3.22 Performance

it's all about the july 24th death patch and the power supply has nothing to do with it, until ggg rollsback game, everything will continue like this, sad(
this high loading times are fucking anoying.
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
Aklex wrote:
Pc shuts down in Poe. I dont have this problem with any other game. Pc runs all day.
Tryed with DitectX12 DirectX11 and Vulkan same on all changes all settings low Gpu set on performance .I CANT PLAY MORE THAN 1 MAP.
I didnt have any of this problems befoare the patch.

Same. I can play like 5 mins, then windows force restarts, just given up playing POE for the time being.
Well, its summer and with the new patch, it uses CPU to 100% allways, so their PC is overheating, even with better cooling, like in my case, the game would still stutter, just the system would not crash...
I thought something weird was happening because I used to do blighted maps.

Now in this league I cant even see what is going on with the normal blight encounters with Cassia in normal maps.

Dynamic resoultion kicks in and makes everything blurred to hell.

Won´t be doing blight this league it seems
There is definitely something wrong I also have very high gpu usage even though I put all settings to low and I had never had this problem previous leagues with all settings on high
Guys, what do you play with this shitty league? Due to the loading issue, I cannot play legion, I dont see it, no rewards and monsters are loaded during the time, blighted map is unplayable and deli is not very good either. Do we go abys and? Delve?
Reibish wrote:
Guys, what do you play with this shitty league? Due to the loading issue, I cannot play legion, I dont see it, no rewards and monsters are loaded during the time, blighted map is unplayable and deli is not very good either. Do we go abys and? Delve?

Oh, did they fix the delve map crash issue?

Blight crashes for me (in every league), and thanks to the new patch rogue harbour takes 30 seconds to a minute and a half to load. Guess I'll try metamorph but I know people were crashing in that last league. Sad.
on 3.22 only, lag, CPU and shader spikes randomly, I tried every single available solution from forums, nothing worked.

The only thing that solved completely the issue for me, I changed in ASUS bios the Multicore Enhancement option from Remove All Limits to Enforce All Limits, as I overclocked my CPU before, and I played 6 straight hours smoothly as before.

Hopefully this helps someone till they fix it.
Last edited by Sync656#5234 on Aug 22, 2023, 9:09:21 PM
I"m having the exact same problem 100% CPU usage i7 10700k, and Geforce 2070. GIANT spikes. GGG need to patch this performance issue its hard to even play.

The loading to any areas takes forever also uses 100% while trying to just go to Lionseye Watch. I've never had these issues through the years till now.
Last edited by daimonxp#7517 on Aug 22, 2023, 11:20:15 PM

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