unlocking functionality of the game just feels like getting dick punched while in a queue for a dick punching.
shammma#4977 wrote:
i bet 90% of people making these post have all passives invested in offense.

If you have to worry about defence in th first Act of an ARPG then its doing a lot wrong.

But then again, they've made POE 2 a souls game not an ARPG.
shammma#4977 wrote:
i bet 90% of people making these post have all passives invested in offense.

zoom zoom boom boom!!
- poe 2 isnt made for poe 1 frogs, this is exactly why it's a separate game

- I'm blasting everything with a giga scuffed build that doesnt have any offense on the tree (because I can't yet, it's a caster witchhunter)

- poe 2 is easier than poe 1 and is a dumbed down version of it for the most part

- if you think poe 2 is hard you should play diablo 4

"buff grenades"

- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)
Last edited by auspexa#1404 on Dec 7, 2024, 2:50:49 PM
TheGuch#4383 wrote:
I have a couple of thoughts on why its bad.

Its not sustainable, people are enjoying it cause the content is new so the challenge is reasonable to get to the next new thing and discovering what comes next. But be hoenst with yourself, how eager are you to do this challenge for the 20th time? When its not new and you just want to get to the next thing as fast as possible.

Dodge is pointless, in that it only dodges some attacks and it doesnt move any faster than just walking. I have no escape from danger with my dodge and I dont have something like frost blink to help so getting cornered is a death sentence. There is the idea in a game you are allowed to make X number of mistakes befor eyou die, thats why escape mechanics have cooldowns. But Dodge is just movement with another button, if it could phase attacks, or even allowed to interrupt my actions that would be useful. Example I had started an attack, the telegraph and attack of the boss happened during my animation, I just died and had no way out of it. Thats bad design. Dodge could be removed from the game and I think most people would not really notice a difference in the game.

They didnt learn from PoE1 or any other ARPG. Every single time an ARPG comes out with the "WE ARE GOING TO BE HARD TO PLAY!" idea they reverse course. Cause its not fun, people play games for enjoyment, adding a "dark souls" element of challenge to an ARPG is not fun, It works in dark souls cause beating the boss IS the challenge. ARPG is about powering up, feeling strong, finding fun combinations to work with, right now it feels like all ability combinations just suck, it's not fun, I dont want to use a basic attack as a melee, im spending gems on special attacks to just look at them, thats not fun. Sadly GGG knows this, they did this early with PoE1, and they reversed course cause no one wants to play that. I think they are hoping that PoE1 will still run and people will play that, BUT as a fan of PoE2 that should bother you cause where are the resources going to go? PoE1 cause thats were players are and thats where money is. If you want to gatekeep endgame content cause bosses are punishing, thats great, Im for it, gatekeeping early acts as you are still unlocking functionality of the game just feels like getting dick punched while in a queue for a dick punching.

"getting cornered is a death sentence"

this reminds me of the situation on the map where you get your first spirit gem where you gotta do ritual stuff.
one altar was on a small square area. the moment it activated i got mobbed, surrounded and i could NOT get out. in any way shape or form. and got staggered like crazy so i could barely even defend myself...
yeah... that was a greeaaaaat time....
AmpegV4#2473 wrote:

Though act 1 was a lot slower and tougher than I would prefer, and would probably have been overly slow and difficult for a good portion of it had I not gotten lucky crafting my weapon, I was having fun with it until Geanor.

The first half of Geanor was fine, while the second half just seems to be bullshit piled on top of bullshit. The mist phase has him doing untelegraphed bullshit that eats away large chunks of your life while he's invulnerable and you're just trying not to get bodyblocked or otherwise killed by the minion spam, and if you happen to luck your way through that part, he pretty much continuously spams massive area effects which, most of the time, there's nowhere near enough time to avoid.

If I wanted to play dark souls, I'd fucking play dark souls. Though frankly dark souls, which telegraphs consistently and doesn't spam shit so fast it can't be dodged, would be an improvement over some of this gameplay.

hcssf here, got through this boss and only 1 phase of the mist got hairy for me as I couldn't do enough damage to keep the temp monsters down (its quite easy if you can kill those monsters as they spawn). FYI the audio is the telegraph for his attacks btw, around 2 second after he says whatever you should dodge roll and you won't get hit.

ya I didn't have much trouble with A1 overall using monk with essentially his default skills. I find monk plays really nice with C2M, qwert skills and remap dodge roll to right click.

I am a summoner as well, it seems the devs didn't take into account that minions die very quickly and do very low individual damage. so all I can't really kill the ads from the boss as they appear.

it's a balancing issue.
Bentic#7016 wrote:
Hope poe1 gets full love, because i wont play poe2. Just not made for me.

Yes sir, totally agree.
It's hilarious that from all the actually PoE demigods all there you picked Ziz as an example of being skilled at game lmao.

To your point now, don't lose heart just yet, things are completely out of balance, everyone can see and so does GGG, while I don't expect the things bothering you to change, they will become easier for sure, this is business above everything else, they will try to hold as many "casuals" (for lack of a better term) as possible. Expect the game to change a whole lot during EA.
NumNumer#3935 wrote:
AmpegV4#2473 wrote:

Though act 1 was a lot slower and tougher than I would prefer, and would probably have been overly slow and difficult for a good portion of it had I not gotten lucky crafting my weapon, I was having fun with it until Geanor.

The first half of Geanor was fine, while the second half just seems to be bullshit piled on top of bullshit. The mist phase has him doing untelegraphed bullshit that eats away large chunks of your life while he's invulnerable and you're just trying not to get bodyblocked or otherwise killed by the minion spam, and if you happen to luck your way through that part, he pretty much continuously spams massive area effects which, most of the time, there's nowhere near enough time to avoid.

If I wanted to play dark souls, I'd fucking play dark souls. Though frankly dark souls, which telegraphs consistently and doesn't spam shit so fast it can't be dodged, would be an improvement over some of this gameplay.

hcssf here, got through this boss and only 1 phase of the mist got hairy for me as I couldn't do enough damage to keep the temp monsters down (its quite easy if you can kill those monsters as they spawn). FYI the audio is the telegraph for his attacks btw, around 2 second after he says whatever you should dodge roll and you won't get hit.

ya I didn't have much trouble with A1 overall using monk with essentially his default skills. I find monk plays really nice with C2M, qwert skills and remap dodge roll to right click.

I am a summoner as well, it seems the devs didn't take into account that minions die very quickly and do very low individual damage. so all I can't really kill the ads from the boss as they appear.

it's a balancing issue.

Yeah maybe GGG wanted to actually learn from their mistakes and not allow an archetype that lets the AI play the game for you from level 1.

Builds that automate gameplay, and especially those that overlap with builds that trivialize content, should require serious investment, probably even some luck.

Reserving your base 60 spirit in Act 1 should not net you a horde of minions that can kill the boss while you spam 1 ability that does zero damage and dodge poorly.

No thank you. We have PoE1 for that.
+1 this will not be a game for me someone is trying to impress hardcore players and he is probably trash in his own game. The drops are just bad to make progress feel smooth and the dificullty is plain idiotic on some occasions. You are implementing one shots with horifying skill design and complete trash of movement

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