Soo, what's your league starter?

I'm currently torn between KMQ's Exsanguinate, my MS Slayer and Pestilent PF...

Spoiler, Pestilent although got highest added damage gem buff of all skills it wont be S tier damage but more likely B tier. Still mechanically it remains one of the best melee gems.
Last bumped on Jul 25, 2024, 8:47:19 PM
RF from Pohx. I had a blast during this league so im gonna do eet again.
RF jugg for leveling then transition into ice crash jugg later on
hexblast mines trickster the one thing im worried about is just how much gonna cost sandstorm visage they buffed wands and made visage rarer
firestorm of pelting hiero
locus ps deadeye, or

explosive trap of shrapnel warden/elementalist

I'd love to play a warcry stacking pf but ggg doesn't want to fix master distiller, it would have been insane on slam builds
Last edited by auspexa on Jul 23, 2024, 9:14:27 AM
de99ial wrote:
RF from Pohx. I had a blast during this league so im gonna do eet again.

I was thinking about the same, going Chieftain explody Rf, the problem I have with that is that what can I transition him to? there is no CoC version like with inquisitor or anything like that right?.
Ele hit of the spectrum Warden. I really want to use 2 tincture points + the freeze node but that's almost certainly a terrible choice.
Warden, ignore the elemental stuff and just go for Barkskin and Tinctures.
For my skill play something simple, such as physical Spectral Throw/Helix. Just make up as I go along. Barkskin looks interesting combined with Flesh and Stone and maybe Arctic Armour. Just try stuff.
Thinking Glad but I also think block is a death trap (I only play HC). Even lucky block.

But I'm not sure I'm going. I am having a blast with Terraria at the moment too.

Would love to see block reworked to not be % chance to block but % mitigated. They already started to do that with glancing blows. Default shields should have a % mitigated on block mod and rare affixes should be able to increase that.

Block nodes such as Glad block nodes should offer a similar benefit. So block isn't a death trap which it currently is.

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