How the Settlers of Kalguur Launch Went

Aalandra wrote:
Is this a joke? I have not been able to play the game without crashing for the entire league. Entering maps, hideout, any zone while in a load screen results in a crash 25% of the time. And when it does crash, trying to relaunch the game crashes repeatedly as well. There are PLENTY of posts pertaining to the issue in the "Crash" section of the bug report forums, and nothing has been said or done. Please don't claim its been "extremely smooth", what a joke.

Wow, the main character is here!
The league is extremely fun, tyvm GGG!!! ♥
While I'm having A TON of fun so far - the crashes in Kingsmarch are bad.

However having a prequel (sort of) to PoE 2 right before it made me geneunly happy. Boat league AND us creating one of the towns in one of the acts in PoE 2? That made me one happy exile.

Awesome job guys.
Best League, thanks a lot GGG for this amazing game still improving over the years ^^.
Aalandra wrote:
Is this a joke? I have not been able to play the game without crashing for the entire league. Entering maps, hideout, any zone while in a load screen results in a crash 25% of the time. And when it does crash, trying to relaunch the game crashes repeatedly as well. There are PLENTY of posts pertaining to the issue in the "Crash" section of the bug report forums, and nothing has been said or done. Please don't claim its been "extremely smooth", what a joke.

Upgrade drivers. Its on you.
Apart from the really shonky console launch, naming your character wasn't tested?!?!, probably the best league in a long, long time.
Aalandra wrote:
Is this a joke? I have not been able to play the game without crashing for the entire league. Entering maps, hideout, any zone while in a load screen results in a crash 25% of the time. And when it does crash, trying to relaunch the game crashes repeatedly as well. There are PLENTY of posts pertaining to the issue in the "Crash" section of the bug report forums, and nothing has been said or done. Please don't claim its been "extremely smooth", what a joke.

bad pc.

Entire league? you mean 2 days lol. Relax
League of Legends
NA - Free Hooks
This is such a fantastic league. Thank you very much for all your efforts.
lovely.. all the best GGG
i want to subscribe
most fun leauge ever

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