An Update on a Native Path of Exile Client for PlayStation 5

Does it make sense to monitor this thread or PS5 release date will be communicated in a separate post?

Honestly, if I was GGG I would only start talking about the PS5 version to the public at this stage, or even when the release date is set in stone.
Last edited by vancoder on Sep 12, 2024, 7:47:41 PM
Any news?
At this point I'm not surprised if they sneak it in with another patch, like they did with the XBox version which happend in the 'x.3' patch at the end of the previous league, and not make any additional statement about it.

I would also not be surprised if there will not be a native PS5 client at all this league.

Let's just say I have no confidence at all in GGG when it comes to console support. They talk big, but they don't deliver. And results are what matters.
superdreddie wrote:
At this point I'm not surprised if they sneak it in with another patch, like they did with the XBox version which happend in the 'x.3' patch at the end of the previous league, and not make any additional statement about it.

I would also not be surprised if there will not be a native PS5 client at all this league.

Let's just say I have no confidence at all in GGG when it comes to console support. They talk big, but they don't deliver. And results are what matters.

I'm with you. I don't think new PS5 client before next league. I even preordered upcoming D4 expansion (hate myself for supporting the season reset thingie Blizzard got going but better than waiting for this) because I want to play a game, not wait for it in all eternity. And with the radiosilence from GGG it seems they still don't like Playstation at all, so why support them?!
For all you who actually will play this on PS5 - IF they ever release it, I hope you get it soon and that it's an actual PS5 release and not a touched up PS4 version, just as buggy but with a little shinier graphics. We can hope right?!

Edit: So noone misunderstands me, I don't hate seasons, leagues, cycles or whatever, just how Blizzard scramble up the skills so nothing is really kept from previous gamebuilds... It's just a mess if you look at the talents and so on. And now they overhaul the entire system AGAIN in the expac. They have no clue how they want the game in the end... ;)
Last edited by PaladinZeke on Sep 13, 2024, 6:30:43 AM
This is starting to take awhile
GGG treats console gamers like turd.
Dear GGG
Will we get the PS5 native client this league?
At least tell us that?

Your original post stated that you were expecting to receive certification in the next few weeks…

Since then, nothing?

Can we please have an update, is it still in the coming weeks or should we abandon all hope for 3.25?

Also commenting just to say that I'd love to know what's going on. Cheers
Guys they are working on the best game ever existed till now (POE 2)
If they would have an relevant news they would post it.

Play something else for 2 month and come back!
juli87 wrote:
Guys they are working on the best game ever existed till now (POE 2)
If they would have an relevant news they would post it.

Play something else for 2 month and come back!

So you say they doesn't work on PoE for PS5? That they lied? If that is true, why would we come back for that??!! To support more lies and who says PoE2 isn't treated the same way on console?!! Makes no sense.

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