Content Update 3.25.0 -- Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur

This league is hype af. Keep cooking and take my money.
Vortex of Projection: Now has 130% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 1, scaling up to 170% at gem level 20 (previously 270% at all gem levels).


Its the only spell that doesn't scale to the old max value in this patch. Is this a typo or nerf?
Why Juggernaut needs a nerf I don't get it, it's a strong class but other than armour stacker archtype it's not OP (even for armour stacker Scion is just as good), it's bad enough that defiance banner gone, determination and grace nerfed, and now you lose the fundamental node that definded you as a juggernaut 8% armour apply to ele hit dmg, there's no point to be a juggernaut anymore. Maybe accuracy stacking with some buffed melee skill, but berserker str stacking will always be better.
Last edited by TravisL on Jul 18, 2024, 11:03:11 PM
Again the cost of skills increases, more than doubling for several! >:
P.s. Without transferring the physical damage received to another type, I can’t imagine how characters without armor will live in current game.
Wait a minute, I know - portals...
Good Love this just remove MF forever!!
For those who did not read

-jug giga nerfed

- glad still bad

- berserker still bad

- chieftain still meh

- champion minor nerfed

- totems nerfed so that might giga nerf EA ballista play especially now that the nodes were moved to narnia

- to phys mitigation nerfed

- more access to max res

- defences to melee buffed but not really

- damage to melee buffed if melee considers doing as much damage as the weakest bow build counts as a win

-instant leech from vaal pact is back which will make slayer a busted unkillable machine with a cyclone build especially with a mageblood+parodoxica, but still not that much damage so that's the trade off.

- raider removed for gimped champion with worse defensives in barskin which still requires a 25% reserve and only mitigates 20% of damage on the first hit but only a measily 20% evasion when the player gets hit enough. Overall worse than raider, and a worse glass cannon than deadeye so even more niche reason to play.

overall melee winners are


Kings of path of exile as of patch now

Bow builds

wand builds

no suprise there.

My opinion, all GGG had to do was buff the damage, maybe do the thing with the banner and leave melee alone because ain't no way this mess can be fixed with 1 patch when there are years of melee nerfs to account for. That's a lot of unaccounted math and it shows in how much this patch shrinks melee despite the "buffs"
Last edited by AidonX on Jul 18, 2024, 11:13:00 PM
I want to play a lot of this league, please update PC controller support so we can use a controller in tandem with mouse/keyboard and avoid hand pain :)
"Melee Totem Skills have been removed"

Best thing ever
Overall great job with the MF removal, amazing! And hope the overall balancing finally restores chase uniques to their original scarcity/availability. Time will tell.

Not a fan of sending npc's on mission; and having map queue'ed that your npc's can passively farm for you while offline/afk. What is this, a mobile game !?

ps: Assassin buffs where ?! Champion nerfs why ?! -_-
Affliction and Necropolis are the worst leagues ever to exist. The current game design and direction is atrocious.


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