I Don't Understand POE Trade

hmcg020 wrote:
Aynix wrote:
I blame players and only them. Personally if someone messages me for a trade, I stop what Im doing and I go trade. Beucase I list items for the price Im willing to stop whatever Im doing.
You lised the item. You set the price. You are ignoring person who wants to buy item for the price you set. YOU are the problem. Not GGG. Stop playing victim.

I Disagree. If people respond instantly, then great. If people respond within a couple of minutes saying "sorry I was busy, still need?", then that's just less great. If an item is exceptionally rare, there may only be one person selling it. If an item is common, then you can use that 120 second window to move onto other traders. You're never going to control other people and making demands of them will only end up with you as the frustrated one.

What 120 seconds? Dahell you talking about? Someone messages you, you invite him, if they accept your party and enter your hiodeout, you put a goddamn portal and you go trade. Making them wait 120 seconds for the response is pretty much ignoring them.


The system is toxic from top to bottom, and it's that way because GGG designed it to be toxic, only they don't say "toxic", they euphemize it as "inconvenient" because god forbid trade be too convenient.

Wrong. System is incovinient, players are who made it toxic. Because of their "minmax" mentality. Cant trade now, need to finish map before! I cannot have any downtime in muh farm strat!
Last edited by Aynix on Jan 17, 2024, 6:54:49 PM
Aynix wrote:
What 120 seconds? Dahell you talking about? Someone messages you, you invite him, if they accept your party and enter your hiodeout, you put a goddamn portal and you go trade. Making them wait 120 seconds for the response is pretty much ignoring them.

Hi Karen, earlier in the thread, someone mentioned a two-minute window before muting, to which you replied saying it was a good strategy. I'm saying coming back after that 2-minutes whether you were afk, or chose to ignore it and then saying "still need?", is fine. I'm not going to always stop mapping for trading, and it seems you're going to always demand all players instantly stop what they're doing for it, even if it's getting water. Good to know you've never, ever missed a single trade request and aways instantly traded with everyone who's ever requested anything you've ever listed though. You must close PoE every time you go to the bathroom or even stretch, right?

Aynix wrote:
Wrong. System is incovinient, players are who made it toxic. Because of their "minmax" mentality. Cant trade now, need to finish map before! I cannot have any downtime in muh farm strat!

If a system promotes toxicity and exploitation directly or not, and that dynamic is a result of how it works, it's fine for people to call it toxic. It's a collective adjective, like how people call a community toxic, or twitter toxic. You can say "wrong." or "No." all you want.

No one can hear you poop in the forrest.
Last edited by hmcg020 on Jan 17, 2024, 7:13:04 PM
we can't have a legit trade system here because the no life gatekeepers will be upset

as they think part of the challenge of POE is spamming 20-30 people hoping to get a response.
Aynix wrote:


The system is toxic from top to bottom, and it's that way because GGG designed it to be toxic, only they don't say "toxic", they euphemize it as "inconvenient" because god forbid trade be too convenient.

Wrong. System is incovinient, players are who made it toxic. Because of their "minmax" mentality. Cant trade now, need to finish map before! I cannot have any downtime in muh farm strat!

The thing is, GGG could *easily* make it so that sellers could toggle their trade availability on and off without having to do it tab-by-tab, but they haven't. They could make it such that buyers can't spam multiple whispers from the same trade search results, but they haven't.

They specifically designed a system that leads directly to the toxic behavior on both sides of the trade equation. The fact that sellers have to stop playing in order to sell, leads inevitably to some of the trades being ignored. There's simply no universe in which that doesn't happen. The players didn't invent this behavior, GGG forced it on them.

That impatient buyers can spam multiple trade requests, with no intention of honoring them all, in order to find a single quick-responding seller, is not just enabled by system but encouraged by it; toxicity by design.

These toxic behaviors can be eliminated with a few simple changes, but they haven't been (and they won't be) because the behavior is designed into the system on purpose.
- here's my sig
Khallis wrote:
we can't have a legit trade system here because the no life gatekeepers will be upset

as they think part of the challenge of POE is spamming 20-30 people hoping to get a response.

I'm genuinely perplexed by this comment. Do you mean the no-life gatekeepers are the price-fixing bots? If we try to resolve the trade issues, then they will be upset because their market manipulation will be thwarted?

That can't be what you mean because the second part of your comment suggests how annoying it is that people don't wait even a second between trade spams to different people.

But then how are people desperate to trade, the gatekeepers?

No one can hear you poop in the forrest.
Last edited by hmcg020 on Jan 17, 2024, 8:05:03 PM
Aynix wrote:

No. Then list items for the price you are ready to stop ur maps for. If you wont bother with 10c items, dont list them. If you wnt bother with 100c items, dont list them. Simple. People like that are ones who is making trade experience miserable. People like taht are reason why we need to PM 20 people before we get a single reply.

If you could please point me to the rules stipulated by GG that this is how people must trade then I'm happy to support your position. Otherwise, this is merely your personal preference and the world doesn't arrange itself purely to please you.

Obviously from a lot of the other responses, people play the game differently to suit their own needs and abilities. That doesn't make their approach wrong.

An objective analysis would clearly demonstrate that the trade system is sub par for a lot of people and that's where many of these problems originate. Just because GG have stated a preferred position for trade, and arrange a system in a certain way, doesn't mean that shouldn't be critiqued and that it couldn't be improved.
hmcg020 wrote:
You must close PoE every time you go to the bathroom or even stretch, right?

No. /afk command is a thing for a reason.


If you could please point me to the rules stipulated by GG that this is how people must trade then I'm happy to support your position. Otherwise, this is merely your personal preference and the world doesn't arrange itself purely to please you.

Its not whether its a rule or not. People complain trade is shit and toxic and Im explaining why exaclty it is like that - because PLAYERS made it like that. You guys ignore trade because "Im busy mapping" and then you are complaining that trade is shit and you need to spam 30 players before getting response.
Want a change? Be the change. Its beyond me how can anyone complain while doing exactly the same what they are complaining about.
Last edited by Aynix on Jan 18, 2024, 5:51:00 AM
OP, you have to understand that item acquisition through trading is one of the difficulty in this game. Resource acquisition have to be inconvenient, annoying, tedious, and difficult. If players can easily acquire resources or items through trading without any friction or barrier, there will be no difficulty left in the softcore trading league and the game will only be pob simulator. There are price fixer, market monopoly and manipulator, hoarder, opportunist, people that have the item you need but keep being offline, people that are afk when you need to buy their item, etc.. but that is part of the game. I personally love and hate this system. I love it when I can be an opportunist and reaping profit from certain trade, I hate it when I can't participate in certain items trade because I don't have enough resources or capital.

It is what it is, if you dislike trading league, you always have the choice to play SSF / Ruthless, or hear me out for a radical idea, playing other game.
Seems like GGG could make the PC system similar to the Playstation/Xbox system
Honestly the trade bots are the only thing keeping trade alive, without them no one would mass convert portal scrolls to chaos or whatever.

Their system sucks.

It is basically a Diablo 1 trade website.


That is embarrassing.

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