Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

aDoreMe#3888 wrote:
z3mcneil#3966 wrote:
Another thing about these boss fights. You don't get a moment to breathe, ever. With Jamanra's 3 phases, you never even have a safe 2-3 second window use use a charged spell/attack, even in phase 1 it's a quick cast then move/dodge the lighting beam. Dark Souls/ Elden Ring bosses are NEVER like this. Even with input reading, you're not constantly on your toes without any chance to slow down for even just a bit or to think about what to do. Room for mistakes is extremely low. It's instinct & reaction from the 1st second to the last. In a fight that lasts 5 minutes+ no less. The majority of casual players will never be able to solo him without help. Hence I'm calling it BS deisgn. GGG you're trying to appeal the game to a mass audience with this, seriously?

You can PAUSE

I think you're trolling, but he specifically said "to use a charged spell/attack".
You can't cast skills while paused.
The game is fun. I’m not “elite”. I’m a forty year old with slow achy hands that has always sucked at most video games I play. POE2 has a flow rhythm that you can get into that requires a satisfying amount of focus to progress and thrive. It’s not a game that I want to play while YouTube is playing on the other monitor. Instead of trying to kill that, why not focus on learning to play or finding another game?
Last edited by Xerxal85#2968 on Dec 12, 2024, 6:12:20 AM
Just a word for the "skill issue" and "git gud" crowd : you're right! If you're really good the game feels much better. But catering solely to that audience is not economically sustainable.

So if GGG sticks to this approach, you will be happy to enjoy the game among yourselves until it very quickly dies. Simple as that (idiots).

Some of them are actually encouraging people to go play something else because POE 2 is not for them! You have to be a special kind of idiot to so explicitly saw the branch you're sitting on.
Last edited by Maldosam#3663 on Dec 12, 2024, 6:30:39 AM
Though not absolutely, I'm also a little bit disappointed as well personally.

In my personal view, there are 2 types of games & gamers.

1. They view their game as an ACHIEVEMENT.
They treat their game & what they do in-game as an accomplishment. So they value the game based on the challenges they achieved just like in real life.
This mostly falls to the dedicated hardcore fans and the "elitist" type.

2. They view their game as an ENTERTAINMENT.
They treat their game just to pass time, just like watching tv/movies, sports, & hobbies. So they evaluate the game base on it's entertainment value over their time. This mostly falls to the casual crowd.

I'm already an old soul, not a streamer, nor a pro gamer. At this point in my life, I only view all my games as an ENTARTAINMENT, no matter how many hours I dedicated myself to it. Even if I have a thousand hours on PoE, I don't consider myself a Hardcore type, it just means I had a lot of time to spend on my entertainment.

So I'll evaluate PoE 2 based on its entertainment value for me. Besides, PoE 2 is just a single-player game & not even an eSports, so why bother treating it as an achievement?

And at its current iteration, I'm not Entertain...
"A game IS supposed to waste your time but it's not supposed to make you FEEL like you're wasting your time:
It's supposed to make you WANT to waste your time."
Hordes of mobs are more dangerous than bosses. The game is fine for the most part. I hope they'll make a cookie cutter easy mode with no interesting uniques and push over bosses. Just a bare bones garbage so all complainers who are just bad at the game could enjoy it.
Totally disagree! If you want poe 1 gameplay, stick with poe 1. Love poe 2 the way it is. It's much more rewarding to kill a boss.
Totally disagree! If you want poe 1 gameplay, stick with poe 1. Love poe 2 the way it is. It's much more rewarding to kill a boss.

Rewarding in wich way exactly? I killed dozens of bosses and gained nothing in return.
Though not absolutely, I'm also a little bit disappointed as well personally.

In my personal view, there are 2 types of games & gamers.

1. They view their game as an ACHIEVEMENT.
They treat their game & what they do in-game as an accomplishment. So they value the game based on the challenges they achieved just like in real life.
This mostly falls to the dedicated hardcore fans and the "elitist" type.

2. They view their game as an ENTERTAINMENT.
They treat their game just to pass time, just like watching tv/movies, sports, & hobbies. So they evaluate the game base on it's entertainment value over their time. This mostly falls to the casual crowd.

I'm already an old soul, not a streamer, nor a pro gamer. At this point in my life, I only view all my games as an ENTARTAINMENT, no matter how many hours I dedicated myself to it. Even if I have a thousand hours on PoE, I don't consider myself a Hardcore type, it just means I had a lot of time to spend on my entertainment.

So I'll evaluate PoE 2 based on its entertainment value for me. Besides, PoE 2 is just a single-player game & not even an eSports, so why bother treating it as an achievement?

And at its current iteration, I'm not Entertain...

I reject your false dichotomy.

I also view games as entertainment and not accomplishment. I'm also a middle-aged man (a little older than you) with a full-time job that isn't streaming video games, and whose aging hands can only do so many hours of intense gaming in a week-end, these days. I couldn't care less about posturing online about my in-game accomplishments; I play through games very slowly, and I'm well behind more-skilled players in my progression through this game, which is true to every game I play. I'm also rubbish at most games I play, including PoE1, which I played for nearly 11 years and in which I still haven't beaten most of the pinnacle bosses.

And I'm loving PoE2.

If you're not entertained, then that's fine: you feel how you feel, and your feelings are not invalid. But please stop talking for players like me. You're definitely trying to, and you definitely don't.
Stay sane, exiles!
baxsus#5023 wrote:
Hordes of mobs are more dangerous than bosses. The game is fine for the most part. I hope they'll make a cookie cutter easy mode with no interesting uniques and push over bosses. Just a bare bones garbage so all complainers who are just bad at the game could enjoy it.

Tell me why does no one play ruthless mode? Non one seems to be able to tell my why beta POE1 and ruthless mode were not popular, but this will have no playerbase issues if they keep with the difficulty of teh starting acts and stingier loot.
Nothv13#0740 wrote:
Tell me why does no one play ruthless mode? Non one seems to be able to tell my why beta POE1 and ruthless mode were not popular, but this will have no playerbase issues if they keep with the difficulty of teh starting acts and stingier loot.
PoE 2 is currently sitting at ~85% of positive reviews on Steam. This thread resembles anonymous alcoholics meetings. "Hello! I'm John and I'm bad at the game", "Hello, John!". :))

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