A POE “Horror Story”!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jsuslak313 wrote:
Of course you have no choice but to accept their terms to play THEIR product!!!!!! What kind of comment is that?!?!?!

They are protecting themselves and their property as much as you feel they are punishing you. Millions upon millions of dollars have gone into the development and release of this game, you bet your ass they are going to make you agree to things before being allowed to use it. Not to mention that since the game is released and operated internationally, it crosses over dozens of different systems of laws.

And THANK GOD you have an actual document to read and sign. You do realize that society is run on "unspoken" agreements known as laws? It would be fantastic if, once you turn 18 (or legal adult age), you are presented with a document that lists all of your responsibilities as an adult in society. But even though that doesn't happen, you are still responsible for it.

Regarding some comments on "money-spent = preferential treatment" warnings: uh....no. The game is FREE; any money spent is by your choice. It is not forced, it is not required, and it buys you no "special" status among the playerbase. (at least....it shouldn't).

There is luck at play here, too. GGG might have decided to initiate a ban wave and ban every 10th player they detect. Who knows? And who really cares? They can do what they want with those who break their rules.

There is one simple solution: if you don't want to be at risk for ban, just play the goddamn game! "But everyone else is doing it!!!!" is NOT a defense. One of the first things parents tell their kids growing up: If everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you follow them?

There are many faults with the game. There are 3rd party programs that help cover those faults. But if you spent any amount of money/time you are afraid to lose then the answer is simple. Trust the GAME, not the unknown software on the side. Believe it or not, PoE continues to function well and thrive....without the use of ANY 3rd party tools.

I am not disagreeing with you about the legalities of what they have done. Per the TOS, they have every LEGAL right to operate the way they have chosen to do so. However, I am saying that the way they have chosen to operate violates the moral and ethical bounds of what is reasonable.

You can't morally say, "if you play our game, we have the right to ban you at our discretion without explanation and you have no recourse." How does a player know/verify that he was banned for a legitimate purpose?

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Last edited by Tai_GGG on Aug 22, 2024, 2:49:34 PM
Oh great, so now the company that is screwing me over is also censoring me and taking away my Freedom of Speech too??. . . .you all need to wake up....this dictatorship, abuse, and power you wield will not end well for you.
Oh great, so now the company that is screwing me over is also censoring me and taking away my Freedom of Speech too??. . . .you all need to wake up....this dictatorship, abuse, and power you wield will not end well for you.

You know not all country's have such freedoms but it appears NZ does since 1993, Had to look it up.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Aug 22, 2024, 11:08:47 PM
Oh great, so now the company that is screwing me over is also censoring me and taking away my Freedom of Speech too??. . . .you all need to wake up....this dictatorship, abuse, and power you wield will not end well for you.

You know not all country's have such freedoms but it appears NZ does since 1993, Had to look it up.

They have plenty of time to scour thousands of posts on their message board to monitor my speech to ensure it is to their liking, but they don't have 30 seconds to look into my case and realize one of their systems made a mistake that got me banned for life for no good reason.....truly remarkable!!!!!

You broke character several times already. Charade is over. You got busted, be a man about it. This is pitiful.
Strickl3r wrote:
You broke character several times already. Charade is over. You got busted, be a man about it. This is pitiful.

Be a man??? Well, do men also fight injustice, or do they just allow themselves to get screwed with no rebuttal?

If I "got busted", maybe you can tell me what I was busted for? GGG won't say what I did wrong, and I'd genuinely like to know. In fact, if they showed me what I did wrong, and it was legit, then I would go away and never bother them again.
How are there people still misunderstanding what "freedom of speech" actually means? It does not, and never has, apply to how individual X restricts the speech privileges of individual Y.

It simply means that THE GOVERNMENT will never do so.

If I own a bar, and you walk into my bar and start saying things I don't like, I am 100% allowed to throw you out and bar you from re-entry. Your freedom of speech does not protect you at all here, because no government is telling you what you can't say and do. It's my bar, and if I want you gone you're gone. You can stand in the street and scream about freedom of speech all you want, but your lack of knowledge doesn't give you rights you don't actually have.

Now, say I don't own a bar. Say I own a website.
To be fair, if you got thrown out of bar, and have proof or witnesses that owner was the one who abused his rights and broke the law, you can call the police:)

With GGG support, good luck explaining them anything they don't want to hear, been there.

Only practical advice here is to not appeal ban immediately after getting it, as I imagine 99% people do on instinct. There is good chance appeal will arrive to same guy who had just confirmed your ban, so he will just click it away, those "instantly rejected" cases. Wait a day, then appeal, with cooler head.
Last edited by Echothesis on Aug 23, 2024, 11:36:11 AM
Echothesis wrote:
To be fair, if you got thrown out of bar, and have proof or witnesses that owner was the one who abused his rights and broke the law, you can call the police:)

With GGG support, good luck explaining them anything they don't want to hear, been there.

Only practical advice here is to not appeal ban immediately after getting it, as I imagine 99% people do on instinct. There is good chance appeal will arrive to same guy who had just confirmed your ban, so he will just click it away, those "instantly rejected" cases. Wait a day, then appeal, with cooler head.

No you cant, a bar can throw you out for whatever reason or no reason. Police wont do anything.

"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Okay, let's say you bought yourself a dinner, paid for it, but before you could eat it, bar owner threw you out because he didn't like something you've said. You have no right to force him to let you back in, but you can demand your money back, and resort to 3rd party arbiters for that. Because buying a dinner was an agreement, which he chose to break.
Last edited by Echothesis on Aug 23, 2024, 11:58:15 AM

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