An Update on a Native Path of Exile Client for PlayStation 5

QQPQ wrote:
PaladinZeke wrote:
Will the Ps5 client be crossbuy with PC (use my Playstation bought supporter packs and so on?!)??
Or are GGG still against us PS players?

They are trying to get this feature in place for PoE2. And since PoE2 will be compatible with almost all PoE1 MTX (and they carry over), you will effectively get (most of) what you're asking for when PoE2 comes out, as long as GGG is able to successfully negotiate with Sony.

Ok, I'll would be fine with that, but PoE will be it's own game they said just a few days ago, so I still wont be able to go between PC and PS client on PoE 1 like Xbox players do, that it just lame in my opinion.
Well, hopefully PS5 client wont be the disaster the PS4 client have been since release. Tired of bad graphics, chrashes, weird bugs and so on...
Last edited by PaladinZeke on Aug 3, 2024, 10:36:05 AM
PaladinZeke wrote:

Ok, I'll would be fine with that, but PoE will be it's own game they said just a few days ago, so I still wont be able to go between PC and PS client on PoE 1 like Xbox players do, that it just lame in my opinion.

What are you talking about? XBox players don't have PoE1 crossplay either.

Any news on date? Or the current schedule is “mid-August”?
just a hunch, but I think this client is what's fucking up the game with PS4/5, it's suppose to make everything run smoother, but instead it is making everything stutter and freeze, makes the game unplayable.

at this point, there's really no point to keep playing.

GGG aren't giving us an update, whether with the issue, nor when it will be fixed, or is it even being looked at.

struggled the whole week with constant freezes and crashes, and now cannot even progress with how bad the boss fights are going, it's not even possible.

it's tough to have to vent/complain in every single post that's related to the issue, but doesn't even feel like GGG is "doing" or at least let us know they are doing something about it.

good luck exiles on playstation, lets hope the next league and please for the love of god POE2 gets better than this.

Any news when will be update for ps5? Now it's impossible to play this league, it's constantly freezing and it's unplayable with a non-tank builds, but even that dying on t16, because you stupidly stand and look at the slide show and can't do nothing.

I have a good connection 800mbit with Lan, but it's not helping. What is going with this league?

GGG please give us Console-players any information when it will be fixed? I don't want to play on a PC because I am playing on a console with friends.
Last edited by MrVik_Dante on Aug 7, 2024, 3:28:21 AM
I hardly ever have any issues on PS5. Sure, it freezes like once every 12 hours playtime and you get texture flickering sometimes, but that's about it.
I get a lot of stutter and the game regularly freezes for a couple of seconds on most league mechanic encounters. Basically anything that involves spawning a lot of mobs or alteration id visuals. I'm waiting for the new client to see if this league is worth my time.
Any chance of an update to your update?

Really hoping to see if this PS5 native client makes better use of our hardware…
I played the league for 1.5 weeks and realized that this is the best league in terms of content, but the worst in terms of stable operation and absolutely unplayable.

When I start Legion or Harvest, the game crashes 99% of the time before monsters spawn. You can't even go to Harvest after that, because I will immediately get a crash and freeze for 2 minutes.

Any fixes? It's not just me. I have already uninstalled the game and installed it again - it did not help. I play through Lan.

At the moment, we left POE because I don't enjoy the game. We are very much waiting for the whole team to get out POE client on PS5.

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