[3.25] The Lazy Nova - Archmage MoM Crit Ice Nova of Frostbolts with Svalinn

aimfeld wrote:
Has anyone tried the ralakesh/botb setup? I'm getting a mageblood soon and looking for some build improvements. I'm probably getting a 4-flask mb just to have all options.

ralakesh/badge it’s one one of the options i was considering.
i was not super convinced because i needed to work out some gear to switch to it (int requirment became a problem, res on gear, etc).

i didn’t want to commit before investigating other options, but it’s probably the strongest choice dps wise
mysboy6 wrote:
Hi guys, if 15 div and mageblood will be enough for a decent char to farm t17?

if you have 15 div, a mageblood and literally nothing else i don’t think so.

there’s a price breakdown in the pob section
Last edited by tufferugli on Aug 30, 2024, 2:03:36 PM
Dilbert wrote:
Was hoping to get some thoughts on what to do gearwise for upgrades.


Some notes:
1. My block chance is lowish, since I sacrifice using a Rumi's for Bottled Faith + 4 Utility flasks + mageblood

2. I allocate +1 endurance charge, and use a +1 min. endurance charge mod on my ring.

3. I've been trying to see if I can get +4 passive points to path to Sanctuary to compensate for the lack of rumi's, but it's not possible without major sacrifices to mana.

4. I could do with a better wand, but that would mean also getting enough power runes for another runesmith for tormented spirits, which is doable, but i wanted to see if there were other more straightforward upgrades first.

*The very first thing you need to do is change your Militant Faith. You over wrote the key node Heart of Thunder.

* You can sneak quite a bit of attack block using Attack Block tattoos on your +10 strength nodes. From a quick look I think you can cap attack block at 88% using this method and still have enough strength left over to run the build

* You could benefit by removing 3 points and freeing up one more jewel socket. And you have 3 very easy points to give up. Remove the two going to Faith and Steel (we have no armor to speak of in the build and you don't need the resists), and then remove the bottom node in the Arcane Capacitor wheel. You can use those three points to head south and get a jewel socket. Get one with Corrupted blood immunity as that will free up a very valuable suffix on your Quicksilver flask that you can use any way you want to help the build.

* The enchantment on your armor is actually lowering your EHP. You are replacing a decent amount of ES with a smaller amount of life.

Thanks for the advice. I decided to make a few slight deviations from your recommendations but it was a big help/

1. I swapped out my militant faith with one with the Heart of Thunder passive. Actually got incredibly lucky. After trying to buy a few at 50~div and then people raising to 100 div immediately.... i decided to just Divine my existing one and hit the correct nodes on Divine number 4.

2. I swapped 5 strength nodes for 5 block tattoos.

3. After lowering my strength so much, I saw that Iron Will was only minorly buffing my dmg, so I unallocated that.

4. I added corrupted blood immunity via a cheap block chance jewel and bleeding immunity buying a corrupted Anathema. The jewel could definitely use an upgrade, but I'll upgrade this further down the road.

5. I swapped the corrupted blood and bleeding immunity suffix on my flask with a spell damage leeches energy shield suffix.

6. I originally pathed to that passive socket location you suggested, but with the 3 points you suggested, and the 1 bonus point from Iron Will, I had enough to path to Sanctuary instead.

Overall, I went from 57/60 attack/spell block chance to 60/62 (but if i can get corrupted blood immunity from a better source, i can go from 60/62 to 65/64 block chance, a major improvement from the starting point).

Updated PoB if curious: https://pobb.in/u/Dilbert/K2vnywAFvioS
Dilbert wrote:

Overall, I went from 57/60 attack/spell block chance to 60/62 (but if i can get corrupted blood immunity from a better source, i can go from 60/62 to 65/64 block chance, a major improvement from the starting point).

Updated PoB if curious: https://pobb.in/u/Dilbert/K2vnywAFvioS

Fantastic work.

Please note that your block is MUCH higher than you are listing.

Your true block chance is 84/86 right now.

The in game character sheet does not calculate "lucky" for you. POB does though. You can see your true block chance on the left hand panel.

I've been using the build for a while i love it!
i recently switched to mageblood and i don't know it still feels smooth but not super smooth. i don't know what i am doing wrong, how do i get more dps etc
Who can help me build this build with a mageblood


Does anyone have a regex that works well for this build for T16 8 mod maps? I'm running those trying to get to 97 and farming T17s while I'm at it.
NVB43 wrote:
Does anyone have a regex that works well for this build for T16 8 mod maps? I'm running those trying to get to 97 and farming T17s while I'm at it.

I use this in T16 8 mod maps and I click every alter (red).

"!tal d|gen|rses|ur$|re he|eche"
Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on Aug 30, 2024, 5:17:12 PM
fubber wrote:

I've been using the build for a while i love it!
i recently switched to mageblood and i don't know it still feels smooth but not super smooth. i don't know what i am doing wrong, how do i get more dps etc
Who can help me build this build with a mageblood



I would recommend transitioning into the large cluster setup using Inner Conviction in place of Corrupted soul. There is a POB in the first post that has this version. It will get you more DPS than you have now.

Note: You have the custom modifiers set for the Haunted enchant in the Config window but you do not have the haunted enchant in this POB you linked.
Can someone take a look at my PoB and see what I can improve. Also not sure why I am stuck at 60% res on all of them.


I have about 70-100 Div I can use for upgrades
did a fortress after a looong time (the fortress video video).
the difference with all the upgrades is incredibile.

the boss went down fast

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