Content Update 3.23.0 -- Path of Exile: Affliction

Can someone steer me in the direction of what exactly is happening with enchantments? On all gear items they can be on. And are those changes affecting legacy items?
Last edited by PhoenixFlame on Nov 30, 2023, 9:19:06 PM
PhoenixFlame wrote:
Can someone steer me in the direction of what exactly is happening with enchantments? On all gear items they can be on. And are those changes affecting legacy items?

Legacy items keep them, cant get them again in game by the looks of it.
Some of the unique item nerfs are quite painful but overall these patch notes are not as bad as o thought they will be.
Leave all the alt quality gems in standard we didn't spend many Divines for no reason unless you will replace all the gems with 20 Divine per gem you delete.

GGG you need to fix this ASAP before the patch.
Why remove alternate quality gems?
I love my Anomalous Kinetic Bolt build, it's super fun. Now it's being REMOVED. You're not nerfing, but REMOVING my favourite build from the game.


I don't think I'm going to bother investing my time in this game anymore, having your rag pulled from under you is trash.
Scorched earth! Nuke standard league!

League play, FTW.
Nevzat wrote:
I don't think I've ever been more disappointed by patch notes. Pohx's RF was the only build archetype that didn't feel like absolute dogshit to play and you fucking deleted it. I've played every league since Prophecy, but unless there's a transfigured version of RF that undoes this bullshit, I'm not sure when, or even if, I'll be playing POE again.

The build was brokenly OP.

You mean a build that could maybe cap out at around a tenth of the damage and speed of most other endgame builds, and maybe a hundredth of the damage and speed of the top tier builds? And also had to contend with frequently running into rares with a modifier that basically cut its total HP in half regardless of any other defenses? How exactly do you think it was OP?

Nevzat wrote:
Thank god it's been nerfed to the ground.

Why? There are more popular builds that are several orders of magnitude faster at both bossing and clearing. Literally its only advantage over anything else was having a comfortable playstyle.

Nevzat wrote:
Why do you think everyone was playing it?

A lot of people is not everyone. Everyone was not playing it. A lot of people were playing it because it's a more comfortable playstyle. It's relatively slow, doesn't do a ton of damage, but it was enough to comfortably get through most content of the game without dying constantly. Comfortable is not OP, it's just comfortable. This is supposed to be a game, not an experience in masochism.

Nevzat wrote:
Try some other classes out.

I have. Over the course of the 7.8k hours I've put into this game thus far, I have played probably a couple hundred different characters, with all sorts of different builds. I started in Warbands and haven't missed a league since Perandus, and I don't think I've ever gone a whole league without trying anything other than my starter. I don't try out nearly as many alts each league as I used to (partly because more recent new skills have been less interesting to me, but in large part because all builds are just a lot more expensive now for even low end mapping viability) but even this league I tried out two different builds other than my league starter, plus two more completely different builds during the November events. For the past couple of years, I've kept coming back to RF + fire trap (though I've built it a little different each time) because everything else ultimately gets boring or tedious, feels like shit to play, or just plain hurts my hands to play.
Fairgraves was a slave trafficker specialized in the kidnapping and transport of children. He was not "a good man".

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