Content Update 3.25.0 -- Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur

I don't understand, what's a "melee"?
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart."
Wowsa, overwhelming.

I have some questions:

1. What happens to forbidden jewels that refer to Notables that are gone, e.g. Avatar of the Slaughter?

2. Will Recombinators in Standard remain (the rest of them) and still work the same?
GGG you ROCK ! You have no competition ! I will buy a support pack !
3.25 Patch notes state that Lightning Strike is getting an Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at level 20 from 163% to 237% but it already has an Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at level 20 of 225% as of 3.24.

So there is a mistake in the patch notes regarding Lightning Strike.

The changes in 3.25 should be a slight nerf or buff to LS.
Is it me or are the retaliate gems kind of shitty?

Also will love to do some townbuilding recruiting trading
D4 dead
Why the hell did you remove the totems, and keep the banners? The totems were a fun play style, the banners were just clunky garbage that were best used as an aura. Now they don't even function as an aura, it's just clunky garbage.

This is the single most disappointing launch announcement I've had in the entire history of this game.
Sheeeeesh!! Lets go!
While I dislike a lot of things here again, this league might be the first new good one since Ritual.
All-time non-streamer luckless dropless rewardless tons-of-time-playing non-TFT-er 100% solo player.
So, it just turns out, we were lied to for years with the promises of a two-storied one PoE 4.0.
All these worse and worse beta leagues, all these braindead changes, all lead to this.

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