[3.25] The Lazy Nova - Archmage MoM Crit Ice Nova of Frostbolts with Svalinn

tufferugli wrote:
aimfeld wrote:
I've been testing the Ralakesh / Badge of the Brotherhood setup, since it's very popular. 66% of Archmage Ice Nova with Svalinn and Mageblood use these boots and this amulet, for good reasons.

I have 8 power, 8 frenzy, and 6 endurance charges, and there is potential for more with an expensive ring. I'm currently at 923k EHP and 154m DPS, the transition added about 40m DPS, and I lost 38k EHP.

The loss of movement speed is no big deal if you have a mageblood quicksilver and silver flask (onslaught) and haunted by totmented spirits wand.

It's much easier to switch than it seems. I didn't even make any changes on the tree. If you use Purity of Elements with a Watcher's Eye adding chaos res, gearing is not too hard. Most builds use Wrath or Zealotry with some more juggling, gaining another 40-50m DPS. Mana sustain is not an issue surprisingly, I thought Atziri's Foible would be harder to give up. I also switched out my Militant faith for one which gives ele res per devotion, to make gearing a little easier.

Here's my PoB, if you're curious about the Ralakesh setup. If you have ideas for improvement, please let me know: https://pobb.in/pFHe9V6SoBJh

This is by no means the ceiling. You could pour several mirrors into the setup, see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwvLl8aT1kY&t=1s

if you check his setup you'll notice that just the implicits (doubled by kalandra) from the rare ring (+1 pcharge/+6 spell damage per pcharge) make him go from to 150M dps to 240M...

it doesn't seem worth the effort switching to ralakesh/botb unless you have similar gear

After testing I think ralakesh/botb is a substantial upgrade even without expensive gear. It's cheap to try if you don't go for ralakesh with +1 endurance charge (but I think the 40 div for the implicit is worth it and makes up for the loss in tankiness). The loss in resistances can be more than compensated with an ele res militant faith. All in all, it's still a net 40m DPS gain even though I lost the 4% ele damage per 10 devotion. Your mileage may vary, but for me it was well worth it and has opened up new options for upgrades.
Last edited by aimfeld on Sep 3, 2024, 1:52:41 AM
Hello, first of all great guide and discussions! It made me post my first comment here :).

I am fairly new, played once during breach and came back this league so my knowledge is greatly lacking even after reading/watching videos to catch up on all new mechanics.

I started playing the double wand build first, didn't like the squishiness , then transitioned to svalinn by merging several video guides and checking poe ninja.

I tried to read all comments here and applied some suggestions and it greatly improved my current build, but even so, it seems the dps is still low in poe ninja compared to other similar builds (sitting on 1.3, while others are reaching 3 mil with better ehp.

This is my pob after I read through the thread :
Tried to configure it as best as I could, hope it is correct.

A few questions:
1. Is my current wand good enough to go for the haunted enchant? Next significant upgrade is over 100 divines(paid 30 for current one).
2. I went with zealotry based on previous guides/videos . Should I switch to wrath?
3. Are there any glaring mistakes in the gearing/items that you see? I am a bit lost on what could bring that massive difference in dps/ehp
4. corrupted blood immunity with double block while holding a shield are insanely expensive, so I went with one that has only spell block. I guess a few attack block tattoos are worth it to go for max block, no?
5. I have about 150 divines left. What would be next the next upgrades? Or should I just grind (even though it will take forever) for a mageblood?
6. Never tried ubers and my game mechanics are not that great. Would my current setup be enough for downing them quickly to skip some phases? A bit afraid to waste mats. What would be the easier ones to tackle for the challenge?

Thanks in advance and again, really good thread. Helped a lot in understanding the build better

You seem to have wasted 2 skill points with this pathing. Apart from this you're missing Critical multiplier on your gear.

On desktop POB your damage is 31m against Pinnacle Bosses.
Last edited by periperi2 on Sep 3, 2024, 6:17:21 AM
Thanks for the reply!

You seem to have wasted 2 skill points with this pathing. Apart from this you're missing Critical multiplier on your gear.

I need quite a few block tattoos to reach block cap and was planning to put them on that route as I still need strength for gear. (5 or 6) Seems cheaper to go that route than a corrupted blood double block jewel or a block implicit corrupted svalinn which are anywhere between 50 and 100 divs. Tattoos would be about 6 divs. If I missed some other cheaper way to reach the block caps I am open to suggestions.

Indeed missing some multipliers, I am about 429 multiplier with 78 chance with everything up. Can this explain the difference in dps that i saw?

On desktop POB your damage is 31m against Pinnacle Bosses.

Yes, but other POBs shown around here are about 80 mill or more.
The poe ninja default POBs show for me 1.3 and for others double or more.
Vudamsro wrote:

This is my pob after I read through the thread :
Tried to configure it as best as I could, hope it is correct.

hello! Here are some comments

* Action Speed implicit on the boots is very helpful to the build.

* We are not an armor build so having an affix on your Diamond flask that helps armor is a bit wasted.

* Your wand does need an upgrade before putting on the wonderful enchant. But you should be able to buy both at the same time. If you have 150d, you can probably start copying wands from POE Trade into your POB and see which one gives you the best DPS for what you can afford.

* The auras is a bit up to your own chaoice. Zealotry, Wrath and Purity of Elements appear to be the three most popular

* I can't speak to the configs you are looking at when comparing your DPS/EHP but I can help you set up your config so that you are consistent when comparing to POB's in this thread

-Add this to your custom modifiers in the config window

#Punishment averaged out for low life and non low life
60% Reduced Punishment Curse Effect

- Enable "Is Enemy on low life"

- Enable "Is Enemy shocked" (you can set this to 30 for now, but you will grow to 50 as you upgrade)

- Set Frost Shield to 4 stages

- Set Sigil of Power to 4 stages

- Set # of Non-Instant Spells to 1

* Add quality to Inspiration

* Yes, add Attack block tattoos to your strength nodes until you are capped at 88% (I think you need 4 of them). You have more the enough strength to allow for this even after you fix the pathing issue @periperi2 found.

* I would do the following on the tree

- Remove the mastery 10% of damage taken recoup as Mana. Remove one point from the Constitution wheel. And you will gain 1 point when you fix the pathing issue mentioned above. With these three points, travel south and get another jewel socket. In that Jewel socket get some combination of crit multi/chaos res/mana/etc/etc. This extra jewel socket will also give you more flexibility if you want to upgrade your other rare jewel in the tree since you won't be forced to get corrupted blood with block. You can be more open in your searches since you will have two sockets to play with. You can even help your attack block here saving you some money on your tattoos.
Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on Sep 3, 2024, 8:09:12 AM
Thanks @Andy for the suggestions!

I'll try to incorporate your remarks.

Edit: indeed, way better with the changes!
Last edited by Vudamsro on Sep 3, 2024, 9:32:50 AM
Decided to switch some things around. Noticed my EHP was way too low.

Dropped the Bottled Faith and brought back the Rumi's. This made me cap block%, before I was 2% short of capping attack block, that I couldn't get in any way. With that, I dropped the 2 jewels that were giving me block%, dropped 2 tattoos, and replaced the jewels with 1 Stormshroud, making me ailment immune and one jewel for DPS. Also allowed me drop Ail Immunity on boots, even though we don't have any good option for Eater of worlds, I went with life regen per endurance charge.

Overall I would say I lost about 10% DPS from dropping Bottled Faith but gained 20% EHP.

Last edited by ruialmeida on Sep 3, 2024, 9:36:40 AM
Finally hit 100 - Did 98-100 doing 8 mod deli ritual maps. Only mod I checked before running was cannot regen life or mana. Everything else I did. Didn't check a single altar mod before clicking. Died once at 98. As soon as I hit 100 I did Ubers. Died once to Uber Uber Elder/Shaper when I got slammed and wanted to see if I could tank it.

Genuinely can't emphasise how good this build is.
Scarecrow1414 wrote:
Finally hit 100 - Did 98-100 doing 8 mod deli ritual maps. Only mod I checked before running was cannot regen life or mana. Everything else I did. Didn't check a single altar mod before clicking. Died once at 98. As soon as I hit 100 I did Ubers. Died once to Uber Uber Elder/Shaper when I got slammed and wanted to see if I could tank it.

Congrats on the 100! What a grind it is :)

How does your build handle elemental reflect if you only skip no regen?

I was reading up on Shaper last night and the Uber version of the slam can not be blocked and it is physical damage so that must be dodged for our build as we can't take a massive physical hit.
Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on Sep 3, 2024, 11:28:00 AM
Hey Exiles,

thanks again for helping out i know the char is not even ready im in the middle of the swap and kinda stuck. Something seems off with my dexterity. I had to buy dex fractured boots to remotley meet dex requirements. Im missing s.th. and don't see what it is. Without the boots i only have flat 33 dex which seems kinda low. I even need a temporal carefull planning to be able to equip my stuff.

Edit: I just overread the attribute section, so i guess the low dex is normal and i defenitly need dex on boots or gloves to compensate?

I need new gloves belt and ring to recap my resitances and maybe essence spam the boots. And i guess a new wand with spell crit chance to cap crit some how. Like i wrote before i guess im screwed with beeing 93 only and have no idea if the build would work without beeing crit capped and missing nodes until 97.

So my priority to buy:

1. Missing gems / annoint
2. Gloves/Belt/Ring (reroll boots)
3. Watchers
4. Wand
5. powercharge kitavas
6. sulphur flask

My questions now:
- What's up with my dex, should i look for different bases, if so which ones?
- I don't see how i can ever reach chaos resist. Amethyst vs Two Stone Ring?
- Is the timless jewel the right one, i almost searched a hole day and checked every seed manually in pob. Is there a faster method?

Only have 20 div left, so wish me luck.

Thanks in advance, i really appreciate such a great welcoming community.

Last edited by jtntee on Sep 3, 2024, 12:07:39 PM

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