Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.
100 hours in, just uninstalled. I keep trying to justifying playing, but the game needs major vision changes before I'll come back. It sucks, because I had such great expectations for this game.
Right now it seems as though GGG is trying to grasp at a fad, and losing itself in the process. Last edited by Discojuice#2799 on Dec 15, 2024, 10:20:14 PM
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" It is though W is always up A is always left S is always down D is always right Up isn't always forward, that depends on the layout The mouse look way you're talking about would be far more jarring on an isometric where you're constantly using the mouse to loot Last edited by Covertghost#3458 on Dec 15, 2024, 10:29:44 PM
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" Agree the one death per map, xp loss is so disgusting and all it does is waste peoples time. New crafting system is so bad why would they make it so simple. Game is a major let down and I cannot wait for a new poe 1 league. GGG should remaster poe 1 graphics like poe2, would be so good. |
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Not only is the game tough (which o dont mind at all) but the penalties you get hit with for just stupid stuff that you cant control. ultimatum is a disaster. a ring covers ur whole arena while fighting a boss and u just die. its super depressing having to play for hours thinking that you made progress just foor some stupid one-shot attack to lose you your map and ur 15% progression. i really cant wait for poe1 new league
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" Brother, go touch some grass and reflect on expecting the first week of an early access release of a complete overhaul to be nailed immediately. Just take a breath man. 100 hours.. spending 2 fulltime jobs worth of time in the first week.. wait a bit and come back after some changes. No stress! |
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After about 100 hours into POE2, I've also began to lose the desire to log in and continue playing on my character. The Campaign felt great and progression within the campaign also felt good but once I've reached end game, I haven't really enjoyed my time on POE2. Build variety has felt lackluster in what I can experiment with without having to worry about if I can also map well with it. ESPECIALLY since you can only attempt a map a single time per waystone before the modifiers disappear. Honestly, it's much more discouraging for me to want to experiment or reroll because of that and other factors. The lifespan of POE1 has been almost 3x as long for me in respect to each of the leagues. Understandably this is in early access, but I wish end game felt a bit more flushed out and enjoyable to play. For now, I'll stick with playing just the campaign.
Last edited by RickyYSpanish#1209 on Dec 15, 2024, 11:39:01 PM
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This game is built like 'Ruthless' from PoE1. That HAS to change. They can save this mode as it currently is as a new 'Ruthless' mode for PoE2, if they must, but as the main form of the game it's a monumental step backwards from PoE1. And the second game in the series SHOULD BE BETTER THAN THE FIRST! Not worse! Many studios have made their sequels worse than the previous game, and they've almost universally suffered for it. I don't want GGG to go down that path. |
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" 1. I'm pretty sure many of the players can't wait to walk through three further acts of the campaign, wearing the same items for 30-40 levels bc of no upgrades (if you dont do trading, then all you need is some ex, oh what fun) 2. I'm also pretty sure that they will change the horrible systems like the trials, the maps where every single one feels like the whole act 3 of Diablo 2 multiplied by 5, their "finetuning" of powerful builds (by removing them from the game) or the really great endgame mechanics where they took the xp penalty from POE 1 and turned it to 11 The game on a basis is really great but it blows. At some point you realize it is not fun, it's just so frustrating because it could be great. No loot at all, overtuned monsters, awfully unfair and stupid mechanics, big maps and a boring campaign. It's like the most hated list of POE 1 players. And I still try to love this game but it's so tiresome My Stormweaver progress: - 1st day cant login - 2h into game spark spark spark - 7h into game: getting arc - 7.1h into game: spark spark spark - 15h into game: preparing to change to cast on freeze - 16h into game: wasting all the gold to respeccing back to spark after nerf - 30h into game: getting lightning ball - 30.1h into game: spark spark spark... zZZZzZZZZZzzzZ Last edited by RoninSJ#4948 on Dec 15, 2024, 11:43:10 PM
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I played on trade but always crafted my own items and used trade for selling. After about 100 hours, I still love the game and love the difficulty.
What pisses me off is the random bullshit I cant see that one shots me or map design. For example I hate watch towers because of no visibility inside the tower until I get close enough, getting sun ray'ed out of my screen view and not being able to dodge out of it. It is still an ARPG so dying to normal attacks while frustrating is understandable. End game needs to be slowed down imo, it becomes a either you one shot or near insta stun/electrocute/freeze them or they surround you. A lot of meaningful combat is lost towards the end. |
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" 100 hours Jesus H Christ, that's more than me, and I actually like the game. I'm waiting for more fleshed out endgame and some PC upgrades personally. Glad you're loving the game too! |
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