3.25.1 Patch Notes Preview

No gold buff. No thanks. Cya next league <3
A bit disappointing not to see improved gold drops for things like Blighted Maps... Even Blight-Ravaged Maps drop PATHETIC amounts of gold.
Since GGG isn't changing Gold drops or costs, we can assume that gold usage is balanced around the top 0.5% of players.

My /played is over 7 days, and I'm still struggling with gold, mostly because I chose to be a bit hipster with my build. I'm still farming T16s, mind you, just not 5-scarab 8-mod T16s.

Alch & Go T16s provides so little gold income that you can't even finish upgrading the town, let alone pay mappers.

If that's the balance you want for the league mechanic, fine, but at least dramatically reduce the cost of the upgrades. It takes literally a day of farming to be able to do 1 upgrade and still run my farm overnight. At this rate I might max out the town by the time 3.26 drops, and I play a LOT.
Please adjust gold costs
No changes to gold cost/drops is a bit disappointing.
no gold changes though? its too punitive. we WANT to keep our town rolling. i can barely keep it going while i play.
was hoping for other content to have gold updated/added to it so farming for it could be more interesting beyond making maps insanely rippy to get 10% more gold.

still like the league but yea ALL content needs to have gold drop and drop a decent amount if you are going to have the exchange cost gold to use.
Gold prices for hiring, refreshing recruits, and general employment needs to be cut in half. It feels like too much of a slog just to grind for gold to barely keep the town going. League would be 10X better if it didn't feel like I was focused entirely on generating gold.
All the complaining here i read are wrong and unnecesery things.. buff gold drop? More rune drop?? These are endgame stuffs and they are already bigg things in endgame so easy to farm them..
AcidicSoldier wrote:
All the complaining here i read are wrong and unnecesery things.. buff gold drop? More rune drop?? These are endgame stuffs and they are already bigg things in endgame so easy to farm them..
Mark_GGG 2012
If you put on your full plate mail, and I throw hundreds of toothpicks at you, you'll basically not feel it.

If someone catapults a whole tree at you, don't expect the Armour to prevent as much of the damage.

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