Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.
I think a lot of people here forget what EA means. The fact that things are unbalanced and the fact that the endgame and crafting isn't there yet means a lot but was expected as that was the last thing they added. If it takes you 100 hours to get burned out in the EA release it shows a lot of potential. That's like 20hrs campaign and 80 hours endgame which isn't ready at all.
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" Early access or not the problem is that making most of the casual players leaving (and rerely returning) won't help to get money to continue the developpement... In POE1 a non-skilled player was able to finish the campain and enter a sandbox mode where he was able to test all the features, even if he was not able to progress in the harder one. Here the game is hard since the beggining, advancing in each area is a pain and at the end of the area there is a wall mostly unpassable for a non elite player... Where are the interest and the pleasure if you are not masochist? |
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" The EA basically paid the development... they can afford some risks. |
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Been playing diablo 4 for a while.. tried PoE2 and I am not for diablo 4 or poe2 in particular and pretty open to games. At first I thought it was refreshing, but after 10 hours playing it I just didnt feel motivated to log in and continue playing. I tried creating a second char, played it for 15 minutes before I just had to alt+f4 in demotivation. I don't know what it is but something is missing, I don't get the same adrenaline and the drive to keep playing. I really looked forward to try PoE2, but I don't understand why it feels like a waste of time when I play it - because I really wanted to enjoy it. It just doesn't feel like I am having fun...
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" This is not a problem you should concern yourself with. GGG brought a game to the market. It's EA and people had to pay to enter. RIght now, they have enough funds to keep this game running. You should know that GGG has employes who look out for financial risks and will clearly tell if the game is going in the wrong direction, financial-wise. So saying "wont help get money to continue development" is just a superficial made-up argument from your side, so that it looks like you brought some good ideas/suggestions/criticism to the table. You don't know anything at all about the income GGG makes right now and you also don't know how many payong customers they need in the future to keep this game running. You also don't know for how many players you are speaking right now. 10%? 50%? Who knows, but I guess GGG has more information then you. So don't bring superficial arguments into this discussion to bolster your statements. " I'm a non-skilled poe1 player. Never cleared endgame content in PoE1. And still, I'm enjoying PoE2 right now. Not everything ofc, but the game goes into the right direction for my taste. I love to play souls-like games, played Elden Ring and love the combination of PoE1 and Dark Souls. It's hard, but not impossible. I think PoE1 players are just not used to die 2-3 times to a boss. They are used to play hardcore and easily manage to reach level 80-90. Here, dying challenges the player to actually learn from mistakes. |
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I think you're just not spending enough time making your gear better. I blasted trough all 3 acts on my first run.
I started to struggle really early at lvl 10, used the normal to magic currency I had and bought random normal gear and upgraded that until I found something good for my weapon, upped my dmg x2. Applied same logic whenever I was struggling. |
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My two biggest complaints right now are:
1) As a frost sorc who has had AWFUL loot and reward luck, my boss and mini boss fights are always (still in campaign) roll roll frost bomb roll roll roll. My spells all take too long to cast, do little damage and are too slow that i have to roll again before I finish casting to avoid boss attacks. 2) loot drops have been horrendous for me. I am half way through act 2 and I have yet to receive a single yellow or orange drop from a boss that is for a sorc. It's been non stop bows, heavy armour and melee weapons. It's incredibly unsatisfying after spending ten mins on a boss, dying multiple times because my gear is so bad, to get ANOTHER orange rage helm. This can't be intended. |
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" +1 Sorc. I started with bow, and it feels x2 better. |
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Have to agree that the current iteration is not what I would deem fun. Constantly rolling around to avoid 1-2 shot mechanics whilst being unable to actually cast anything to damage bosses more than minimally isn't compelling to me.
If I'm doing everything I can to avoid anything and still taking so much damage that my flasks are drained isn't fun. Challenge is welcome, bullshit mechanics are not. |
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" Yes, you are partly right and I've seen that on act1, having to ameliorate grantly my stuff to kill the count. In a gameplay where you have enough time to spend on this while you progress you would be fully right. For example in D2 you have 3 or 4 areas to play before encountering each final boss of the act. Here it's not the case, most area are locked with a boss and it makes the game boring. The best example is when you start act2 : you just had an epic (for a non skilled player purely collector like me) and as soon as you finish the first next area you encounter another boss unpassable with your current stuff... How much must I farm EACH area to have the necessary stuff? This transfor the fun to farm only one area at a time into a pain, even for a player like me with the objective to collect the better stuff at the end. No impression to progress! Discouraged to see the other features, locked by a wall in each area! Please, make the intermediate bosses between maps optional and only the final one for the act mandatory!!! |
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