3.22 Performance

johnnylove94 wrote:
gromitromitromit wrote:
was sure my 970 was too old for PoE, but seeing people with 2070 and even 3060 taking a hit...
GGG, this is just atrocious
and no response as usual
what are you even doing at this point?

I have a 750TI with a i3 4130 so let me tell you your computer isn't the oldest haha

and you know after seen a russian posting here about how to improve performance (clean cache and several poe files and reinstall) I had the game SO perfect

I say it again, on a 750TI after cleaning poe files i had the game running well.

just for one day. then back to 1-5 fps, very high cpu ms etc.

we know it's the engine who make it.

they, ggg, need to put an option do desactivate useless ambiant visual.

for instance in delve, there is one event with some bears charging, and the game creates a lots of visuals of mobs and stuff, who doesnt exist but still it's here, like the ambiant on Delirium mirror. (or we could speak about the heist harbour with so much ppl on mtx that the area is awful and laggy)

Well, we dont care about how the game looks, at all. input something to desactivate all these visual stuff and we will be able to play properly and stop complain :)

I've done the same and the game keeps stuttering, freezing, etc. My GPU is a GTX 970 and it stays at ~30% of usage.

From what I've gathered, the real problem does not come from the GPU, but the CPU, judging by the insane usage from PoE. Mine is kinda ancient (i5-4690), somehow still decent for many games and programs. But this brings to another question, as of this thread: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3406424

GGG wrote:
Replaced Path of Exile's particle system with Path of Exile 2's GPU-based system. This allows more complex effects and offloads particle calculations to the GPU, which is designed for parallel tasks like this. This will slightly improve or slightly worsen particle rendering performance depending on whether you were CPU-bound or GPU-bound before.

I'm not sure how I should synthesize this info. That PoE's particle system has been updated to PoE 2 system, I can say. That said system has been enabled to make any calculations to the GPU, I'm not entirely sure. Like I said, my GPU doesn't go over than 30% usage when playing the game. But on the other hand, the CPU goes nuts with insane usage times. Does this actually mean that the CPU is the one who's taking all these calculations instead?

I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that the GPU is the one designed to make calculations to render graphics (polygons, shadows, colors, etc) in order to be displayed, while the CPU is the one that makes all the calculations for tasks, OS events, mathematical processes, etc. For example, whenever Path of Exile is loading a new map, it's not only calculating this stuff, but also storing files your cache so they can be accessed early when they appear again, thus enabling quick loading times.

But this happens all the friggin' time. It just doesn't make sense.

The CPU fans go like turbines as the CPU keeps being at 100%. Meanwhile, the GPU is chilling there like it's not their business.

I've tried many kind of settings: Lowering everything to minimal settings; Lowering maximum FPS to 30; Changing Nvidia's Control panel settings in a way PoE is always optimized to performance and not quality (which includes the PSU to basically ignore power-saving mode); Dx12 and Vulkan FPS are horrendous to begin with; switching from Ethernet cable to Wi-Fi and viceversa (some people suggested it was a latency problem). And guess what? Nothing changed.

I've been meaning to build a complete new PC (currently investigating about potential bottlenecks, slowly getting there) but there are people who reportedly have high-end builds and are also getting performance issues (Xbox users also say hi, by the way). So what would be the point, then?

What's even more irritating is that there's such a lack of information about the problem. Even after the issues persists for MONTHS. Almost no updates or news about it. At the very least, you could let your players know what the actual minimum specifications are. OR, place PoE's original particle system back while you find a solution.

But honestly? Who would care any less at this point. The only thing you're going to achieve -if you didn't already- is that your customers will avoid your product and give it negative criticism.
Last edited by SolaireZenith#5485 on Dec 29, 2023, 12:52:54 PM
johnnylove94 wrote:
gromitromitromit wrote:
was sure my 970 was too old for PoE, but seeing people with 2070 and even 3060 taking a hit...
GGG, this is just atrocious
and no response as usual
what are you even doing at this point?

I have a 750TI with a i3 4130 so let me tell you your computer isn't the oldest haha

and you know after seen a russian posting here about how to improve performance (clean cache and several poe files and reinstall) I had the game SO perfect

I say it again, on a 750TI after cleaning poe files i had the game running well.

just for one day. then back to 1-5 fps, very high cpu ms etc.

we know it's the engine who make it.

they, ggg, need to put an option do desactivate useless ambiant visual.

for instance in delve, there is one event with some bears charging, and the game creates a lots of visuals of mobs and stuff, who doesnt exist but still it's here, like the ambiant on Delirium mirror. (or we could speak about the heist harbour with so much ppl on mtx that the area is awful and laggy)

Well, we dont care about how the game looks, at all. input something to desactivate all these visual stuff and we will be able to play properly and stop complain :)

I've actually tried deleting files and reinstalled the game - no change at all
the only difference - now my fps is capped at 49, and before it was like 53 I believe
so no luck there unfortunately
i wouldn't mind to delete files and rebuild cache even daily tho, i get that sometimes it can be hard to fix things, but this is getting way out of hand
it's been too long at his point, and problem seems to be related to hardware combo too
it's just crazy that people with recent Ryzens and 3k+ series GPUs are having this problem, it can't be just files imo
very strange

will try a fresh install of Windows on a spare drive soon, just to verify it for myself
will post results here

thing i've noticed today is that my shader meter in game is constantly at 100% load
not sure if it was this way before
seems strange
happens only on Vulcan and DX12
DX11 is working "fine", meaning how it handles PoE in general - stable but crappy performance

my setup BTW
GTX 970
16gb RAM
So what's the deal? It's now 3.23.whatever and we still are having this issue, how about an update?
I never thought I would end up playing Diablo 4
And not because it is a better game, it's not. But because it works and doesnt fry my CPU everytime I change maps where I have to afk a few seconds until it finish loading shaders even if I go back to the very same map I already was.
You know what is even more frustrating? I play using GeForce Now most of the time with their fancy 4080s, and there are certain things in game that turn the 200+fps down to 10-20. I am still tweaking settings, but the one thing that really bums me out is I can't play with friend(s), depending on their build. There is no way for me to hide other players' visual effects, which I really wish I could do. It tanks the framerate so bad I can't even see the boss or most of the map much less be an effective player. If they are still or get far enough away from me, framerate goes back to normal. If I play by myself, normal. I tried on a different physical machine and it is the same mess.
rdhddmazoku wrote:
You know what is even more frustrating? I play using GeForce Now most of the time with their fancy 4080s, and there are certain things in game that turn the 200+fps down to 10-20. I am still tweaking settings, but the one thing that really bums me out is I can't play with friend(s), depending on their build. There is no way for me to hide other players' visual effects, which I really wish I could do. It tanks the framerate so bad I can't even see the boss or most of the map much less be an effective player. If they are still or get far enough away from me, framerate goes back to normal. If I play by myself, normal. I tried on a different physical machine and it is the same mess.

This is one of the reasons why I haven’t upgraded my computer yet! Even with new devices, so many things happen that shouldn't happen. Where is the goal? who knows? If you encounter the same situation again after upgrading, you will look like a fool!
Idont like to say that because i love this game.

But.....servers and / or engine sucks ass.
I playing on high end pc and still got temporaly problems with lags and grafical artefacts.

Chance on other good pc makes no difference.

Dont know whats the problem to fix that for months...
Last edited by BUMM_BoMM_BiMM#2599 on Mar 6, 2024, 3:48:01 AM
Since it's an important topic and I'm also experiencing the same problem with latency spikes, overall performance of the game it's just terrible and this is happening for months since the particule update, I will add +1 to post.

My specs:

intel 8700k
evga gpu 3070 ti ftw3
resolution 2560x1440p
32 ram Gskill 3200mhz
Aorus Gaming 7
960 Pro
bump, new league inc.
performance is still ASS, especially when joining a town, I hope I can disable/hide other players so my PC wont explode.

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