Settlers of Kalguur Launch - Live Updates 🔴

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How many more Hours we playstation Player have to wait ?!

That really sucks x( GGG pls tell us how long we have to wait
What's up with the keyboard on PS4 not working on character creation? I even plugged a real keyboard in... wtf... If I didn't know better, I'd say you nerds needed a head start, cus you're weak af...
This is the worst poe launch in history, How can GGG have a game like it is where the first to do anything gets announced to everyone even when you dont want to see it, you are forced to hear and see other peoples annoying microtransactions and then when you advertise the release do so far ahead on playstation with a countdown timer and you have a MASSIVE bug which prevents consols from logging into the game I would consider that an absolute failure on the part of GGG, either that or microsoft paid ggg off to make playstation wait and this is the load of dung being fed to us as an excuse, either way. This failed start just took away any chance of me spending any money at all this league for support of the game, and im sure alot of others feel the same i’d even go to a point of suggesting no one on console pays to support this game league do to this leagues failed start, the virtual keyboard being the only way for a console player to create a character is such a huge thing it should never have been a problem, so huge it is almost certainly intentional.
Can you set new release time? so ppl can go sleep and know can start same time with everyone if its still taking long
HatoradeGames wrote:
What's up with the keyboard on PS4 not working on character creation? I even plugged a real keyboard in... wtf... If I didn't know better, I'd say you nerds needed a head start, cus you're weak af...

I posted about this earlier, i submitted a ticket and i got the same response back twice to use the work around that doesnt work on a console and ggg knows it.
They have PlayStation players in the ass… it’s important for them thath Game is going on pc and Xbox… because they are pay off From them… this is worst start league ever… disaster GGG…
ETA please.
I think they should delete any character progress thus far from anyone able to play the game, shut down the entire server and not bring it back up until Everyone can get on. Its a league start race based game and thus if everyone cant play no one should be able to.
It probably was not intentional although I fail to actually see how you break the virtual keyboard.

However. Guess I won't get to play at all the next three days. Thank you GGG for ruining yet another super hype league. This one actually looks like it will be fun unlike the last one which I played std because screw thay nonsense.

Anyway. Sad to not be able to start my character like everyone else is. At least it doesn't actually effect me as I did not take time off or have my wife take time off to start the league like many other people have.

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