Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.

Just give the elitists Ruthless and be done with it
First off: Ok its not your game, go back to poe1. I find it refreshing and so do a bunch of us, so trying to change it is just going to ruin other peoples fun.

Second: You're kinda blowing things out of proportion. I am the definition of mediocre in poe. In poe1 I' ve never seen a pinnacle boss. I first got to maps in Expedition and got my ass so thoroughly kicked I gave up on them at T1 maps. I got to my first yellow in Affliction probably only because of the extra skill tree. Got to my first red in Settlers, and that was only by strictly following Steelmages Chieftain RF build including getting exactly the gear he used. So I ain't good by anyones measure. And yeah 2 is hard. but not impossible. Find the right class or build just like in 1 and you're golden. Just like 1's map bosses you gotta learn the mechs. Unlike in 1 you gotta learn the trash mechs as well and that ill give is very annoying.
Update: Just finished Act 2. Killed Jamanra on my 3rd try using a minion build witch.

Witch total death count: 3. The other death was when my screen literally froze for 5 secs during a lag spike.

Jamanra is a horribly designed boss. The final phase is some pre-nerf Consort Radahn level bullshit. The friendly NPC is dressed in dark, the backdrop is dark, there's no name or healthbar on top of that NPC, everytime the boss does the sandstorm phase it's hard to even see where you're supposed to go, hence 1st death. How did they playtest this? I've NEVER seen a must-use boss mechanism LESS obvious and more obsured. 2nd death due to empty flask, 3rd try finished with half flask.

Minions only help you clean maps a little eaiser than other ranged classes and I say only a little because mobs have insane aggro range and a lot of them just ignore your minions to come straight at you. Whole dreadnaught was bullshit. Didn't die in those 2 maps but felt horrible as this type of play just isn't fun. Can't even imagine using my Ranger to do these maps, they're ridiculous pure and simple,

Jamanra's 2nd and 3rd phases were complete bullshit. I figured out how to 'dance around' the small & fast lightning balls the 2nd time they appeared which is probably quicker than at least 95% of players without a guide, otherwise this alone is enough to piss a lot of people off. The 3rd phase is just the boss with ADHD and on steroids, 3/4 of the screen is constantly covered with aoe stuff. Sometimes when the boss does the frontal aoe slam the 'cue' part aka his arm is out of the frame so I can't even see that and the 'voice cue' is gone in the final phase is it's just instinct and luck. And I HATE RNG in boss fights. They have completely missed the mark on how to design challenging but fair boss fights. Elden Ring major bosses felt epic when you defeat them, this felt like garbage because I've been calling BS out loud at least 10 times throughout the fight and was only too glad that it's over.

Guaranteed GGG will nerf this boss HARD, and the sooner the better. He's much harder than Elder/Shaper combined, as Act 2 boss it's completely ridiculous, even as final boss it's still too hard, because PoE as an ARPT is also gear and build dependent. In Souls games skill triumphs everything else and it's a singleplayer game so casuals only need to 'git gud' and finally beat Malenia once. They better rethink their design philosophy on bosses, or I fear for the long term financial feasibility of a F2P league based ARPG heavily dependent on casuals having fun and buying supporter packs.
First off: Ok its not your game, go back to poe1. I find it refreshing and so do a bunch of us, so trying to change it is just going to ruin other peoples fun.

Second: You're kinda blowing things out of proportion.

Every sentence is just untrue mate. I am a Souls veteran and PoE2 has the mose miserable levelling experience I've seen in an ARPG or MMORPG ever. Trying to emulate Elden Ring difficulty won't work because in Souls games your skill is everything whereas here, you have low gear/currency drops and bad class/build balance on top of bad boss design and even the hilariously small boss arenas, making the fights RNG based as much as skill based and even upon defeating Geonor (1 shot) and Jamanra (2 deaths) I was more frustrated and pissed off than happy.

Every massively successful RPG has many times more casuals than hardcore players, and the overall boss difficulty I've seen so far, especially considering they're supposed to be the first 2 chapters in the freaking CAMPAIGN, is absolutely ridiculous. The majority of casual players will get annihilated when / if they ever reach Jamanra without help. Some of them might do this like in a Souls game aka try for hours, die dozens of times, then finally succeed, many will rage quit the game instead.

No one is blowing things out of proportion. Since you find all of this 'refreshing', it means you're new to this level of difficulty. Then I can confidently say that your so called 'bunch of us' can't be a lot of people. Because those of us used to playing hard games aren't feeling 'refreshed' right now. I would go back to Elden Ring and play randomizer runs or solo Malenia for the XXth time than do another Jamanra-level garbage fight in POE2.

What can they fix for the bottom players to make it easier without compromising the integrity of the game? That's the whole point of this. Where are the pain points for people and what can they do about them.

I would just have the Tutorial hold their hands a bit longer. Especially teach them how to use the currency orbs to get yellow gear and outright force them to try out the basic skill combos before they're allowed to do anything else. For newbies the tutorial should hammer it home that building HP and Resistances is a must in this game and trying to play a glass cannon is a doomed idea.

Also some of the PoE-specific intricacies are missing from the tutorial, good example the fact that monster melee attacks are not auto hit confirms, you can dodge them like you would in a Souls game. A lot of people unfamiliar with PoE 1 might assume that in PoE 1 & 2 monsters just automatically hit you from up close just like most other Arpgs.
z3mcneil#3966 wrote:

No one is blowing things out of proportion. Since you find all of this 'refreshing', it means you're new to this level of difficulty. Then I can confidently say that your so called 'bunch of us' can't be a lot of people. Because those of us used to playing hard games aren't feeling 'refreshed' right now. I would go back to Elden Ring and play randomizer runs or solo Malenia for the XXth time than do another Jamanra-level garbage fight in POE2.

Patently false. I'm another Souls veteran and nothing in this game has felt "bad" so far. And I've been playing Warrior. I bet you're one of those "veterans" who summon help for every boss in Elden Ring or just spammed whatever broken Katana you watched someone play in a Youtube video.
At first I thought I was just having a bad day.
But no... the game is nice but surviving is impossible.
It's annoying after the twentieth death...
You could understand it on some other difficulty.
John P¨hotonn
Another thing about these boss fights. You don't get a moment to breathe, ever. With Jamanra's 3 phases, you never even have a safe 2-3 second window use use a charged spell/attack, even in phase 1 it's a quick cast then move/dodge the lighting beam. Dark Souls/ Elden Ring bosses are NEVER like this. Even with input reading, you're not constantly on your toes without any chance to slow down for even just a bit or to think about what to do. Room for mistakes is extremely low. It's instinct & reaction from the 1st second to the last. In a fight that lasts 5 minutes+ no less. The majority of casual players will never be able to solo him without help. Hence I'm calling it BS deisgn. GGG you're trying to appeal the game to a mass audience with this, seriously?
for me im ed contagion witch, just finished a2 idk how many deaths so for the act but 22 total so far i died once to the balbala fight cos i didnt realize it was basically chimera but other than that every single boss so far is so easy like all of them are just kite around in a circle and poke at them till they die its honestly so easy and boring havent died to any bosses in a2 minus Balbala lol all my deaths so far are from getting surrounded by a horde of mobs and in thin path ways like on the dreadnaught some mobs literally just jump behind you then welp you are trapped and with my build being dot related i dont have any panic damage really but anyways yeah just wanted to say bosses so far are boring run in circles till they die but lets see if that changes in a3 or not
Add Scion To PoE2
MEITTI#3999 wrote:
z3mcneil#3966 wrote:

No one is blowing things out of proportion. Since you find all of this 'refreshing', it means you're new to this level of difficulty. Then I can confidently say that your so called 'bunch of us' can't be a lot of people. Because those of us used to playing hard games aren't feeling 'refreshed' right now. I would go back to Elden Ring and play randomizer runs or solo Malenia for the XXth time than do another Jamanra-level garbage fight in POE2.

Patently false. I'm another Souls veteran and nothing in this game has felt "bad" so far. And I've been playing Warrior. I bet you're one of those "veterans" who summon help for every boss in Elden Ring or just spammed whatever broken Katana you watched someone play in a Youtube video.

Apparently you can't read. I've only died to Jamanra so far, the overall difficulty of the game is lower than Elden Ring, but the bosses are not fun to fight and Geonor and Jamanra are going piss off a lot of casual players to the point of quitting the game.

And that 2nd paragraph is why I didn't even want to respond. Typical Souls elitist jerk mentality. No one who has a real life gives a flying FXXX if you can RL1 hitless run the entire game from Tree Sentinel to Consort Radahn without summons or coop. I brought up my Souls experience only to illustrate that as an isometric ARPT the current campaign difficulty level is over the top and Geonor and Jamanra should definitely be nerfed. You bring up 'souls veteran' as a badge of honor to look down on others.

No point arguing with people who think this is fine really, when all the casuals and the 'poe1 zoomers' quit instead of 'git gud' their money will make GGG listen.

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