What is path of building creators waiting for ?

If there was ever a person to hard code into POB that can't generate data based on their account.... it was this guy.
Maybe we should ask them to code in prevention for their account?
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
My initial comment was far too vitriolic and GGG rightfully removed it.

Thank you to everyone carrying on here though.

And to the OP. Your post could possibly be one of the best baits of all time.
I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game.
hmcg020 wrote:

And to the OP. Your post could possibly be one of the best baits of all time.

Trruuuueeeee. This hadn't occurred to me in today's culture.

10/10 troll if it is one.
This kind of post make me wish the people maintaining pob removed access to it for some people

People like OP don't even deserve the access.
Why am I still here
ArtCrusade wrote:
if anything, people are being nicer to you than the situation calls for.

I concur. I'm actually so tempted to make an off-hand remark, but I also know that Support would just remove it, lol.

I have my forum signature for people like that. :)
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Should be flagged and tracked to get pob services down. Guy doesn't even understand that pob is a community atm doing it for free.
Back in my day, nobody knew what they were doing. You just slapped on some gear and hoped for the best. The game is on easy mode now with all these fancy tools :)

There is likely a whole battery of testing they have to do before release.
lol all my posts got deleted.....yet everyone in the last two pages saying the exact same thing gets kept.

Oy...the luck of the draw.
jsuslak313 wrote:
lol all my posts got deleted.....yet everyone in the last two pages saying the exact same thing gets kept.

Oy...the luck of the draw.

It definitely wasn't just you getting that treatment. Would have been better if mods had just locked this one up, because all this thread accomplishes is bait people into making negative remarks.

OP seems genuine in his beliefs, so at least you didn't fall for a troll. Regardless, I'd still classify it as rage bait. Especially after some of his replies to the valid criticism he received.

As someone who took streaming somewhat serious for a good period of time I have to say the optics of this thread are... poor, and something to remember in the future
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.

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