Upcoming Changes to Sap of the Seasons

Zero fun tolerance policy
Fair but pls make the mana burn stack also cap at 200 with it
No fixes to gold economy ?!? I dont wana Play maps all day as Job. Bruh.
IGN - Endoplasm
ggg you guys are quick to deal with this stuff

So why do you leave Fire Resistance Bug Armor in Standard League for that long time?

Because of this, the standard league builds are out of balance

You're hypocrites
Can you please limit the mana burn count, not the penetration please? And 200% limit is low for a solo character that uses this unique with its quirks. Maybe take a look at numbers again?
need more Gold drops, not everyone can run t17 bullshit maps
z1mbabve wrote:
Zero fun tolerance policy

Absolutely correct. The game has NO creativity and every time they have something good, they take it away. I need to stop playing this garbage.
Sounds fair.

Could GGG check of Shield Crush melee skill was supposed to not benefit from Tinctures at all?
Please reconsider the current non-interaction of Shield melee skills and Tinctures.
CheezyMcGhee wrote:
i think you forgot that its a GAME, its meant to be fun and no not everyone was like omg i have to use that aaa im so weak like brother its 1 chaos for a reason.

stop nerfing everything, something out of hand? well good, because you nerf everything literally every league anyway who cares if its THAT good.. its just a game.. let everyone have fun

I completely agree. Every single time they give us something they take it away. I have no idea why GGG is against fun. It is such a shame that they can't test things and have so many problems. This game went to Hell when it was sold to China.
even though I dont play this build, this is a very well worded and nice comms message, keep up the good work!
and now pls fix ground loot else you get the toucan

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