Hard crashing PC locks up

Replying in this thread as well:

Okay, I think I found an actual fix. So setting the affinity of PoE to disable the first two cores will prevent your computer freezing, but PoE still gets stuck in a loop at 100% CPU without being able to make progress. When this happens, you can set the priority of PoE to realtime and whatever it's waiting on is then able to get scheduled and PoE unfreezes. You should then change it back to normal priority when the loading screen si done.

The new version of PoEUncrasher detects PoE freezing, and then does this to unfreeze it, resetting it after the loading screen automatically. The new version is up at https://github.com/Kapps/PoEUncrasher/releases/tag/v1.2.0. Note that you will need to run the program as an administrator for the unfreeze feature to work.

Hopefully this works for others!
The govt won’t tell me why there’s drones in my state. And GGG won’t tell me why my game crashes excessively. Are they the same lol
Last edited by chrisEm119#1403 on Dec 18, 2024, 5:31:15 PM
Sent GGG troubleshooting an email with regards to crashing a week ago. Got a response today that basically said go fuck yourself

Thank you for the message and I am sorry to hear about this issue. Unfortunately we are not currently offering email Technical Support, due to limited staff resources. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

The development team have provided the following resource to help with troubleshooting technical issues: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3072628

We also recommend checking out the Known Issues thread to see if the issue you are experiencing is listed here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1733474

Otherwise, please post your issue in the Technical Support subforum and include as much information as you can. You can find this subforum here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-forum/support

Alternatively, if you believe you are experiencing a bug, you can post in the Bug Reports forum here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-forum/bug-reports

Kind regards,

REAL NICE!!! Paid 30$ and can’t play the game
Kapps#5390 wrote:
Replying in this thread as well:

Okay, I think I found an actual fix. So setting the affinity of PoE to disable the first two cores will prevent your computer freezing, but PoE still gets stuck in a loop at 100% CPU without being able to make progress. When this happens, you can set the priority of PoE to realtime and whatever it's waiting on is then able to get scheduled and PoE unfreezes. You should then change it back to normal priority when the loading screen si done.

The new version of PoEUncrasher detects PoE freezing, and then does this to unfreeze it, resetting it after the loading screen automatically. The new version is up at https://github.com/Kapps/PoEUncrasher/releases/tag/v1.2.0. Note that you will need to run the program as an administrator for the unfreeze feature to work.

Hopefully this works for others!

If you found this and this is an actual reliable solution you've done a better job than GGG yourself.

Can confirm that taking a core off the affinity works but kinda lame i gotta gimp my cpu a lil but whatever i guess ugh they need to fix it mannnnn.

Edit: just saw the uncrasher thing i'll give that a whirl now automating it sounds nice
Last edited by ManimSteamy#6544 on Dec 18, 2024, 5:46:19 PM
Kapps#5390 wrote:

The new version of PoEUncrasher detects PoE freezing, and then does this to unfreeze it, resetting it after the loading screen automatically. The new version is up at https://github.com/Kapps/PoEUncrasher/releases/tag/v1.2.0. Note that you will need to run the program as an administrator for the unfreeze feature to work.

Huge thanks to Kapps for these fixes! Combining and automating them has effectively solved the problem for everyone. This is a real lifesaver – can I send you some points or something?
W11x64 latest update here, Ryzen 75800X3D & 3060Ti, tried every trick in the book since no game ever did that to me in the past decade : totally 100% the cpu and I have to force power it off.

So I'm forced to tick off about 4 threads off my cpu with the affinity function but this is not okay.
Kapps#5390 wrote:
Replying in this thread as well:

Okay, I think I found an actual fix. So setting the affinity of PoE to disable the first two cores will prevent your computer freezing, but PoE still gets stuck in a loop at 100% CPU without being able to make progress. When this happens, you can set the priority of PoE to realtime and whatever it's waiting on is then able to get scheduled and PoE unfreezes. You should then change it back to normal priority when the loading screen si done.

The new version of PoEUncrasher detects PoE freezing, and then does this to unfreeze it, resetting it after the loading screen automatically. The new version is up at https://github.com/Kapps/PoEUncrasher/releases/tag/v1.2.0. Note that you will need to run the program as an administrator for the unfreeze feature to work.

Hopefully this works for others!

WHOA - What is this?

Is this legit?

When using this, do we have disable the 1st two cores still? Or does this take care of the freezes automatically?

Do we need to anything other than running this when POE2 is running?

Windows 11 24H2 (Steam), AMD 5800X3D, RTX 4070 Ti Super 16GB, 32BG DDR4 3200, Samsung 980 Pro SSD
Last edited by Stormscourge#2254 on Dec 18, 2024, 5:51:42 PM
Kapps#5390 wrote:
Replying in this thread as well:

Okay, I think I found an actual fix. So setting the affinity of PoE to disable the first two cores will prevent your computer freezing, but PoE still gets stuck in a loop at 100% CPU without being able to make progress. When this happens, you can set the priority of PoE to realtime and whatever it's waiting on is then able to get scheduled and PoE unfreezes. You should then change it back to normal priority when the loading screen si done.

The new version of PoEUncrasher detects PoE freezing, and then does this to unfreeze it, resetting it after the loading screen automatically. The new version is up at https://github.com/Kapps/PoEUncrasher/releases/tag/v1.2.0. Note that you will need to run the program as an administrator for the unfreeze feature to work.

Hopefully this works for others!

WHOA - What is this?

Is this legit?

When using this, do we have disable the 1st two cores still? Or does this take care of the freezes automatically?

Do we need to anything other than running this when POE2 is running?

+1 Curious as well
Wonder if poe built-in anticheat is responsible for this. To hard freeze windows without even ctrl alt del working you have to operate on lower levels than normal software should. I had client crashes, especially before switching from DX12 to vulkan, but never pc freezes. Windows always handled the crash.

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