Content Update 3.25.0 -- Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur

Hello GGG Team love everything was wondering if you guys have any plans on adding more wands skills mainly a single target bossing skill because power siphon is dead in terms of single target damage scaling after removing proj scaling wanders are now forced to use barrage.
AidonX wrote:
For those who did not read

-jug giga nerfed

- glad still bad

- berserker still bad

- chieftain still meh

- champion minor nerfed

- totems nerfed so that might giga nerf EA ballista play especially now that the nodes were moved to narnia

- to phys mitigation nerfed

- more access to max res

- defences to melee buffed but not really

- damage to melee buffed if melee considers doing as much damage as the weakest bow build counts as a win

-instant leech from vaal pact is back which will make slayer a busted unkillable machine with a cyclone build especially with a mageblood+parodoxica, but still not that much damage so that's the trade off.

- raider removed for gimped champion with worse defensives in barskin which still requires a 25% reserve and only mitigates 20% of damage on the first hit but only a measily 20% evasion when the player gets hit enough. Overall worse than raider, and a worse glass cannon than deadeye so even more niche reason to play.

overall melee winners are


Kings of path of exile as of patch now

Bow builds

wand builds

no suprise there.

My opinion, all GGG had to do was buff the damage, maybe do the thing with the banner and leave melee alone because ain't no way this mess can be fixed with 1 patch when there are years of melee nerfs to account for. That's a lot of unaccounted math and it s

I agree with everything you've said, but gladiator is pretty decent.
DW is 20ias / 20 block after buff, and now with talent, its 40/40 from one ascend.
weapon mastery is instant leech 20% with claws, and you get corpse pop permanently and 1% damage to rare/uniques every second you stand near them.

That's pretty solid and viable over a nerfed champion and jugg.
Champion got gutted with the dropping of the armor/es/stun talent, also.
Last edited by Thatsnasty on Jul 18, 2024, 11:51:33 PM
This league is gonna be enjoyable to play, so excited!
FOREVER plzz!!

i hope that i wouldn't have to said...d4 good or d4 better!!
i would felt like the end of the world if it does happens.

LOVE U EXILE!! once u r exile u forever be exile

Make me Stay Exile plz!!! POE2 WHENNN ,HELP!!!
that's a shakeup
archmage still broken op tho
Last edited by Covertghost on Jul 18, 2024, 11:56:01 PM
Bleed bow glad ded?
People said holy relic would be nerfed.

I cleared 40 challenges with it. I said it would definitely not be nerfed.

I was correct, as usual xD.
let's fucking go, login after last league.
im losing 60 mil dps from the gutting of hatred. eff your effing balance bull crap

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