Though not absolutely, I'm also a little bit disappointed as well personally.
In my personal view, there are 2 types of games & gamers.
--> https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3618432
Posted byZork#7081on Dec 12, 2024, 9:11:45 AM
Another thing about these boss fights. You don't get a moment to breathe, ever. With Jamanra's 3 phases, you never even have a safe 2-3 second window use use a charged spell/attack, even in phase 1 it's a quick cast then move/dodge the lighting beam. Dark Souls/ Elden Ring bosses are NEVER like this. Even with input reading, you're not constantly on your toes without any chance to slow down for even just a bit or to think about what to do. Room for mistakes is extremely low. It's instinct & reaction from the 1st second to the last. In a fight that lasts 5 minutes+ no less. The majority of casual players will never be able to solo him without help. Hence I'm calling it BS deisgn. GGG you're trying to appeal the game to a mass audience with this, seriously?
You can PAUSE
I think you're trolling, but he specifically said "to use a charged spell/attack".
You can't cast skills while paused.
No, he said he can't do charged attacks... Well, don't do that stuff or only when he's not in "throwing lightnign spears at you non stop"-phase, you can still easily use any "normal" cast time spell/attack and getting hit by his projectile also isn't too bad.
But he sais he needs time to think and so on ---> you can just pause for that.
I got plenty of critiques for the game, most people complaining in this tread haven't got a clue what the actual problems are, they just bitch and moan.
I mean we are at... "Boss is attacking me, but I want to charge up spell, so Boss is hitting me" UNFAIR!!!. This is moronic. It's like not moving out of Shaper slam or Beam because your still channeling your spell.
Last edited by aDoreMe#3888 on Dec 12, 2024, 9:21:06 AM
Posted byaDoreMe#3888on Dec 12, 2024, 9:12:39 AM
if you are lacking skills in aRPG you should be able to brute force this with gear
Who said that? Any dev? Or unexistent aRPG God?
Also, you kinda have it here: just do a content which is lower than you by a 5 or more levels.
But you can't do harder content, because there is no such gear to compensate your lacking of skill or unwilling to learn?
Well, then this is your limits, your max, your game over, deal with that.
It hurts your EGO? Well, sorry.
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!
'POE2' is not 'POE1 2.0'! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3614313
Posted bySilverWF#6383on Dec 12, 2024, 9:16:51 AM
I'll just stick to PoE 1, i didn't want Ruthless 2.0 with no fun gameplay.
Posted byDreadnogh#7257on Dec 12, 2024, 9:19:46 AM
if you are lacking skills in aRPG you should be able to brute force this with gear
Who said that? Any dev? Or unexistent aRPG God?
Also, you kinda have it here: just do a content which is lower than you by a 5 or more levels.
But you can't do harder content, because there is no such gear to compensate your lacking of skill or unwilling to learn?
Well, then this is your limits, your max, your game over, deal with that.
It hurts your EGO? Well, sorry.
It is established in the genre and the fact that gear plays such a huge role in player power. Even in this game, you get lucky with drops bosses are easy. You don't, you get a lesson in misery. RNG gearing with large amounts of power coming from gear is antithetical to a consistent difficulty in a game like this.
Posted byNothv13#0740on Dec 12, 2024, 9:31:44 AM
+1 from Bosses being overtuned, no money, no good loot I still running gear and can't find anything better then I found early in the game, running same two maps forever just try level up more before next Boss who will destroy me, I'm more stressed then I should after coming home everyday from working overtime, and I'm not working as (gamer/utuber)
I love Gaming and played some POE1 and that was better, if they would just replaced poe1 socket system and graphics to POE2, they didn't have to do anything else, yes as a casual poe1 felt much playable and rewarding then POE2, hope it's just Game preview and it will change..
Posted byA Jay AZZA#8099on Dec 12, 2024, 9:39:56 AM
if you are lacking skills in aRPG you should be able to brute force this with gear
Who said that? Any dev? Or unexistent aRPG God?
Also, you kinda have it here: just do a content which is lower than you by a 5 or more levels.
But you can't do harder content, because there is no such gear to compensate your lacking of skill or unwilling to learn?
Well, then this is your limits, your max, your game over, deal with that.
It hurts your EGO? Well, sorry.
It is established in the genre and the fact that gear plays such a huge role in player power. Even in this game, you get lucky with drops bosses are easy. You don't, you get a lesson in misery. RNG gearing with large amounts of power coming from gear is antithetical to a consistent difficulty in a game like this.
That's what I asked in the queted post: established by WHO?
Like Scamblo 4 is already piece of crap, where you LITERALLY could pick ANY points in your build (or not pick any, lol) and still be able to do anything
You mean THIS? Then you picked wrong game for you, nothing else to say.
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!
'POE2' is not 'POE1 2.0'! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3614313
Posted bySilverWF#6383on Dec 12, 2024, 9:41:35 AM
Just a word for the "skill issue" and "git gud" crowd : you're right! If you're really good the game feels much better. But catering solely to that audience is not economically sustainable.
So if GGG sticks to this approach, you will be happy to enjoy the game among yourselves until it very quickly dies. Simple as that (idiots).
Some of them are actually encouraging people to go play something else because POE 2 is not for them! You have to be a special kind of idiot to so explicitly saw the branch you're sitting on.
I don't know man. I'm "Good" now I think, I kill most bosses sub 1 minute, rarely die more than once (Four times to get the hang of Viper's mechanics). I still quit yesterday. This isn't what I want in an ARPG, this is fun to play through the story once, maybe, at least Elden Ring/Souls games are predictable and consistent, this is random every map.
I played this like I played Elden Ring, did most of it, made 3 chars, got bored. Those games never really appealed to me (Except Dark souls 1, that was perfect, not sure if it was because I was younger, or the great pvp). I want an ARPG not a souls game, poe 1, LE, hell even D4 is more of an ARPG than this right now.
The message wasn't intended for you then, you get the difference between both types of games nad what makes an arpg :)
Posted byMaldosam#3663on Dec 12, 2024, 9:45:11 AM
Lifes only hard as a Warrior, play a Witch and face roll everything because minions are absolutely OP in comparison. Theres no world that a Witch and a Warrior are balanced! Its not even remotely close in this game. How out of touch was the class balance teams here for real?
It is established in the genre and the fact that gear plays such a huge role in player power. Even in this game, you get lucky with drops bosses are easy. You don't, you get a lesson in misery. RNG gearing with large amounts of power coming from gear is antithetical to a consistent difficulty in a game like this.
That's what I asked in the queted post: established by WHO?
Like Scamblo 4 is already piece of crap, where you LITERALLY could pick ANY points in your build (or not pick any, lol) and still be able to do anything
You mean THIS? Then you picked wrong game for you, nothing else to say.
Established by the market and design of ARPG being completely reliant on RNG for gear. POE1 started like this. It changed. D4 even started more similar to this. It changed. The fundamental power of gear and RNG nature run directly counter to making a hard game that starts "hard" in the first acts. There is a reason souls games do not use RNG in gear (or map design) and don't make gear so overwhelming in character power.
Add in this is a live service game that needs people to return every league to buy MTX, the campaign being difficult is antithetical to such and why live service games almost universally make the early game easy. There is a reason Ruthless in PoE1 has virtually no playerbase, while non ruthless has seen 10 years of player growth.
Posted byNothv13#0740on Dec 12, 2024, 9:57:12 AM