A POE “Horror Story”!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK I kind of understood a little bit about what you said...I think lol. I guess I would say that if the change in the file that is causing the issue is coming from a specific program (such as awakened trade) then as a company they should take a hard stance on awakened trade and send out an announcement like:
"awakened trade has been compromised and starting on xx/yy/zzzz date bans will be issued against those still using it". At that point they would have taken a hard stance against awakened trade and anyone continuing to use it would have no excuse. Prior to that, soft bans will be issued to allow the users to correct the issue. (soft ban meaning you have to ban appeal, acknowledge that you have deleted trade and then you will be unbanned).

To the other poster, yes I can understand them not saying something like "the awakened trade travel to hideout button is doing xyz" but they can say something like, the issue came from awakened trade without giving away details.
A second thing to consider, is we are all assuming it was awakened trade that set off the ban, but what if it wasn't? What if his computer was doing some background update that the PoE server misread? What if his antivirus software intercepted or interacted in some way? "Third party software" just means something outside of the game. Without more information of some sort from GGG or someone taking the time to actually look at his account and figure it out then OP is correct, just making a new account and starting over isn't going to fix the issue.
I have seen these threads countless times and I'm not a fan of GGGs process.
Imagine police saying you've been arrested and when asking why they simply respond with "You know what you did"
Question though, are all your characters still intact? You should be able to login/view your account in the website to see if the account was compromised and used by others whilst you were asleep. Maybe you got hacked and those who siezed control used different third party programs than the ones you mentioned?
Jixa87 wrote:
I have seen these threads countless times and I'm not a fan of GGGs process.
Imagine police saying you've been arrested and when asking why they simply respond with "You know what you did"
Question though, are all your characters still intact? You should be able to login/view your account in the website to see if the account was compromised and used by others whilst you were asleep. Maybe you got hacked and those who seized control used different third-party programs than the ones you mentioned?

Thanks for your question. And yes, everything is still intact, so it wasn't that. Unfortunately, we do not know what it was, because GGG just says "you're guilty" and then they ban you.

A friend in my guild tells me that a friend of hers was banned the same way as I was and asked GGG over and over again for them to review their account and finally a month or so after the ban they said that they looked into their case and they made a mistake. Obviously, this is EXACTLY what has happened to me, and I'm just hoping that I can get GGG's attention, so they can fix this mistake!!!
askreet wrote:
Sorry OP your situation sounds rough, and unfair.

Just to weigh in and play devil's advocate on one of your specific complaints, if I were GGG I would _not_ provide details on how they came to their conclusion - because people who do bot/hack/cheat would use whatever information they can glean from that to find new ban-proof workarounds. It's a bit of an arms race between cheaters and game developers and they need their state secrets.

Yes, I can see that side of it....but in this case, THEY GOT IT WRONG!!! A mistake was made and no one will lift a finger to fix it. I don't know how much money you have invested in your account, but you have several banners, so I assume its alot. How would you feel if you woke up tomorrow and your account was banned, no one would tell you exactly what you did to get it banned, and no one will speak with you when you ask questions?

It's the very definition of injustice....and no one at GGG seems to care that they did this to me, nor are they doing anything to address it.

Brother HighRock I am still in shock and disbelief that GGG has wrongfully banned a good player of the game Path of Exile. You are one one the very few people I know that follow and play this game to the letter. Many streamers have even endorsed the use of these "third-party" applications, yet even with their final comment : "Use at your discretion". They still make content on these "must have applications to better QOL. I just do not get it it. None of these you tubers/ streamers are banned and yet here you are following their advice and you got banned. How does that even make sense?
If Awakened trade put out an update, that breached TOS, would not thousands of users be banned? I do not think it was any of the fore- mentioned applications that you used because many of us use the same programs. However, a clear definitive reason, as to which "third party program", has not and probably will not be given. You can rest assured you were an improper "look-over" and injustice was served.
Perhaps these streamers will get wind of your post and help out a fellow gamer of this community and address this issue as content on their channel.
Us losing you to this unjustified ban is a loss to the whole path of Exile community. Hopefully it will rally together to help you out.
We miss you HighRock!
Very well said! And we do miss you very much Sir Highrock! I too hope that this attracts someone's attention and you are able to get your account properly looked over and reviewed so the ban can be overturned and you can rejoin the community.
Did you have a cheat engine or third party program running in the background which is not poe related?
Jaikai wrote:
Did you have a cheat engine or third party program running in the background which is not poe related?

No, I don't even know what a cheat engine is.

This is totally a case of GGG having made some kind of error...and their Customer Support says it is IMPOSSIBLE to reverse their decision.

That's the game you are playing...that's the company you are supporting....persecute good players, let bad ones go free, and too proud to admit that they made a mistake when they did.
vio wrote:
lxabear wrote:
Or a notice to players, because they know that most of the player base uses trade programs. We have seen that xyz program is interacting negatively with our game. If you use this program, please delete it. Anyone continuing to use this program after xx/xx/xx date, will be banned.


one example:
the ahk script that people used to "fast disconnect" the game on keypress, loaded a external exe file from a webspace when installed. the executable was a general purpose file to inject packets into a existing connection.

in this case it injected a TCP_FIN into the connection of the client to the server and made the server close the connection, the client got a "unexpected disconnection occured"-error cause it didn't send the packet.

it would have been easy to replace the exe file with one of the same functionality and the additional code to steal your game credentials to login to the players account.

you can read what the ahk script does by editing it, you see that it maybe downloads a exe from the internet when started and a newer exe is provided and you don't use the ahk when you're unable to modify it to not download stuff from the internet.


how do you warn users who use the script which obviously everybody uses but which was altered to download the executable from a malware location or which downloaded a executable someone temporarily switched with a malware version?

you can't

Was thinking about this a little, even though I don't really understand much of what you said since you are obviously very knowledgeable about computer programming and I am just an unsophisticated dude.

That said, I used nothing unique - and I only used programs that thousands of others use every day. Should GGG ban people for using FilterBlade, Wealthy Exile, etc.? if so, they should have banned EVERYONE. So, why was I the only one banned? Do you have an explanation for that?

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