[3.25] The Lazy Nova - Archmage MoM Crit Ice Nova of Frostbolts with Svalinn

kraken1944 wrote:
Oh thanks for the quick reply! Back to arcanist brand then :) But btw the skill gem description says it works with a spell skill as well but we don't use one with those links.

I am not quite sure what you mean. Are you still referring to Cast on Crit?

Here is the Cast on Crit gem description from the WIKI (see below). Cast on Crit will not trigger on spell critical hits. It only triggers when a linked attack skill crits. This is why you will find many Cast on Crit builds usin Cyclone as it is an attack skill and every time it crits, then linked spell will then be cast.


Cast on Critical Strike (commonly referred to as CoC) is a support gem that causes linked spells to trigger when the player critically strikes with a linked attack skill.

Hey Andy, I finally understood how the cast on crit works. Thanks for correcting my wrong understanding :)
Fealwen wrote:

The folder contains 17 links. These filtered jewels don't break the nodes that we are primarily using inside its circle.

The filter contains jewel numbers, and which mods the jewels should have. It filters it like the reduced mana cost of skills mod is always on the jewel and one of the 4 mods is the second mod on it. These mods are:

-Regen mana per second
-All elemental resistant
-Area Damage
-Elemental Damage

You can always change the mods it filters, however I suggest you to not change the jewel numbers and increase the filter amount cause GGG limits the amount of stats that you can filter. And this is the reason why there are 17 links inside the folder.

You can check on youtube how to use better trading if you are not familiar with it but it's fairly easy to use. You just need to click import folder and paste the link down below.

2:eyJpY24iOm51bGwsInRpdCI6IkZJTFRFUkVEIE3EsEzEsFRBTlQiLCJ0cnMiOlt7InRpdCI6IjEi LCJsb2MiOiJzZWFyY2g6VmRvNzlHYVNwIn0seyJ0aXQiOiIyIiwibG9jIjoic2VhcmNoOkxqVk9vZT JmbiJ9LHsidGl0IjoiMyIsImxvYyI6InNlYXJjaDo1d2d2YlhlY2EifSx7InRpdCI6IjQiLCJsb2Mi OiJzZWFyY2g6N3dKcFY3bkM1In0seyJ0aXQiOiI1IiwibG9jIjoic2VhcmNoOmw5WjVPcndTViJ9LH sidGl0IjoiNiIsImxvYyI6InNlYXJjaDphalI1bDdLU2UifSx7InRpdCI6IjciLCJsb2MiOiJzZWFy Y2g6bnY5UHpNOWYwIn0seyJ0aXQiOiI4IiwibG9jIjoic2VhcmNoOm8zdmdrUHd1bCJ9LHsidGl0Ij oiOSIsImxvYyI6InNlYXJjaDpyckVCV2R6dVEifSx7InRpdCI6IjEwIiwibG9jIjoic2VhcmNoOnlr NGc1ZEJIUiJ9LHsidGl0IjoiMTEiLCJsb2MiOiJzZWFyY2g6NndSM2VNNmZHIn0seyJ0aXQiOiIxMi IsImxvYyI6InNlYXJjaDpMalZPcDNHQ24ifSx7InRpdCI6IjEzIiwibG9jIjoic2VhcmNoOllQZWtK OGdVWSJ9LHsidGl0IjoiMTQiLCJsb2MiOiJzZWFyY2g6RXdwTzg2elU1In0seyJ0aXQiOiIxNSIsIm xvYyI6InNlYXJjaDpNbjdPUjhSaEoifSx7InRpdCI6IjE2IiwibG9jIjoic2VhcmNoOjV3Z3ZnRGR1 YSJ9LHsidGl0IjoiMTciLCJsb2MiOiJzZWFyY2g6OHc2bWxKWkhWIn1dfQ==

@tufferugli can you pin my comment on first post when you have the time

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