A POE “Horror Story”!!!!!!!!!!!!!

de99ial wrote:

You bring up some very good points, but there are also some holes. Yes, i had some 3rd Party Software products installed, and yes, i was using them, but EVERYONE in my Guild uses the same products, and none of them were banned....why? That is why multiple people in my Guild have speculated that i was banned for another reason - otherwise they also all would have been banned. If you speculate about the reason, then GGG will remove your Comments, because they make their company look bad.

The point is, they MAY have banned me for a fair reason, and if they would just walk in light (and not darkness) then we would be able to judge for ourselves whether they were acting fairly. However, they won't.....so we can't.

And NO, I do NOT happen to just blindly trust them, especially after what they have put me through.

In past GGG was more open with many thing and it lead to some nasty things. So now they prefer closed door.

You and your guild buddies CAN point WHAT WAS the difference between Your situation and theirs. I guess that You wont tell whole truth.


Imagine if they are innocent though, That's gotta feel pretty bad on their end.

Hopeless i'd say and the dark part is some of these posts are definitely guilty but some of them arent :x

To the innocent my heart bleeds for you, Never surrender.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Sep 11, 2024, 6:00:49 AM
Well i get that. All those threads about bans got under my skin - am i safe? Am i next in line to ban?

I use only PoE. I hate trade and dont like PoB (i use online version of it, that with blue background). I play only SSF.

BUT if there are innocent bans then i can be banned also, right?

So i have two options - those were innocent and i have something to think about or GGG knows its jobs and they ban those who deserve that.

Wich one to take? Hm?
de99ial wrote:
Well i get that. All those threads about bans got under my skin - am i safe? Am i next in line to ban?

I use only PoE. I hate trade and dont like PoB (i use online version of it, that with blue background). I play only SSF.

BUT if there are innocent bans then i can be banned also, right?

So i have two options - those were innocent and i have something to think about or GGG knows its jobs and they ban those who deserve that.

Wich one to take? Hm?

Not a position to envy that's for sure.

Innocence forgives you
de99ial wrote:
Well i get that. All those threads about bans got under my skin - am i safe? Am i next in line to ban?

I use only PoE. I hate trade and dont like PoB (i use online version of it, that with blue background). I play only SSF.

BUT if there are innocent bans then i can be banned also, right?

So i have two options - those were innocent and i have something to think about or GGG knows its jobs and they ban those who deserve that.

Wich one to take? Hm?

From what little information is available about poe built-in anticheat system, it dumps list of processes in your system (among other things), and can probably trigger a warning by signature of known cheating software, including control enhancements like AHK. So for example if you have console emulator installed on your system, and also have AHK or equivalent to play those console games with mouse and keyboard, poe has no way of knowing what do you use all this software for.

So if you run poe while those services are active in background, poe may trigger infamous "3rd party" software. Point is, to not get banned over nothing and not sit 4 weeks debating with GGG support, check what is running on your machine, could be something you've long forgotten about.

Another practical advice is to never join guilds, GGG is known to carpet bomb entire guild because 1 guy put 1 rmt div into guild stash. Exaggerating a bit for the sake of theatrics, but poe ban policy is ridiculous:)
After ~4 years of playing POE without incident, on the morning of 7/22, I woke up to find my account had been banned for use of “Third-Party Software.” I use Filter Blade, Wealthy Exile, Path of Building, and Awakened POE and nothing else. Everyone in my guild uses the same programs, and probably 99% of players use one or more. I was told I could appeal the ruling once, so I did, and my ban was immediately upheld – and they shut my account down for good. The only thing they will tell me is that I violated Article 7 of their Terms of Service (TOS.) Article 7 essentially states that it is illegal to ALTER a third-party software tool in order to “gain an advantage.” Well, I did not do that. In fact, I’m not even smart enough to know HOW to do that. I’m not a computer programmer/hacker, just an ordinary dude who enjoys playing the game.

I’ve pleaded my case to POE Customer Service at least a dozen times, but they only respond with a standard answer – “your ban cannot be overturned.” I believe POE Customer Service might be using AI bots, because some of the answers are identical and don’t seem like they are coming from real people. If they would just look into my case further, they would find that some kind of mistake was made, but they won’t. I can’t get through to a human being (with a brain) at GGG!!! They also keep telling me I am free to start a new account if I want to. But without knowing why I was banned the first time; won’t the same thing just happen again? Also, after investing HUNDREDS of dollars into my account, am I supposed to start over with “5 free stash tabs.”?

Anyway, I don’t know what to do, but I’m looking for people who may have a connection at GGG. If someone would just look into it, they would realize that some kind of mistake was made on their end, and then reverse the decision and re-open my account again.

If anyone is out there and can help me, I would gladly give you a nice reward for your efforts. One thing is for certain, I am not starting over. I did nothing wrong. Please put yourself in my shoes. What would you do if you did nothing wrong, got banned, and then no one at GGG would even investigate that they made a mistake.

What a Nightmare!!!!!


Good luck lol
After ~4 years of playing POE without incident, on the morning of 7/22, I woke up to find my account had been banned for use of “Third-Party Software.” I use Filter Blade, Wealthy Exile, Path of Building, and Awakened POE and nothing else. Everyone in my guild uses the same programs, and probably 99% of players use one or more. I was told I could appeal the ruling once, so I did, and my ban was immediately upheld – and they shut my account down for good. The only thing they will tell me is that I violated Article 7 of their Terms of Service (TOS.) Article 7 essentially states that it is illegal to ALTER a third-party software tool in order to “gain an advantage.” Well, I did not do that. In fact, I’m not even smart enough to know HOW to do that. I’m not a computer programmer/hacker, just an ordinary dude who enjoys playing the game.

I’ve pleaded my case to POE Customer Service at least a dozen times, but they only respond with a standard answer – “your ban cannot be overturned.” I believe POE Customer Service might be using AI bots, because some of the answers are identical and don’t seem like they are coming from real people. If they would just look into my case further, they would find that some kind of mistake was made, but they won’t. I can’t get through to a human being (with a brain) at GGG!!! They also keep telling me I am free to start a new account if I want to. But without knowing why I was banned the first time; won’t the same thing just happen again? Also, after investing HUNDREDS of dollars into my account, am I supposed to start over with “5 free stash tabs.”?

Anyway, I don’t know what to do, but I’m looking for people who may have a connection at GGG. If someone would just look into it, they would realize that some kind of mistake was made on their end, and then reverse the decision and re-open my account again.

If anyone is out there and can help me, I would gladly give you a nice reward for your efforts. One thing is for certain, I am not starting over. I did nothing wrong. Please put yourself in my shoes. What would you do if you did nothing wrong, got banned, and then no one at GGG would even investigate that they made a mistake.

What a Nightmare!!!!!


Good luck lol

I'm pretty sure they have moved peoples store purchases to new accounts in the past, If you only care about the MTX Highrock i would ask them if they are willing to do that.

If they say no please post that they denied you.

They should provide fair treatment to everyone (quote pending)
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Sep 12, 2024, 5:53:01 AM
My guild is safe. Its just two friends that knew each other from PoE.

I dont use any 3rd party soft. But still - if innocent ppl had been banned then the risk exists.

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