Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.
" Then perhaps it's time to stop offloading the cost of game development onto the average consumer looking to play a game worth their money. I blame the early access system in general, because the term is not synonymous with "unfinished", and has more relation to "open beta". The implications between the two are pretty drastic, and it's clear that PoE2 should not qualify as any sort of beta test. Alas, people see that a game they are looking forward to has released to "early access" and the laymen may very well assume that means "nearly finished". |
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i want to make more characters and play but im just so unmotivated with how everything feels. playing the entire game with the feeling of "oh the build will come on line any moment". and it just never happens. it feels so wrong to be have to use button combos on white mobs. i shouldnt have to open every single encounter with flash grenade, gas grenade, explosive grenade, and just live that life till max level just to do damage to every basic mob. its exhausting
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Maps are so boring and frustrating.
Really no motive to keep the grind. |
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- Slow gear progression. - Where is my currency at? 7ex in 54 hours of play. - Unable to fix resists according to the content I play (e.g., I don't have the resists capped, so I need to switch them based on the boss I am fighting. Currently not possible except by swapping rings). - Melee needs way more investment to feel good. - Price of respec (I could imagine the right level being 1/3 of the current price). - End boss in Act 1 seems overtuned. - Not enough build diversity on Titan class (did not try other classes). PROS: - Excellent graphics, skill animations and sound. - Uniqueness of bosses. - Story line and graphic art of its animations. Over 5k hours in PoE1 / 55h in PoE2. Overall, it feels good even though the content is harder than expected. With a few iterations of balance changes, it feels optimistic. If things are not addressed, the sentiment inclines toward sticking with PoE1 and leaving PoE2 to people who enjoy Ruthless mode in PoE1. |
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I play a deadeye, have tailwind and every movement node i could pick up, and the mobs and bosses still chases me successfully. No escape. In this cumbersome small boss arenas anyways. There is most of the times not even enough time to fire at the boss. When i stop then i get one shot. With an evasion rating of over 80. And so i run and run and run and wait for the one moment, oh, one shot again ...
At the opposite, the levels are gigantic. And gigantic cumbersome and boring to play. I found today my first orb of alchemy. After a week. And i have just arrived in act 3 today. How shall we ever play a league with such slow progression? I still struggle at the gear end. Crafting is basically non existent. I will definitely not waste an exalted at level 10 gear. I have currently 9 of them. The game feels so absolutely not rewarding, cumbersome, exhausting and unfair. It is the exact opposite of fun. I am not entertained, i am permanently punished. " It is no question of leveling up. And it's not the early access to blame or that it is unbalanced. It has a few great points that i would love to see in POE1. But the whole vision of the game goes imho into a completely wrong direction. And i cannot see how this could ever be fixed. This is not done with a few patches. |
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Honour mechanic is horrible
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" Beta software is absolutely unfinished. You might be expecting early access to be on the quality level of a release candidate but that's almost never the case. Early access is very much beta software, which again, is complied much earlier in the development process than a release candidate. |
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" +1 |
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I feel you man. Same reason alot of my friends dont play anymore and that only one week after early access. The feeling that you can try as hard as you can but you dont progress in any way. They straight out quit the game and probably will never come back. There are to many good games on the market which are not wasting your precious time or feel like pure punishment. Or destroy whole builds with a patch and no chance to recover (hello respec costs.. wtf).
trials - horrible, punishing, fun killer, blocks your progress/char (worst part of the whole game) maps - to big (given the lack of movement/movement speed), dreadful, punishing, 6 portals and one life .. wtf endgame - pure grind, punishing and not nearly rewarding for the invested time. you can actually RUN OUT of maps .. wtf crafting - nonexistent. gacha has better success rates. where is crafting bench? where are modifiers? skill tree - feels sluggish (have to be lvl20-30 to get some decent nodes), some classes completely lack options .. wtf |
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Just going to throw my 2 cents in here and say, as someone that enjoys difficulty....There's a difference between mechanically difficult and "Let's add as many frustrating, cheap and outright stuck in the past ways to make players not want to stick around"
The Wolf himself isn't too difficult, as I'm quickly finding with the more "ramped up" bosses in cruel difficulty. They are two things A Knowledge check: Absolutely fine A big fat stat check: Fine if done right, Not if just an annoying obstacle that they made sure you can't overcome How are they doing that stat check? By having adds that are actually far more dangerous than the bosses are. Hit stun, was taken away a long time ago in Diablo 1, let me let you in on a little secret why GGG devs. Because it absolutely sucked and existed at the time because there wasn't much room for mechanical nuance, anyone that tells you it's fine or they like it, never played Vanilla D1 and got to Lazarus where the Succubi were notorious for hit-stun locking the player to death. By all means, make your bosses tough encounters, but don't slap a ton of adds in the encounters that are actual meat shields and are there just to hit-stun you to death, that's not fun, that's cheap. Also, while we are on the matter of cheap, hit-stunning kill crap Ranged mobs Who in the blue hell thought putting hit stun on RANGED mobs was 1. A good idea? 2. Remotely ever going to be enjoyable? I've not seen a single streamer, player or contributor say a single good word about this "feature", take it out, you want hit-stun on melee mobs, fine, it still needs tuning down somewhat, but ranged having it is extremely poor design and is just making every players life miserable. TLDR: Severely rebalance the adds in boss encounters, they're supposed to be fodder to refill your flasks, not actually more dangerous than the boss themselves. Severely reduce hit-stun and outright remove it from ranged mobs. |
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