Content Update 3.23.0 -- Path of Exile: Affliction

So, did Freezing Pulse just get plain nerfed?

Or did you guys missed on saying what the Base Gem will have for Quality instead of Projectile Speed?
with the changes to metamorph and such, what changes will be made to simulacrum/delirium rewards? flat out remove the metamorph reward or adding in ultimatum?
The past is a ghost that haunts you from the moment it exists, until the moment you do not.
I think these are the worst patch notes I have ever seen (been playing extensively since Breach league), and I've been dissatisfied in the past. There's no meta shakeup, do you know how long we have waited ? And no the gems don't fulfill that role sorry, stop coping.

1. League mechanic seems to be a mix between the delve cart and ghosting, meh looks extremely, extremely unfun. I need to follow some wisps in the darkness in order to ''buff'' some mobs in the map so that they drop more loot, are you kidding me.
2. The meta is NOT getting reshaped, people need to stop getting baited. The transfigured gems will equal to some of the helm lab enchant from old and/or alternate skill gems. In fact we lost boot, glove, helm enchant, and all alternate quality gems.
3. No nerfs to Deadeye, Pathfinder, Tornado Shot, Lightning Arrow, etc. Assassin and Gladiator still trash.
4. Ambush on the map device, Enraged strongbox still in the game, Crimson Temple still on the atlas... Another MF Deadeye strongbox meta.
5. Ultimatum, hahahaha. Did people asking for Ultimatum's return really run that mechanic more than 50 times ? Or even 200-300x ? Because it becomes boring and tedious real fast, and often you don't even get any good loot besides a stack of 5c... Overrated, rose-tinted glasses, mediocre mechanic at best.

I was so hyped for this league, like many other content creators and players, hoping for a real meta shake-up (true buffs and nerfs to outlier skills and ascendancies) as well as a fun league mechanic; but all hype is now gone. The direction taken by GGG regarding balance and meta shakeup is despicable, it's been the almost exact same for the past 2 years; same league starters, same endgame builds, same everything.
People need to stop spreading their ass cheeks for GGG to do what they want without saying anything.

I made the mistake of purchasing an MTX this month in anticipation, but I swear this will be the last time I ever buy something from your shop.

How hard can it be to significantly nerf/buff outliers skills and ascendancies twice per year, the exact way you used to do it in the past?!?!
Congratulations, you have officially become COMPLETELY out of touch with the game.

Just a lot of pointless complaints, this league gonna be amazing. Ruthless ssf btw
"The Divine Font at the end of the Eternal Labyrinth is now a gem crafting device that can modify your skill and support gems by turning them into Transfigured Gems, add Quality or Experience to Gems, or sacrifice a Gem for one or more Treasure Keys to open Izaro's Chests."


Why? Why would you do this? There's no way you sat there in a meeting and thought removing the pool of enchants from gear was the move.

We get to modify our gems with the lab font now? Why would you do this...?

Helmet enchants, glove enchants, boot enchants, belt enchants, all gone??

You just removed more agency from modifying gear in some meaningful way. This is a huge nerf that is disguised to look like you're adding more power with the new gems
🔷🔶🔰🌀✨Make trade like the Grand Exchange from RuneScape✨🌀🔰🔶🔷

Let us zoom out more. Bring back 32:9, Heist Alt Quality Gems, Gear Enchanting, Prophecy, Metamorph & Crucible. Stop removing content from the game. Stop nerfing everything. Stop making the game slow
Show D4 what meta-shaking is.
Exactly my thoughts. And the new base gems are not at all meta changing other than RF. They BUFFED many meta gems like boneshatter, tornado shot and venom gyre. All this does is force non-meta builds to grind labs for usable gems.
ㆍZombieㆍ wrote:
I think these are the worst patch notes I have ever seen (been playing extensively since Breach league), and I've been dissatisfied in the past. There's no meta shakeup, do you know how long we have waited ? And no the gems don't fulfill that role sorry, stop coping.

1. League mechanic seems to be a mix between the delve cart and ghosting, meh looks extremely, extremely unfun. I need to follow some wisps in the darkness in order to ''buff'' some mobs in the map so that they drop more loot, are you kidding me.
2. The meta is NOT getting reshaped, people need to stop getting baited. The transfigured gems will equal to some of the helm lab enchant from old and/or alternate skill gems. In fact we lost boot, glove, helm enchant, and all alternate quality gems.
3. No nerfs to Deadeye, Pathfinder, Tornado Shot, Lightning Arrow, etc. Assassin and Gladiator still trash.
4. Ambush on the map device, Enraged strongbox still in the game, Crimson Temple still on the atlas... Another MF Deadeye strongbox meta.
5. Ultimatum, hahahaha. Did people asking for Ultimatum's return really run that mechanic more than 50 times ? Or even 200-300x ? Because it becomes boring and tedious real fast, and often you don't even get any good loot besides a stack of 5c... Overrated, rose-tinted glasses, mediocre mechanic at best.

I was so hyped for this league, like many other content creators and players, hoping for a real meta shake-up (true buffs and nerfs to outlier skills and ascendancies) as well as a fun league mechanic; but all hype is now gone. The direction taken by GGG regarding balance and meta shakeup is despicable, it's been the almost exact same for the past 2 years; same league starters, same endgame builds, same everything.
People need to stop spreading their ass cheeks for GGG to do what they want without saying anything.

I made the mistake of purchasing an MTX this month in anticipation, but I swear this will be the last time I ever buy something from your shop.

How hard can it be to significantly nerf/buff outliers skills and ascendancies twice per year, the exact way you used to do it in the past?!?!
Congratulations, you have officially become COMPLETELY out of touch with the game.

Just a lot of pointless complaints, this league gonna be amazing. Ruthless ssf btw

Yeah, time to play Tornado Shot or Lightning Arrow Deadeye for the 50th league in a row, Ambush on the map device with Enraged Strongbox.
Affliction and Necropolis are the worst leagues ever to exist. The current game design and direction is atrocious.
Last edited by Senju_Hyoketsu on Nov 30, 2023, 11:12:38 PM

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